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Diagnosed with herpes a couple months ago.. Quick Question.

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Hey so this is my first post to this site and I'm hoping to be on here a little more to.


In January I was diagnosed with herpes but have not had a positive test yet because I showed up late during my outbreak and they couldn't get a good sample, but it was pretty obvious it was herpes. I've had 2 other outbreaks since then and am completely ok with having herpes, it doesn't bother me that much. I've been tested for everything else and am lucky to be clean.


My outbreaks occur about a centimeter above me penis. I believe this is because I may have fingered a girl with herpes and went to the bathroom immediately after because we were a little too tired and drunk to go any farther. I don't believe I could've gotten it any other way. Now when viral shedding occurs without an outbreak, does it occur where the outbreak happens or is it anywhere in my genital area? I'm asking because there is a girl I want to date who is fully aware of my herpes and I want to know how important a condom would be to use. It wouldn't cover the area where my outbreaks are which is why I'm curious if it would be that much more important to use. Other than that we are both clean and she is on birth control so that's why I'm asking.


Thanks for any and all responses

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From what ive learned is the shedding happens in the same spot, so a regular condom wont cover that area, maybe ask the girl if she's comfortable trying a female condom? They look funny, but They're latex free, and pretty simple to use, she just has to insert itfirst.. ( i havnt tried one yet beccause im not seeing anyone atm) but it covers her vaginal area, its probably the safest bet...?


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Hello and Welcome!


So glad you are OK with Herpes ... that's the best way to be :)


The virus can shed anywhere that the nerves that supply that spot are ... so it may be where the OB is or some of the area around that spot. Given where you described your OB I would say a condom won't help that much BUT as a Grandmother with a grandbaby who was born when my daughter was on BC, I'd say wrap it before you tap it if you are not ready to be a father ;)


You can go on an Anti-viral which will cut the risk down by about 50% or more.... this is especially important during your first year as you are more likely to have OB's and shed during this time. Don't have sex if there is ANY chance you are having a Prodrome (itching/tingling/etc) that may be your sign of a possible OB. The Female condom would likely be your best bet (bonus is that it doesn't cause either of you to lose sensation either!) to try to protect her with maximum coverage.



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Well, I'm going to put a smack down and a rant on before I dispense any advice 'cause I'm in kind of a mood tonight. First, "clean." Jesus Herpes Christ. Yep, it's about that offensive. Hate to tell you this, but you're not "clean;" You might have an incurable, contagious STD (read further.) Does that make you dirty? No, it makes you human, but using the word "clean" to describe it, well, it grates my nerves worse than listening to Carrot Top perform.


Viral shedding is tricky. You really can be shedding from anywhere, regardless of if you've had a noticeable OB there or not. Condoms and antivirals are your best bet to prevent transmission, as is not having sex when you are having an OB or going through prodomes.


Now, last bit of advice. Pretty obvious it was herpes? Nothing is pretty obvious when it comes to herpes, and herpes can look like a lot of different things, and a lot of different things can look like herpes. You and your girlfriend need to go in and get type tested before you go any further. You need to know (if) you have herpes, whether it's 1 or 2, and whether or not she does or doesn't. This is important and you shouldn't delay. Do it before you decide to do it, got it?


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i know that the most of the times the herpes OB are on the same places but for me its not that way.My OB coming always on diffrent areas , only on some more then others.I would suggest an condom anyway because it reduce the risk for your new partner.Anyway she is aware of your Herpes so you need to talk about it and make decision together.You hd your first OB in january so your body still build up antibodies,for the begiining i absoltely would suggest protection.


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Viral shedding is much more likely to happen in the area around your OB's ... I don't think that the research has tried to pinpoint exactly how far from your OB's the virus may shed.... shedding AND OB's can happen in any area around the boxer area ...depending on your first point of contact/viral entry to your body.


While it may seem to hop around at first, likely it's just that you didn't break out at every point of entry ... over time you will find you have particular spots that are where it will show up more regularly - I have a few on my mouth and all my gential OB's are on the right side of the vulva/lips area ... I've never had one that I can remember on the left or further back ... just about 3 spots on that right side. So that is the area I watch closely when I'm sexually active.


So your first year is when you will be learning how the virus is acting within YOUR body ... and I would simply say, be most cautious in the area of your OB ... and be mindful of the other areas....

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