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Is it possible to contract herpes through bath?

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Ok i got my ex and the two guys i slept with after tested.

They are al negative for herpes. My ex had only been with a girl before who was a virgin.

The guy after, we had unprotected sex unfortunately coz he decided to take of bis condom and i was too drunk to stop him.

A month after this guy i had sex with another one protected. About a week later got my ob. The lást one got tested in january, we had sex late november. He told me he had sex lást 3 months before me. So that adds up to 5-6 months since his Other affair when eh got tested. Def not him.

The one i had unprotected sex. He got tested beginning of december and we had sex like late september. That adds up to 2.5 months...and assuming he didnt have sex since maybe 1 or 2 months before that makes about 3-5 months.



Now the real concern is...i had an american flatmate lást semester who was a whore. She has slept with at léast 7 guys.

A week before my symotoms i got a bath and she had taken a shower there like the hour before.

Im wondering if i contracted it that way. Coz silly me i didnt disenfect the bath. Once she was lying on the couch and i accidentally saw her parts with panties obviously. But there was a part a round the panty that had like a strange big bump, but like huge, not like a normal pimple. Is it possible it was her?

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Hi Strawberry!


Short answer: No, you can't get herpes from sharing a bath. Herpes can only be transmitted via skin-to-skin contact. It can't survive outside of the body, so it dies on contact with any other surface.


Here's a blog post that goes into more detail around all this:


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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and may I suggest...... your roommate isn't a whore just because she has slept with a few men. it only takes one sexual encounter to contract an STD (or as we call it in Canada, and STI). part of our goal is to not judge and not make assumptions about people regardless of whether we agree with their lifestyle choices. if you do have HSV, it might be an opportunity to educate her as to the risks.

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