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Here we go again!!!!

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So let's try this again lol I wrote this whole post twice already and my phone closed it out before I could post I'm just gonna start off my apologizing or all my hypochondriac moments lol I'm famous for always thinking or being scared of having an outbreak I've already thought a few times I was having my second ob and I didn't thank god until now I really think this time it's on it's way and I'm scared as hell I was doing so good now this first off a few nights ago I became real itchy on my bottom if you so to my last post you'll see what I sai about that more but make a long story short it was only in the area and only at night when I was laying down it wasn't waking me up though so that was a plus I thought I was just irritated but yesterday I put a little cortisone cream on the worse spot to soothe it I had woken up when my boyfriend got up for work an couldn't fall back asleep because of the itch it made that spot feel better but the other areas still were itch but not as bad thank god my butt is till really sore but so sign of any sores but then I noticed that on te side of my putter vaginal lip there is a mark it's not a pimple or bubble it's like a scar almost but I ne'er has that before so I think something going on. There is no pain when I pee though and last time I was in a lot of pain when I would use the bath room at 1st not too bad but I still could feel it by the time was diagnosed I couldn't pee at all but this time it's different I'm so confused and last time it wasn't really on my butt it wa but mildly I'm so confuse by the process of an out break and how long it takes honesty I never know if I'm starting one or almost done with one it's all so confusing to me and this is the weird part on my butt cheek on the right side right at the crease where my panty line lies in really irritated and that's causing me the most discomfort there is no marks or bumps not even redness if feels like rug burn but nothing is there when I had my 1st outbreak there was nothing wrong with that spot idk what's going on

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Hi Sab123,

well usually the outbreak come to the same parts as first time but it possible that the outbreak appear somewhere else too. Actually I hade the same symptoms some days ago around my butt underwear area, I didn't had any bumps neither but I had a itchy feeling so its more then possible that Herpes is active.

You not always need to get an outbreak when the virus is active ,sometimes you only get this burning itchy feeling.Now you getting less symptoms(no pain when you pee) which is normal because you got used to the virus and this means less symptom's.

I thinks that your body try to fight the virus at the moment or its because of shaving .

anyway be a bit more careful the next days , wait a bit with sex and then you will see. My symptom's only waist 2 days and now it gone.

´Chill out and relax , it will be soon better :)

Have a good day


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Sab 123


Hi, I know how you feel. I'm still confused about this too. I found out in December so it's still new to me. I get tingling in my butt cheeks too; hate that tingly feeling. My first OB was on my labia and the past two times I've had something (one blister each time) it was near my butt cheek/panty line area. Kind of the same area you referred to. Underwear elastic drives me nuts since it's right on that spot. It seemed one blister was healing and the other one popped up. I had just had surgery the week before, so I'm thinking maybe that's what set things off. I just hate that feeling whenever I feel a twinge because right away I start thinking the worst. Guess we are still in the "learning" stage of this virus and our body. Everyone keeps saying it gets better down the road and I'm so looking forward to better days. Hope your days get better too. Hang in there.



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Just wondering - any chance that you have changed laundry detergent and it's causing you to have a rash? You said the cortisone cream helped so that sounds more like some kind of allergic reaction to something...detergent, body soap, lotions, whatever???


If the cortisone helped I'd put it on a larger area...if it soothes it then it's not herpes, it's an allergy ;)

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Sab123 --Hahaha I know what you mean about being a hypocondriac, but I am starting to get myself into the habit of not worrying to much. I think something, I go and check it out.. but then if its cool then its cool...


Being a hypochondriac and stressing is the first way to live an unhealthy life.. it will make you physically sick.


Anyways.. There are certain things that I had to change.. Like I can't use soap or body wash, and if I do I have to make them myself so I don't have rashes or anything else. Laundry detergent I can only use one kind.. & So everything that I am able to use is strict !


And Dancer is right it could be an allergic reaction or anything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an update I'm doing better no pain itching or burning if it was an on I caught it in time with the meds and tea tree oil the only spot I did have once I put the tea tree oil on with is two days it was already clearing it was just a pink bump so I'm not sure if it was an outbreak anyway but I treated if like one and so far so good I finished 7 days of meds on Monday

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  • 5 months later...

San I am going through the same thing right now . One healed and another popped up next to it. Basically a pink bump. I miss having sex with my boyfriend ! It's been over 2 weeks . And it's hard to set up a classroom when my vage is burning and irritated from herpes and tea tree oil. Help. :(

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Read this:




Herpes gives us a great reason to learn other ways to be intimate with our partners.


And regarding the burning/irritation...did you try any of the suggestions I gave you to help with that? If you get no relief from any of the suggestions, call your Dr and request a Lidocain ointment which should give you relief during work.

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