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Genital HSV1: What to expect?

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Ladies and Gentlemen with genital HSV1, I'm confused about my future with the virus. Take romantic relations out of the equation; how often do some of you experience outbreaks? I know it varies. I have only had the primary OB, some say I may never have another one again. Though, I notice that lately I'm itchy or just feel "off" in the pubic region. No sores or anything of the sort, but I am very aware of myself and I do not know much about living with the virus...especially non-oral HSV1. Are there things I should be wary of doing now? Besides anything involving sexual activity. What would happen if I got infected with HSV2 as well?


I'm at a place where I don't think about it, but I do not want to completely block this out. Because it doesn't just go away, and anything that may bring it to light: a new man, an outbreak, sickness, gossip, may send me into a depression episode. I do not want to set myself up for failure. I have a therapist appointment next week, so I am trying to stay on top of this.


Any insight would be greatly appreciated, and if anyone wants to direct message me to talk-please do :)

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Well, yes, odds are that you will have fewer OB's. And HSV1 sheds far less in the genital region than the oral region so your risk of passing it on is far less. All those details are in the handout and video (below).


If you got HSV2 as well? You likely would have an initial OB and then things would settle down ... and you may not know because you might mistake it for a H1 OB ... they basically act the same ... so keep getting your STD tests and ASK for the H2 test with them.


The "good" news is odds are with you that future partners will at least have HSV1 orally already ... so that makes for a great segue to "the talk" ... and they will thus have at least some antibodies to it so you can explain that to them ...


Right now, just get on with your life. Keep the handouts handy in case you have a reason to have the talk. Get and keep educated. And otherwise don't let it run your life. 🙂




Handouts + disclosure e-book:



Herpes facts video


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Hi Brynn!


Everybody's experience can be different and the same! Dancer is 100% right!


I personally have Genital HSV1 as well. The first three months after my initial outbreak were awful, but things settled down and now I generally only feel irritation with no sores. The irritation is far and few between for me.


Keep being concious of it for your health, it's great that you know your body so well! I have begun to realize the things that really do prompt irritation for me: rough sex and really strenuous workouts. I always use Gold Bond Spray before a workout and then wash up as soon as I can after and apply it again. The best thing is to keep the everything clean and dry for myself.


I have seen a therapist on and off for years; I went back after my first outbreak/diagnosis and found it helpful (I am biased because I am a therapist lol).


Feel free to direct message me if you'd like!


Hope this helps!





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hello! I was diagnosed last march and had one other very minor outbreak (leg pain and a paper cut sore) about 6 months later. Nothing since then though! I take daily suppressive meds, l lysine and vitamin c daily. Every now and then I get prodromes but it was definitely worse the first few months after being diagnosed. Its way more manageable that i thought it would be, sometimes I have to remind myself that I even have it. It's tough to deal with at first, youre making a good choice by seeing a therapist. It does get better though, I hear herpes jokes all the time and have learned to not let it bother me. I throw the stats out there and try to educate people a bit and thats it. The risks of transmitting genital hsv1 are incredibly low (not sure of the exact numbers) but it definitely helps with disclosing to people, and the fewer outbreaks that usually follow are a plus too. Hope you feel better, feel free to message me to chat!

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Did your doctor suggest suppressive medication? My doctor is young and she is super sweet, but I was kind of diagnosed and let go, haha. Said that whenever I have a outbreak they have a prescription on file.


My subconscious reminds myself I have it all the time...I will be in a room full of people who, of course, don't know and I will wonder what they'd think...Or I'll just tell myself I'm different/don't belong. I'll speculate on if anyone around me has it and how they cope.


I was going to see the therapist...until today. I decided I didn't want to sit there for the initial appointment and I want to figure this out without medication or their insight. It's never worked for me before...deep down I think I am being cheap and stubborn. I just feel lonely, losing all my "friends" was the worst part. I'm definitely game to chat any time!

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*Tough Love Warning*


Yes.. you are being stubborn ... and maybe that's part of why you are stuck, lonely, and without friends... I can tell you that from everything you have written, you haven't done a good job of figuring it out on your own so far...so I REALLY hope you will reschedule with the therapist.


Certainly your mind is running your life ... if you feel you "Don't belong" with a group of people because of Herpes, I will lay bets that this insecurity has been there all along and now you just have "proof" that you are right. This is the PERFECT time to work on this stuff because now you have something concrete (herpes) that you are blaming your insecurity on ...and working with someone who can help you to see how untrue all those feelings are ... how untrue it is that Herpes makes you "not belong" .... is a great place to start so that you can dig out all the other reasons that you have to feel that you don't belong....


At least give it a shot ... you never know what you might reveal in a few sessions... and maybe that is what is holding you back .... because one of my favorite sayings is


"The Truth may set you free, but sometimes it will really piss you off first!"



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I know that each therapist is different, I recognize that I'm missing out on a opportunity. I just believe I'm not ready to talk about it right now, we can sit in a circle and give all the tough love in the world...nothing changes until I flip the switch. I am wasting everyone's time. I know what my discussions project, but I'm venting. You guys get to see the worst of me. I'm not a idiot, and you're right: I am using this as validation of my insecurities. That's nothing new.


I believe in therapy. It's what you make it. But why does it have to be the end all-be all? Because no one else knows what to say? Because I'm being self-destructive? This is life. Maybe I set a bad example and everyone wishes I would shut my mouth. If that's why I'm alone, fine. I don't mean for this to sound hostile.

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Hey - it's your life ... but I've seen how Herpes can be the catalyst in therapy for people to break through so much ... and I hate to see you feeling lonely and isolated when H doesn't change who you are.... and it's certainly not a reason for you to not get out and be with friends ...


I hope that in time you will reconsider... until then, we are here for you... :)

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I just want to have my time to feel this. I'm better than I was a month ago, and yeah-I had something to do with pushing these people away...but there's nothing to do about them now. This probably isn't about H, its me using this as "evidence" that I've messed up. I've been out with people, I've done things. I've gotten a job and tried to reroute everything, But it's hard to maintain. I appreciate the support and I know everyone here is listening.

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she offered the suppressive meds, she told me that it was impossible to give it to my boyfriend if he had antibodies and that it wasn't necessary to take the meds. However, after reading up on here I realize that there IS a chance (a very very small one) but regardless, i asked for the suppressive meds.


last weekend I was on vacation with two girlfriends and when I was in the bathroom I noticed a pill thing in a clear hanging toiletry thing. When I went to look away I realized it said valtrex on it, 500 mg 2x daily. It really surprised me....I had no idea she had it and have always felt so alone thinking about it. I didn't mention it to her yet....but it was comforting to see. More people definitely have it than you think. It will all get better in time :)

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I was infected with genital HSV 1 in November. I have an odd case as the feeling, prodrome like, has not stopped. I recently had my 2nd OB and it was very mild. A few red marks appeared, I took valtrax, and the symptoms returned to the prodromal status quo.


As a new person struggling with acceptance of the reality of my life, i get a lot of what you are saying and struggle with the same thoughts. After initial infection I was in a bad place for months, I was surrounded by all my happy friends enjoying there life. I told all of my close friends but I still felt terrible. There were a number of complicating factors, including a good job offer, but I left a city I truly loved and friends that had been a part of me for 7 years and moved 1,300 miles away to where I grew up. I never liked the place growing up and I had very few friends left, but i did have my family.


I spent months here isolating myself and I still mull over how I messed up. It is still difficult and I do recommend therapy and taking care of yourself. I try to keep the disease as a motivator, a sign of a need for change, and I try to put positive spins on it as much as possible. Don't get me wrong, I really wish that I did not have this. But I put myself in this position and wishful thinking won't change anything. So I take the good that I have and focus on being happy about that.


And as a side note, I do see and read a lot about a sort of laisez faire attitude toward the disease and transmission:


"And HSV1 sheds far less in the genital region than the oral region so your risk of passing it on is far less."


I asked an infection disease doctor "what about having sex?" his response was "You should have more sex." His resident student or whatever was under the impression that there isn't viral shedding outside of outbreaks. There is a lot of misleading information out there.


I had sex with a woman once, with a condom, and contracted HSV1 that night. And she knew she was infected but did not feel that was worth sharing. I state this not to be negative or discouraging, but because I believe that it is important to understand that there is a risk and the feelings that you and I experience are probably the worst part about this whole virus.


However, the more you talk about it the easier it gets to accept. And like ann112's story you will find a lot more people around you have it and have created happy, normal lives.

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Assuming that @npm got it from genital to genital sex, while the risk is FAR lower, noone said it would never happen. Odds are she got cocky about having it, believing that without an outward, physical symptom, she was "safe" (may have even been told that she couldn't pass it on without an OB by her Dr) and she may have had a lesion internally right on the edge of where the condom covers that she was not aware of... especially if she was not monitoring her body, her diet, and her general health.


Those of us who are better informed, know we need to monitor our health and our bodies more carefully ... we don't take it for granted ... we know that asymptomatic shedding can happen at any time and that we need to watch for anything that may be a prodrome. AND, we know that there are plenty of other ways to play ..... and that disclosure is one of the best ways to keep from spreading the virus because once the partner knows the risks, we don't have to feel pressured into sex when we know that it might not be a great idea .... and we know that we can play some other way for a few days and that our partner will understand why :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

@2Legit2Quit @mtngrl @WCSDancer2010


Yes, that is correct I received hsv1 from genital to genital sex. As well as in my left eye.


The infection site is on my groin, about an inch above and to the right of my penis. My thoughts are that it should be classified as "herpes gladiatorum." I imagine that grinding during sex irritated the skin and hair follicles in pubic region creating an opening for the virus to enter.


As an extra stroke of luck I must have had sweat carrying the virus on my finger and rubbed my eye.


Bonus track, 274 days running of daily irritation.

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Well, sadly you basically showed that even with extremely low odds, H1 genital *can* get passed on ... and you also went against all convention with regards to ocular H as the vast majority of cases are in kids because they get it orally and then pick at it then poke their eyes ...


And not to downplay it but there are millions of people having sex every day and the number that get it the way you did is still pretty miniscule ... we tend to attract the anomalies in a forum like this .... I'm just saying this so that folks reading this with GHSV1 don't panic and think they have to wrap themselves in saran wrap and become monks.


It's just sad that she didn't let you know her status. It sounds like she was in denial about her situation (or very well misinformed by her Dr as I was initially told I couldn't pass my GH2 on when not having an OB). The best way to reduce the spread is transparency and honesty. Not that you wouldn't have had sex with her, but perhaps you would have been more careful about grinding or you would have washed off after (thus at least stopping the spread to the eye) or you would have played some other way.


AND ... it shouldn't keep you from finding love. And having great sex. With your location, you can perhaps cover it with a large bandaid and some wear boxers when they have the virus in that kind of location... or you will meet someone that already has HSV1 ... (odds are in your favor there!) ... AND ... there are tons of discordant couples where the H- partner never, ever gets it, even without ANY preventative measures being taken.....



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