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Oh television how you hurt me so!

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So I'm snuggled up on the couch with my boyfriend the other night and were watching Family Guy....does anyone remember in the first or second season there was a herpes bit? A toilet is on the phone with this girl and he tells her he has herpes and asks if she'll stay. She says yes and then the toilet says he doesn't have herpes he just wanted to know she'd stay.


First reaction: stomach did a flip flop because the first half of this bit reflects what I have actually had to say to someone.


Second reaction: get angry because fuck you Family Guy for making fun of my life!!!!'

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There's more to my post but my phone didn't save it soooooo ROUND TWO!


My third reaction was to just laugh because it's funny. This was funny to me before because herpes was something gross to laugh at...now it's funny because the ignorant stigma is just plain rediculous.


My boyfriend sat there staring at me wide eyed not sure how to react even though I was laughing away. And why not?


This stigma can be handled a few ways. Embracing the ignorance will only lead to more of the same. Fighting it loudly and proud will make people think it's a serious issue that needs to be handled carefully but the stigma won't really disappear people will just be quiet about it.


Calm quiet information is the best way I see to fight people's hateful views. Roll with the punches as they say

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In every joke is a bit of truth... and when we are ok with the truth, the joke can be funny.


If we can educate the public about Herpes (and STD's in general) the stigma will be greatly reduced. Every conversation we can have is one more drop in the bucket - and being able to laugh at the stupidity of the "joke" shows others that Herpes really, truly is not the big nasty, junk-rotting disease that many think it is... ;)

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Yeah, herpes jokes. Hilarious, aren't they? If only the jokes were actually targeted at reinforcing how silly it is to have a huge stigma around a skin rash ... Instead, these sorts of jokes reinforce the stigma. And I love how you said it. Nice.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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