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i need some help from all u awesome ladies.!!

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Ok, so... after all my confusion with wether or not i have hsv2, doc just called yesterday, and blood test was possitve.

my question right now is wether or not im having a prodome of hsv, or maybe just some other lady problem.

in january, i had a teency tiny bump right beside the clit. Barely a bother..

2 months ago the perinium was itchy as all hell, and a painful bump about an inch and a half long maybe only centimeter wide on the same side that tiny bump was months ago, this weird long "protuding vain looking " bump (not discolloured tho) hurt alot. Was prescribed naproxen as well as a yeast infection pill.

right now i have a bit of itchy feeling in the perinium again, and a tiny little "pimple like" bump at the base of the vag opening...

no where near that first bump by the clit 6months ago.

should i by valtrex right now?

Doesnt make sence, i mean if it is an ob or a prodome i thought they show up in the same spot everytime???


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Herpes is really confusing. Some people seem to have a week to a few days of indication of an outbreak, and others have nothing then bam full blown outbreak. It really just comes down to learning as much as you can about you body and really paying attention to details.


If you have been diagnosed within the last few months then being on suppressive meds could work to your benefit. Outbreaks are *usually* more frequent and more intense during the first year. Predome is still an issue as suppressive meds do not completely take away the chance of an outbreak. As far as bumps showing up in the same AREA, yes. You will always get outbreaks near the are that you contracted the herp from. The exact same SPOT, no. It will be in your lady area, but not be the exact same bumps every single time.

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I get my OB's in about 3 general spots - it just depends if it entered your body in one area or several when you got it..


I'd try the anti-virals and see if they help - thats the best way to find out if it's an OB or not. If it doesn't help, I'd get back to the Dr and see if anything else is going on..'



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Went to the pharmacy, got the antiviral valtrex and hydrocortizone, so far 3 small "pimples"....

Just weird how that first tuny bump was by the clit.. and theese small "pimple" are at the base of the vag, q uhg and arrrrtgggggg hahaha..

hydrocortizone seems to help with the discomfort tho


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If hydrocortizone is helping it may be something else ..... it's a corticosteriod which means it helps with inflammatory reactions due to bites, allergies, etc where the body is reacting to something .... but try the valtrex and see if it helps.


And again, it's not odd to have a OB in more than one place ... the first OB may be only one of a couple places where the virus gained access to your body. These "pimples" are close enough that you could have had several places where the H got into your system when you were exposed.... or you may have even unwittingly spread it because you can pass it to other areas in the first few weeks before your body starts to produce the antibodies.

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Oh ok ... makes sense now.

woke up this morning super itchy, what other topical creams are there? Cuz now the hydrocortizone isnt working... and theres 4 or 5 bumps now...

The only name i remember is akoe cream haha




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That's basically the yeast free diet. I'm not much of a "diet" fan but I do know some people who have turned around a lot of poor health issues with it. Even just removing a large portion of the refined sugars and starches will help. Removing them all at once is like detoxing off a drug ... I'm not sure that's a great idea either :/

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