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what's the big deal? hsv1 vs hsv2

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Soo.. a few months back i was tsted for hsv2.

I wont get into the emotional breakdown... but it was bad..

next thing i know my best girl friend asked me of sleeping with her bf, as he had a herpes outbreak either a week before or a week after i was tested.

first and formost im not a cheater, or a home wrecker, ive been cheated on and ended up with warts because of it so i know the pain behind unfaithfullness...

i yelled at my friend.. "how could u possibly think i would EVER do something like that to u?

Fast forward a week or so later.. turns out her bf had a hsv1 ob genitally.. go figure, she has hsv1 orally.. duh

so a few weeks after that i was asking my friend how her bf was doing, and what exactly his symptons where like (trying to compare cuz my symptons didnt exactly fit the herpes status at the time)


She looked at me with this god awful judging stare..

"Oh... well i dont know cuz we have type 1, so its different.."

I honestly wanted to tell her to go f*** herself. It was the rudest thing to try and judge someone based on the "fact" that hsv1 is soooo much betterthan hsv2. Ya right it is...

So far 4 months after my possible exposure my blood test said neg for hsv1 and 2

(Goin again this june to be more accurate) .. anyways..

shes not the only one who thinks this this, and if hsv2 IS sooo bad compared to hsv1.. and lets say i DO have hsv2. ...

Then why did jer bf have a huge 2 week long herpes outbrake....

and so far i havent..

I dont believe either hsv is better or worse than the other.

Just curious on why other ppl do ...

any thoughts??

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neither one is better or worse. the thing is that people believe that h1 being a cold sore is not an STD even though your friend manage to pass it to her partners genital through oral sex... for many many years no one knew that oral herpes or h1 could be passed to the genitals and there's still a lot of people who therefore still believe that H1 isn't as "bad" as H 2.


have you told her that it would be a good idea for them to get on here and have a look at the information and learn from this place or even better if she won't do that give her the handout so that she can see the statistics. perhaps if she saw that half of all genital herpes is h1 she might change her attitude :p

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Well apparently i slept with her bf... (which ewwww! Never!!)

Therefor we r not friends anymore..

so ur wingman theory def helped.. with a friendship. Even tho i STILL dont know if i have it. Im thankfull for it. Help me pick out the scummy people.

ironically tho, all my real friends are intrested on lookin at this site. So thats pretty nice

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Completely agree with Dancer. I'd say once your friend learned she gave her Bf genital herpes through hsv1 she's gonna sing a different tune. Herpes is herpes hsv1 and hsv2 can act differently with outbreaks I've read but overall exposure and care is nearly the same. Some people myself included take the silver lining of hsv1 being so popular in my population that it's a "Hey I guess I would have had to be bubble boy to avoid it." But I'm sure I'd feel the same as I learn more about hsv2 but it just happens to be a minority in my area of population.




Keep strong and rock'N on.... That "friend" Sounds like a real peach anyways.

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The way I see it, it only slightly changes the way I disclose. I haven't had my herpes typed yet, they did a skin culture but they never typed it so I will actually need to get a blood test. I have mentally prepared myself for HSV2, but I wonder because so many new cases are type 1.

Anyways, onto the disclosure.

If it were type 1, I could explain that there is a high probability that he has it because 8-% of the population has it, therefore making the risk of transmission to genital herpes pretty damn slim.

If it is type 2, I would throw out the idea that just because they choose to not sleep with me, doesn't mean that they won't come across it again, seeing how 1/4 women have it, most of whom don't even know. There is a good chance that the next woman they sleep with will have it, not know it, and the risk of transmission is higher than if they slept with me.

With type 1 you can use the idea that society believes it is not an STD to an advantage.

For type 2, I would go more for the cold hard truth

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