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What do you do when you're lonely?

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To combat feeling lonely I will try to do stuff. Gym, thrift shop /goodwill shopping, even going out to bars where I know I will run into people I know. Surprisingly, I usually have a fun time. It's not about the alcohol but socializing. Sometimes I find myself starting a conversation with a stranger when food shopping. Other times, I take advantage of the quiet times; baking, garden, pool time, painting, currently been raking the yard. Last year I decided to do something on my bucket list...to be body painted. Well from that experience I met very talented artist and joined couple groups. becoming their go to model. I love it and I get to forget about my troubles for the day. Sometimes I'm even paid. Recently I decided to do something I always found fascinating, learning the "stripper"pole. Got to love a fun challenge. (Good distraction from being dumped and herpes)


Remember only boring people have boring times.

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Lonliness has nothing to do with Herpes... if anything, this is a great time to just get out and meet people and, most importantly, FIND YOUR PASSION. When you find your passion, you will never be lonely or bored :)


Go out and do what you love to do. If you love to dance, there are TONS of studios/groups with every kind of dance you could ever want to learn out there. Same with every other passion/hobby/etc. One of the best ways to find things to do is to join Meetup.com - they have everything from "Mommy-groups" to crochet groups, hiking groups, photography fanatics, dog/cat/goat/llama/whatever lovers - you name it, odds are theres a group of like minded people out there who get together and share ideas and do things.


So what is your passion? What do you LOVE to do. What lights you up when you think about it? Do THAT. If you are not sure what it is, just join some groups or take courses on things that you *think* may interest you. At some point something will just set you on fire ... do THAT. While you are doing that, call on friends and just get out to a movie or whatever ... even better, TAKE YOURSELF out on a "date". Fall back in love with you. That will help you to find your passion too ... because when you are at peace with yourself, you can't keep the good things away from you :)

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@WCSDancer2010 I hope it didn't appear as if my intention was to make herpes and loneliness sound synonymous. I run a few student organizations at my university and the question came up in sort of a self-care manner. I guess I should've titled it "what do you do for self-care?" instead. I personally love hearing about the hobbies of others.



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Ah - ok - yes, some people just shut down when they get H ...


And btw, my thing is (surprise surprise) dancing. I do West Coast Swing - I get exercise, get to meet lots of amazing people from all over (I go to dance conventions about every 6-8 weeks) and it really works like meditation for me. I'm also taking up Argentine Tango more recently ... and trying to get out Hiking in the nearby Catskills a lot more in the last year :)

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I love all of the shares on this one..I would like to add that it is human nature to get lonely. I was married for 12 years and it was the loneliest time of my life. I guess its your perspective. When I was diagnosed with HSV 1/ HSV2 2years ago It got pretty crazy. But once I found this site and Adrial I was able to do some serious soul searching. here is the thing if you let fear in it will cripple you. I had a huge fear of disclosure which yes created loneliness in my life because I was limiting myself. Once I realized that if you take away all of the B.S. all you are left with is a medical fact. This medical fact does not define you. That is where being human comes in. We all want to be accepted in everyday life. We want acceptance whether someone has herpes or not. In my practice of being healthy in mind, body and spirit I remind myself daily that I am worthy of all that life has to give. No limits and no boxing myself in. Being vulnerable allows me to be accepting of human nature and not take things to personally. I try every day to put myself out there I may not always succeed But one thing is for sure I will never give up on the cause...and the cause is ME!

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