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Oral HSV1 inside mouth - what does it look like

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I have never had a cold sore outside the lip area. I have always been prone to canker sores, but this time, I got ear pain, head pain, swollon lymph node and sore throat all on right side and then I look in my mouth and there is a sore deep at back of my throat on right side. Its kind of oblong shape, whitish, I think....in a spot that's so hard to see.


Does anyone have oral herpes inside the mouth and where and what does it look like?


I am going to get it swabbed tomorrow; although I know I will have a doctor say, its a canker, its just too weird all the pain associated with it.


Any comments would be appreciated.

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From your description, Willow, I hate to say it but it sounds like strep. I'm a strep carrier and can not catch it, but I can transmit it to friends and family if I have a sore throat. It's a white sore/patch to the back of the mouth/throat area, shape doesn't matter. You'll have ear/throat pain, lymph nodes and possible headaches. It's going to be hard to eat, if it's back far enough. Most doctors can tell by sight, but a swab would be best for that. You'd be contagious for 3 days (they'll recommend no work/school). Good luck, and hope you get better.

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Uh - they are WRONG .


We have 1 or 2 people on here who have H in the throat. Go STRAIGHT BACK THERE and tell them to look up herpes esophagitis and print this out and INSIST on a swab for Herpes (if you wait it may be gone and they can't take a swab). And don't let them bill you for a second visit... they should have done it the first time around ... ugh. Damn stupid doctors!



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And tell them you were just diagnosed by blood test with Herpes ... if necessary tell them you may have been exposed to both with oral sex (sometimes you just gotta use the terminology to get them to do their job... don't worry about being embarrassed... they've seen and heard stuff that's 500x worse!) and you won't leave the office until they swab for it ....

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Thanks Dancer. Honestly, I don't even know if I have any more tears to cry. I am so frustrated.


I told them my partner gets cold sores and since I kissed him with one this stuff has been happening. They both refused. I even begged!!!! Out of compassion, why wouldn't they do one?!


You know what.....that's what I am going to do next time, tell them my blood test was positive and then maybe they will take me seriously.


I swear to you. I feel like my mission in life is to uncover the travesty of misdiagnosis from GPs, family doctors and walk ins. I am so sick of if you don't present typically, you are dismissed!


Dancer, care to start a revolution!!!!!

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Oh no! I know Its not strep! And another note...havent had a canker in almost 8 years.

my grandma gets the same thing only with walnuts!

I only said that to let whitedaisies know it IS deffintaly possible to get cankers in the back of he throat, not always on he gums or inner cheek!

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I went to 2 walk in clinics. I am in Ontario and I love our public health system, really (not to be political) but it really gives everyone equal access to health care.....only downside is you have to justify every damn test....I don't know if its like that in the states? But here, its almost like you have to convince a doctor to swab you, prepare an argument like a debate. I guess I am not as good as I thought because I haven't convinced one yet with my mouth sores which are inside. I get, they are pimples or cankers...no one will swab. Just damn swab it once so I know if its herpes and then I will know from that point on it isn't. They will swab for bacteria but not hsv1. I find that weird...why have no problem swabbing for strep but not for hsv1? What's the damn difference? Every time I get negative for bacterial....duh....of course, so then I have to decide if its a canker or a hsv1 sore. I can't kiss anyone ...it's ridiculous. Have a hot date on thursday and I'm petrified. What do I say? I may or may not have a cold sore,.....ah!!! I will just kiss and not give oral.


I am tired of rhyming off facts like yes, hsv1 can be inside the mouth, it is rarer than outside, but it is possible. Then they say, get off google. I get it! But just do it once and then I will leave you alone.


Family doctor refuses too. I have nowhere left to go and that's why this damn virus spreads like wildfire, no one wants to test for it! What are they afraid of?

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I went to 2 walk in clinics. I am in Ontario and I love our public health system, really (not to be political) but it really gives everyone equal access to health care.....only downside is you have to justify every damn test....I don't know if its like that in the states? But here, its almost like you have to convince a doctor to swab you, prepare an argument like a debate. I guess I am not as good as I thought because I haven't convinced one yet with my mouth sores which are inside. I get, they are pimples or cankers...no one will swab. Just damn swab it once so I know if its herpes and then I will know from that point on it isn't. They will swab for bacteria but not hsv1. I find that weird...why have no problem swabbing for strep but not for hsv1? What's the damn difference? Every time I get negative for bacterial....duh....of course, so then I have to decide if its a canker or a hsv1 sore. I can't kiss anyone ...it's ridiculous. Have a hot date on thursday and I'm petrified. What do I say? I may or may not have a cold sore,.....ah!!! I will just kiss and not give oral.


I am tired of rhyming off facts like yes, hsv1 can be inside the mouth, it is rarer than outside, but it is possible. Then they say, get off google. I get it! But just do it once and then I will leave you alone.


Family doctor refuses too. I have nowhere left to go and that's why this damn virus spreads like wildfire, no one wants to test for it! What are they afraid of?

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Ah - the joys of a Nationalized Health Care System .... it's because they have budgets to stay within and so anything that is not "necessary" (as per THEIR opinion) will not be done. That's the bottom line.


Can you go to one and offer to PAY for it?? I know you shouldn't have to but sometimes ya gotta take personal responsibility for your health when the Governmental system is letting you down. :(

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I am happy to pay....I don't know if its possible to do that. I will have to ask.


If the sore is in tact I am assuming it can still be swabbed. Its inside my mouth kind of oblong, oval shape with white stuff in it.


I do get cankers as well, but I just find it very coincidental it comes with ear, neck, head pain on the same side it came.


Strep results come in afew days andI anticipate it will be negative. Then they'll say, it's viral and I'll say no fucking kidding!

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OMG, I just took my daughter to walk in (ear infection), anyway, I asked the doctor there (new doctor today) to swab and he had no problem with it...swabbed for HSV. Only problem is, he didn't burst it so I don't know if that's good enough of just getting a good rub on it. I asked him to burst it, but he didn't. Said it didn't look like HSV b/c usually outside of mouth. Anyway, this could very well be a canker but it was weird how I had my usual head, neck, ear pain with it and now tingling on chin. Will post results when I get them in a couple of weeks.

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Well, glad you got the swab but next time (sorry about the all caps) TAKE THE ARTICLE WITH YOU so they get it that Herpes *can* exist there and you are getting the same prodromal symptoms with this as H so you just want to make sure... not sure you will get a proper result if he didn't break it open..... *sigh*

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I know! I know! about everything you said.


Honestly, I tried to get him to break it open....why is this soooo difficult?!?!?!? Why are all the doctors sooooo combative or misinformed or I don't know what the word is.....ignorant!!!!


Well, he vigorously swabbed it so hopefully, but you are right and my negative result will not provide me wiht any answers as there will be doubt.



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OK...so the latest is I now have swollen lymph nodes on the right side of my neck (the same side where the sore appeared or canker or whatever).


There are 4 hard lymph nodes that are swollen and painful to touch that just appeared all of a sudden.


When anyone gets cold sores, do they get swollen lymph nodes? Or maybe this is strep? I am scared. I have never had this before.


Tomorrow is a holiday in Canada, no walk ins open. I don't want to go to the hospital, but this is ridiculous!

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@whitedaisies, if it bothering u that much, hospital tmorrow may not be a bad idea, i dont know if it would help or make worse, but if i get cankers.. or a sore throaght i gargle warm salt water (table or sea). But if it is strep, i havent a clue if salt water is good or not.

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I never recall getting swollen lymph nodes with canker sores ... when is your Strep test meant to come back - I thought they came back in 1-2 days???


I agree with @willow - if it's that bad, go to the ER. And she's right about the salt water gargles ... but I'd use sea salt if you can...it has more useful minerals and such in it that often help to balance the area....

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Opted out of hospital...sick of doctors....I should have my results tomorrow for strep.


Would cold sores inside mouth give swollen lymph nodes if its recurring?


Anyway, looks like my body goes haywire with this virus and I'm doing the lysiene, vitamin C, antivirals, vitamin B, resting, therapy....ahhhhh!


Anyway, thank you ladies for your support I will let you know what comes of this.


Using the salt water gargle too.

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