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I just found out I have herpes. and I have lots of questions. please help

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Okay so I was diagnosed with genital herpes about 3 weeks ago on my first outbreak. It lasted two weeks so I've been clear of my sores for a week now. I can say that I do feel more like myself now. I've been with my boyfriend for two years now and this all happened because we had oral sex while he had a cold sore. After being clear of sores for a week, my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex last night. And it was very painful. First question: was it normal for sex to be painful? I mean I waited 3 weeks for sex my boyfriend and I usually had sex 5 to 6 times a week so I felt sexually frustrated and I was very horny yet I WAS worried for him the whole time which leads to my second question: is he going to be okay? What are the chances that I passed it on to him? My doctor told me that since I only have the first stage of herpes it wouldn't be as easy to infect my partner. I'm worried for him. Also I'm having a really hard time trying to cope with this. I never would've thought something like this could happen to me.

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First - hello and welcome!


So yes - the skin is still healing even tho the scabs/sores are gone. Use lots of lube and go slow ... rough sex may be out for a little while until you finish healing. Worrying will keep you from relaxing too... he already has the antibodies to H1 so that will help to protect him from getting it genitally from you. If you are that concerned you may want to go on antivirals (esp for the first 6 months while your body gets it under control) to help reduce OB's.


The problem is that we are not told that "cold sores" can transfer "down there" so people think that oral sex is safe.... when 80% of the population has oral herpes. 50% of all new cases of genital herpes are from H1 from oral sex. Until we can get the CDC to see that their "no testing, no education policy" isn't working, we will continue to have people like you joining our forum every day :(


The good thing is that in reality, this is a nuisance skin condition in a really inconvenient place ... once you are adjusted to it. I'm a 35 yr veteran and it's really not a big deal for me..... give it time ... you are new to it all.


This is a great place to ask questions, rant, etc. come here as much as you want! We are here for you :)



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Yes it is sad that people are misinformed. A lot of people tell me that it is gross that I have herpes, but most of them have cold sores. They don't know that what they have is HSV-1. It is not that bad, now that I have taken it in. We are trying to educate our people. I feel like we should all be educated about what WE HAVE, and what is going on around us.


Like she said it is normal for it to hurt, because your skin is still healing. Luckily I never have gone through pain after an OB.


Go on antivirals, or some L-Lysine. I take 1000 mg a day. It helps your immune system build up immunities. Not only to Herpes, but helps you support a healthy immune system period. I have had less OB's and have been getting sick less ever since I have been on L-Lysine.

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@WCSDancer2010 oh my God I really didn't think anyone would respond to my post. You have no idea what a great help you were and how appreciative I am for your help. Thank you SOOOOO MUCH :-)

Yes I feel that at a younger age I would've been more informed and prepared for herpes yet I was only taught about things such as HIV and gonorrhea, chlamydia etc. Never really about herpes. I never even knew that cold sores were herpes! Until 3 weeks ago. In a way I try to have a positive out come in all of this. I kind of look at it as, now that I have it and I know much more about it I can now educate my younger siblings as well as my future kids. Well actually now I have another question lol how exactly will that play out in the future? Me having kids with herpes?

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@victoriaxxx thank you so much. Where can I get these antivirals and or L-Lysine from? Are they prescription meds or over the counter? Are they expensive. Also my doctor has me taking acyclovir three a day for ninety days I am actually going to go pick it up in a few. He said it could help with OB prevention or less OBs. Can I still take L-Lysine if I am taking acyclovir or is it basically the same thing?

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Hey Gonzales!


Perhaps these links will answer your questions?




You won't have kids with herpes. It doesn't work like that. Herpes only spreads from direct skin-to-skin contact. Check out this link to see how herpes is spread:



And yes, you can take L-Lysine with acyclovir. They are very different from each other. L-Lysine is an amino acid that some say helps prevent herpes outbreaks and acyclovir is a medication.


Also download the e-book and handouts for an awesome overview of all this. Here's a link to all those:


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

Helpful resources:

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@Adrial (Mr. H Opp)

So can I take either or do they work alike as far as less OBs? The doctor told me that I'd be taking the acyclovir for less outbreaks? So isn't that what L-Lysine is for. I really hate taking medications so which would be best to take? Or best to take both?

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We are here to answer your questions and give you support... so check in often ...AND read your way around as much as you can because the vast majority of questions on here have been answered many times ;)


Yes you can have babies... I have 2 in their 20's and they are H-. The only difference is you will need to tell your OBGYN because they will want to monitor you for your last month of pregnancy and perhaps put you on antivirals for that last month .. the ONLY time H is a problem is if the baby contracts it during birth ... this is very rare because of the monitoring and meds ... so don't let that worry you right now.


Valtrex ix usually more expensive than Acyclovir...but you have to take Acyclovir 2x+/day as opposed to once ... also, go online and Google RX Discount Card ... they are free and can get you a 60% discount which helps a LOT.

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Hi I just wanted to share and say please be kind to yourself. Everything you are feeling is totally normal. I was devastated. Just keep doing what your doing and take the emotion out of it...as much as you can. Everyone on here has shared really great advice. Also yes sex can be painful this is a side effect of herpes..however and sorry I have to be straight forward because I want to help... you must use plenty of lubricant...also for me it is only for the first few movements...tell your mate to take it very slow at first...then slowly it should get a little easier. It literally can feel like thorns at first so remember to relax..I promise it gets better. Also don't assume that you have to use any medication..if your symptoms are not to bad see if your able to go with it. I have had this for 15 months and have had only 1 outbreak. The L-Lysine is awesome and 2 tbl spoons of apple cider vinegar a day. No matter what you will be fine it seems you have a caring partner. Just take it slow and keep communication open. Herpes does not define you and the amazing gift that you are...please remember that. I am here if you need a friend..


Hugs Peggy

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