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Got rejected... Only to find the most amazing guy right after :)

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I thought I should share my happy story with you all since you were so helpful when I was in tears telling you all my shitty rejection experience.


Very shortly after I met this amazing guy.. and I was horribly nervous because I knew all too well the possibility of rejection. So I waited about 2 weeks into things.. My mom suggested I get him to meet the family and everything before so he knows where I come from and that I come from a very loving family and all that. So I did.. after the 2nd date, poor guy. But he was 1) willing in the first place and 2) handled it like a champ. Anyways.. so about a week after that I decided to break the news. He took it really well and by the end of the evening I had basically forgot I had even told him. He didnt say much about it that night but I told him that when he does have questions not to hesitate to ask me. So the next day he had questions and I told him to take some time to think about it. Because from the first experience I had, I knew all too well that a good first reaction doesnt mean much. Its the following days that count.

So I told him to take his time and think about it. Then after like 24 hours I was like ok I need to know now...

So we got together that night and he told me that its ok and really doesnt seem too bothered by it? He said "If you can handle my busy work schedual and triathalon training then I can handle this" and I thought... well.... thats really not the same thing at all. But whatever. Ill take it!


Anyways he's honestly the most amazing guys Ive ever met, so thoughtful, understanding, so goddamn handsome.. and not to mention probably the most physical relationship ive ever had. So I wanted to share this to give someone who is like me 1 month ago... feeling like no one will ever want me, im doomed and I might as well start my cat collection now.

Not so! Theres hope.


Im now sooo happy I got rejected by the other guy because it gave me the opportunity to find this AMAZING guy. And made me realise how true it is how ppl say its a gift because it shows you peoples true intentions. I dont want somebody that just wants to sleep with me but doesnt see long term... I don't wanna waste my time with those guys.


Ii hope this helps somebody! And I apologize if I rambled haha


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Yay for you!!!!


See... that's what I mean about Herpes being your Wingman - it helped you get rid of the the guy who wasn't good for you at all...and it showed the true colors of this man who realizes that we all have things to deal with in a relationship....


Keep us posted..... doing the happy dance for you :)



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