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After positive herpes blood test, doctor told me I was "fine" and have "nothing to worry about"

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I was diagnosed in October by my PCP by a blood test. I did not have any symptoms, I just decided to go because I had sex with a new partner. My test came back positive for HSV2. I was given medication that I took for only a week because it made me feel horrible! Anyway...I went to my gynecologist (for my annual check up) and told him that I was diagnosed with HSV2. I also told him that I thought that I might be having an outbreak. He completed my exam and gave me general herpes information (that I already knew) but proceeded to tell me that he "thinks that I am fine". He said I was not having an outbreak. He also asked me:

- if any of my previous partners have informed me they had an outbreak after intercourse with me (Answer: No)

- if I had any painful sores that burst (Answer: No)

- any other symptoms (Answer: No)

He then tells me that the blood test that I was given detects herpes antibodies, which means that I was exposed to the virus, but not that I necessarily have herpes. He also told me that if I have herpes antibodies that I can't get the virus.

He told me to practice safe sex, but there is no need for me to take medication (I was considering trying again).

I was totally confused, but somewhat hopeful that maybe I don't really have herpes. It does not make any sense to me and is very frustrating...I have not had any symptoms and if I did not decide to randomly get tested I would not know today. I am thinking about calling for a follow up with him for clarification or with another doctor because this totally contradicts what I have learned over the past 2 months (I just realized it has been 2 months today that I was diagnosed)


Please HELP!!!

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TCBL and Hopefull


I would personally go to another Dr. It sounds like your Dr knows nothing about asymptomatic shedding (asking if you had a blister and if your partners ever disclosed assuming that those were definitive proof of your being "ok") and the fact that 80% of people who have H don't know it because they DON'T have outbreaks.


I would try another Dr or Planned parenthood (they deal with STD's issues and are usually more up to date). Is your Dr an OBGYN or a Family Practitioner? If he's the latter, definitely go to PP or an OBGYN. Family Dr's are often behind the 8 ball when it comes to Herpes :(

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I'm so happy to see this post because I am in a similar situation with Dr's being confused or unsure of my results. 3 years ago I had now What I call "the scare" and was diagnosed with herpes at a planned parenthood. I had rash like bumpies on my bum, they gave me meds and told me that if it clears up after taking the round of medicine it was the H. I want to saw they did a culture but at the time the whole thing was terribly traumatizing and I stated drinking again heavily shortly thereafter so honestly I can't remember if I got a call about the results or not. After doing suppressive medicine therapy for two years I thought hey lets get a blood test and shockingly it came up negative. I thought I couldn't believe my luck and tested again and came up positive for anti bodies. My Dr said that the only way to know now is to wait and see if something pops up. Oh and to complicate things more now my newest Dr put in my head herpes zoster which is shingles or chickenpox and has been found to pop up near the rectum in small cases and can be misdiagnosed as an STD.


I feel paranoid about what's going on with my body because I now feel more confused then ever and feel like I'm mindf**king myself into feeling symptoms I've never had before. I want the negative test to be true so badly I think I can manifest the results. Anyway, I started sleeping with someone new and started taking the meds just in case. I just disclosed to him after 3 months if sleeping together when he decided to tell me he has STD #1, a toddler. He's not happy and feels like no one will love a single dad with H. I can't blame him but part of me feels like it's a non issue issue because I have had + & - tests that I didn't need to tell him anything. I was with my ex for two years we never used protection and he's just fine.


Moral of the story is, keep testing keep waiting keep living.

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Whatever 420,


That's just the thing with me too! I have been with my guy for 8 years and never use protection and he is fine. But since I found out about my H, I am freaking out all the time. I feel terrible and don't want him to get it. I got positive blood test showing I have antibodies for H and of course I am starting to get paranoid about it and last month I had a little red bump and I went to my GP and he swab it and did the culture test and it came back negative. So I am also in the same boat, super confused. but I have schedule another test in January and see what happens.


thanks for sharing your story!

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Seems like a lot of people are coming up pos for H. I do as well but I don't get any breakout. I don't worry about it too much. Some of my friends go through hell though. My problem is with shingles which is really painful. I think the shingles problem not a contagious issue but it sure is painful and not very attractive.


Good Luck

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I never really have a full blown OB but once in a while it is itchy down there and got one or maybe two red bump like ingrown hair/pimple but never really the painful so never really thought of it much either but just knowing I actually have one just really makes me feel down.

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My problem is with shingles which is really painful. I think the shingles problem not a contagious issue but it sure is painful and not very attractive.


Shingles CAN be passed to someone if they never had Chicken Pox - and it will actually result in them getting Chicken Pox as an adult which is pretty nasty at that point in your life. The risk is low if you cover the blisters and is only contagious when the blisters are active but it is still there...


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Also, Herpes does not always express in blisters - it can go from completely asymptomatic (no symptoms at all), to weird, tingly feelings,to itchy, to mild pimples/rash to full blown blisters. That is the problem with it. There is no one definite symptom for diagnosis unless you get the blisters and they are swabbed and cultured.


Herpes is a slippery little bugger which is one of the reasons that modern medicine has yet to completely control it.


Or as our Dr_H_Positive posted once

The word "herpes" comes from the Greek "herpein", which means "to creep" and refers to the ability of the virus to live silently in the body during dormant stages of its life cycle.

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I think a lot of adults have no idea if they had it or not....many got CP as very young children. AND many don't know of the connection between CP and Shingles (just like many don't know you can get HSV1 down below from oral sex)...


Lots of uninformed people out there ... we are working on the HSV1 and 2 - someone else will have to deal with Shingle :p

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well Michael Douglas admiitted to it publically and the Hollywood crowd is a pretty promiscuis bunch. From the casting couch to the cocktail parties they like to take advantage of their celebrity. Same with the music biz.


Horrible story about the young lady though.

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