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Dropping in to say hi

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Hi everyone. I have 3 inboxes full of emails right now so I thought I'd just put a note up on the forum as a band-aid, and I promise I'll get back to everyone when I have 3 seconds to breathe sometime in the next week or two.


First, there are a lot of rumors circulating and so I thought I'd dispel just a few of them. No, I have not run off and joined the circus. It is a nice thought, but I don't quite have the courage to share a bed with the bearded lady or the cadre of midgets that seems to float around carnies these days. I also have a strong aversion to clowns.


No, I have not found a love interest and run off with her. Plausible, but alas, sadly not the case. I wish it was because right now my you-know-what's are as blue as a Smurf. Plus, some intimacy and fabulous conversation would be greatly appreciated.


No, I have not been abducted by aliens, I am not wasting away in Margaritaville, and I have not disappeared into a South American jungle and changed my name. I have also not been drafted into the French Foreign Legion, I have not suffered a horrific skiball incident, and, no, I have not fallen into a coffee induced coma.


I have however been dealing with 2 rather serious family/personal crises, and an OB YAY! :( These made me very cranky. I was so cranky that grumpy ole' men in nursing homes refused to speak with me. Imagine Walter Mathau with a stick up his arse and it's a pretty good summation of my state of mind this month.


Plus, I am simply writing. I'm very busy writing. 80 hours a week of...writing. It's been a very busy month that has seen me working on 6 short books about H, plus about 400 articles for editors who haven't quite grasped the phrase "I'm busy, leave me alone, and no, I can't get a 3 page piece on the mating habits of Peruvian fruit flies researched and written in the next 45 minutes." The only good news is that I'm finally getting caught up and getting back on a regular schedule.


In regard to the personal stories I was collecting about the personal tales on living with H that I'm writing, I have decided to put publication of that book back a couple of months into the fall. It's about 1/3 done, but there are so many other time sensitive projects I'm working on that I wanted to push it back until my plate is a little more free and I can dedicate more time to that specific project.


So, in conclusion, I'm ok. I haven't suffered a nervous breakdown (amazingly), I'm not dead, and while I pray every day for an alien abduction (ET, please return my call), I simply find myself sitting in front of my keyboard typing 80 words a minute just trying to keep up.


Hope everyone's doing well. I'm looking forward to August when I'll have more time to be back on the forum.





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