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I can't tell that if i am having a herpes outbreak or not :(

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Hello friends,


I have herps for more than 2 years now. I always get my outbreaks quite mildjust little itchy! But latetly i feel like iam having reallly mild obs or prodromes. Actually, I am fine with the herpes thing but its been almost 2 mos now that i havent had sexwith my bf who i believestill negative.. Whenever he comesi feel like i am having obs or prodrom


This time i found three pimpleish like spots close to eachother on my inner thigh. No itch, no pain. Its hurting little if i press on it kind a feel like pimple-reddish. I know its impossible to diagnose from the internet. Maybe you could give me some relief guys :((( pleaseee i fedl like i am a walking giant virus :(

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Hey Pollyanna (our sister all the way from Turkey)!


You're right that it's hard for us to give you definitive advice on this. And even if we could see it up-close and personal, we wouldn't be able to give you an answer. ;)


Best thing to do is to get yourself to the clinic while the outbreak is still happening so that you can get the area swabbed. That will give you a definitive answer. Sometimes rashes and such are mistaken for herpes outbreaks because we are that much more vigilant (and rightfully so) around noticing anything out of the ordinary down there.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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I know butin mh country i can reach outthe clinic easily and get swabbed. If they swab me and i have to wait for 10days for results :(


I have been ob freefor 1year and lately i getting obs back to back whats wrong with me? Do u think virus could immune to valtrex? Its been 2 years thati have using it pls give me some advice i how can i rcgonize hrpes cause my obs were always mild now i dont grt any sypmtoms :(

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You don't normally get the results in less than a week pretty much anywhere because they have to row a culture to see if they can find the antibodies as I understand it...either way, it takes at least a week wherever you are for a swab result to come back.


The virus won't become "immune" to the Valtrex. Odds are something has changed in your system - stress, diet, hormones, other triggers like sunlight or pants rubbing and irritating the area.


You can try the following to see if they help to make the OB's go away faster .... and get to a clinic when you get the next "pimple" and see if they can get enough from it for a swab, ok?


Suggestions to reduce the length and intensity of OB's or prevent them:


Go Commando as much as possible - getting air to the area can help to dry it out more quickly


Reduce stress as much as possible - Herpes feeds off stress!!! It can become a good barometer for you that your body needs attention in some form or other


Look up Trigger Foods/triggers on here in the FAQ and search bar - lots of topics on them ... the main foods are chocolate and nuts but you want to learn about the Lysine/Argenine balance that can help keep Herpes under control


Epsom Salts baths can do wonders for some. Sit in the bath and dump a few handfuls of the salts right between your legs. Relax and let the salts do their thing then get out and dry off, finishing with a blow drier set on low heat to really get the area dry.


These 4 things seem to do the most help for the most people. Aloe Vera CREAM (make sure ALOE is one of the first ingredients and there isn't a bunch of other crap like petroleum and if it has glycerine, it's AFTER the Aloe in the ingredients .. go to a Health food store for your best chance of getting a good product) or Zinc cream may help during the day to keep it from sticking and help relieve the pain ..


Also: Gold Bond Spray powder - right after exercising/hot showers/etc. Supposedly really cools the area ;)




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Thaaank you very much. Food or alcohol never triggered my obs. I believe stress has a big affect on it which i have been very stressful due to my big exam to being a public teacher. Alsoi believe heat makes my thighs sweats alot so could be that. I am trying to keep my H- bf and thats make me stressful too. Everything that u said hard to find in Turkey. But i can grow a aleovera plant easily and i have desitin purple tube which helps alot.


Actually i believe i was having a mild obs because after putting desitin on it, pimples scabbed over. Lately i feel like i am having a constant obs which i didnt have it for almost a year. I have been using valtrex since day one.


I have never had a aggresive outbreak..it was always mild but itchy on firstday with muscles aches in left leg. But now sypmtoms gone and obs are coming in silent. Because of this i push my bf away because i dont want him to get it. I know there is always risk but i like to think i did my best and keep him out of it :( sorry for the bother you both. I just sick of tired not getting intimacy with bf cause of this. He accepts it but i believe i still couldnt



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So find other ways to be intimate! Herpes can bring you closer because it forces us to not always have intercourse ... but there are soooo many other ways to play and be close. Look up Tantric Sex. Get toys. Find some way to "play" ... whether it be role-play, whatever. Don't keep pushing him away.... invite him to find other ways to please you and you him, ok?




And *try* to get one of them swabbed if possible - there are several kinds of "pimples" that can occur down there and it would be a shame if you are missing out for that reason. The fact that the Desitin cleared it up quickly makes me think it's a bacterial issue :/

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I just went to my gyno since I thought I had an outbreak since I felt a bump down there but my gyno said the lesions are distinct, it's not a bump but will look like tiny cuts. He seemed annoyed of my false alarm but it was a good learning lesson (recently diagnosed).

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Can I ask why do these doctors get so annoyed that we want confirmation of whether something is or isn't herpes? Isn't it their responsibility as well as ours to make sure we don't transmit the virus? How else are we to learn about how the virus manifess itself in our bodies than to get a swab?


Never be embarrassed or let any dr humiliate u b u want assurance of whether its am outbreak or not!!!! I had constant humiliation from drs for 8 months as I got no typical sores and most of the time none would swab. I finally got a blood test result positive to prove to them I have herpes. Maybe they will listen to me now?


Be confident in ur choice to visit ur dr. I commend u for ur sense of responsibility.


Kudos to u!!!

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OB's can present as blisters, cankers, "papercuts", and hard "pimples" that never head up. Bet your Dr is a GP ... they are HORRIDLY out of touch with the reality of H.


The problem is that unless they have fluid in them there is no way to confirm that they are OB's.


You may want to find an Infectious Disease specialist or Urologist for your H questions, or go to an STD clinic or Planned Parenthood.... NOT a GP ;)

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Ugh I hate the word paranoid....forgive me but it's derogatory an dpeople called me that for 8 months bc I was atypical.


So I tend to disagree based on my experience. Herpes is a difficult thing to deal with emotionally and physically and everyone manifests the virus differently....it is really hard to know what is herpes and what isn't especially at the beginning.


So yes we have to balance being overly concerned and letting the symptoms consume us but we also need to educate outsells about our body and we need the doctors help with that sometimes.



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Hi @whitedaisies, I wasn't accusing anyone of being paranoid I was saying that we shouldn't be... I have OCD as well as hsv and tend to think worst case scenario about everything!


I know H is a tough battle emotionally and physically so I'm on the same page there but to reiterate not everything is down to HSV just because we have it, there's are many things that can be going on with our bodies!


Sorry you have had such a bad experience with health care professionals! :(

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I am happy with my health, life and everythin except herpes. It doesn't bother me phsically cause its always mild but the idea of transmission that I hate.


Maybe I will have a mild obs all my life but I can't know that if my bf transmit, he could affect by hard? This idea is making me sick!!


In my country, its impossible to find a doctor with herpes education. I sometimes feel like I am the second person who has herpes. First one is my ex! lol.





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Thank you very much sweety. I went to the doctor and he said its look like chub-rub. My both inner thighs affected with it. And it was lots of heat in my city lately plus humudity. He gave me some oil plus medical shampoo for bacterial infection and its started to heal. its almost look like my regular skin except its sooo dry right now..

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