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Has anyone contracted herpes while using protection?

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Is it hsv 1 or 2 sorry I didn't ask? Did you test yourself was it blood or culture? Sorry for all the question just that I kinda messed around with my ex that someone had rumored out that he had the H and idk if I'm just freaking out or what cuz we had sex a couple of times but always with protection and now i got a little bump but don't know if its a hair follicle or ingrown did yours spread when you notice or just 1 bump?

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I have both genital HSV 1 and 2. I also have oral HSV 1. I guess I fall in the "out of luck" category seeing that I've had HSV 1 orally which I probably received from my dad growing up, received genital HSV 1 from my first sexual experience, and then received HSV 2 some years later. In the particular situation that we're speaking of right now (contracting HSV through a condom) I contacted HSV 2.


Have you discussed his STD status in general with him before having sex? Do you trust your ex? Who is this person and why would they know his "status"? The best thing you could do is have a conversation with your ex about what you've been hearing. You should seek your own medical attention if you have concerns about your HSV status. However, you would have to wait 3 months after exposure to get a conclusive result. In the meantime I would refrain from intercourse with anyone.


I didn't have just one bump. At first it was just itchy and felt like a few cuts--like I had been a little too rough with cleaning my lady parts in the shower. When I noticed bumps, there were more than one. My outbreak wasn't bad at all though. There was a snow storm so I couldn't go to the doctor if I wanted to, but I handled my outbreak with no medication. I wouldn't even describe it as painful. It was more irritable more than anything. Everyone is different through and regardless of how similar myself or someone else contracted H, it doesn't mean that it will present itself the same way in the both of us. I'm not too convinced that what you're experiencing is H, but for peace of mind (which is the most important thing to me as it pertains to a H diagnosis) you should get yourself checked and not worry about the facts of "how" so much.

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I only know of a couple who got it using protection. I have seen in anforum a girl who masturbated the guy a lot and then immediately touched herself and got it. I was quite shocked. I've also seen one guy who got it from a girl w both their undies on, but it was a lot if heavy and wet grinding, I'm going to make the assumption she must of been having an OB, as she was insistent on keeping her underwear in in this story. These are very few, far and in-between.

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@risingfaith you are the first I've seen out if so many, that has both. How far apart where your diagnosis and do you feel you break out more often, having both? I have read studies that said that the last one to be contracted, would be the most active. Nthebine thing nobody talks about, is there is different subtyows of HSV 1 and 2 and we can contract different variants.. The studies on those shows that the most recent infection would be the most active and the other ones, would quite down and maybe come about twice a yr. I just find your case very interesting. So do you disclose that you have both types diwn there? How has that been accepted?

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I was two months before my 19th birthday when I lost my virginity and received genital HSV 1 (June 2010). I received HSV 2 in November 2013.


Fortunately, I don't have problems with outbreaks. I had my primary outbreak with HSV 1 and received a second one that consisted of 3 SMALL bumps two years later. When I went to get it looked at a genital HSV 1 outbreak was nowhere on the PA's radar because of how minor it appeared. She didn't pick up HSV until she pricked the bump and it ulcered. I haven't had an HSV 1 outbreak since. As far as HSV 2, I've had that primary outbreak almost two years ago and haven't had one since.


I didn't know that I should have been disclosing genital HSV 1 until I was diagnosed with HSV 2. I guess because of the rare chance of my passing it on genital to genital I wasn't explained that. I've never passed it on though, thank God. I've only disclosed once since being diagnosed with HSV 2. It was to someone that I had dated before HSV 2 and we were rekindling our relationship. I haven't thought about disclosing both though. I'm more likely to pass on HSV 2 than HSV 1 genially though so that's what I'll focus on the next time I have to disclose.

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@RisingFaith oh ok well I have oral HSV 1 I know that for sure I contract it like 10 years ago idk from whom though...omg that is bad so sorry how was bad was your hsv 1 outbreak was it really bad? Or how did you notice?


Yes I did he even tested for STDs but of course herpes was not on the standard testing, yes I did but not anymore, its kinda a long story the person that told me that he had herpes was his friend which he is one of my ex boyfriend I don't know if I make sense. I did have a conversation with him and he assures me he does not have it...the first time I was with him I did get tested after 4 months and came out negative but recently I had a sex with him again but this time I am not comfortable with him and don't trust him anymore so I don't know anymore but now I'm gonna have wait another 4 months thats if I don't get any sores of any kind


@2Legit2Quit really? So it's not that common to get it while using protection

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Just as a FYI, if discussing your status with future partners, tell them you have a better chance of passing HSV1 to them through kissing and oral sex (on them) but given that 80% of the population has HSV1 orally and 80% don't know they have it, if they are going to be sexually active that one is ALWAYS going to be a risk unless they march every date down to the STD clinic before they kiss them for a blood test ;)


And man, you got me beat... I got H1 orally at 4 and H2 genitally at about 17 with my first sexual experience..... but then again, I *could* have both down there and not know it too... and my OB's are so rare nowadays it's not worth worrying about given the facts above :p

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@risingfaith I'm so glad that H has not given you much problems.. O really feel I see a pattern w those who get it late teens to mid 20s, their immune system seems to better handle it . of course there's always exceptions..


@luna1088 yes it doesn't seem to be as common that those who get it, used protection, but it does still happen like @sil88. Sil88, I thought you had ghsv1 correct?

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My HSV1 outbreak could have been considered bad, but it wasn't too bad considering the fact that I didn't receive medication until the outbreak was pretty much over so I dealt with it without medication. I noticed a discharge and it felt weird peeing, but nothing painful. I didn't become painful until I went to the hospital to see what was going on and the doctor began scraping at the blisters I had. They were inside of my vagina. If I had to compare the two outbreaks, the HSV1 was worst than the HSV2.


It sounds like you pretty much know what to do though. Don't stress yourself too much, especially not off of one little bump and you're not showing any other symptom(s). Just get yourself checked out in three months and be done with your ex if you don't trust him or that he wouldn't put you in a situation of contacting ANY STD without disclosing first.




Exactly. I've never disclosed that I get coldsores before dating someone. Of course if I've had one I wouldn't lie about it and say that it wasn't a coldsore. It's no big deal. I haven't had a coldsore in 6 years though. I never got them much to begin with. I think I can count 3-4 coldsores and they were all in the course of being in high school.


My situation could be worst. My body has handled the virus quite well. Only two full blown outbreaks and both were my primary infections. I worry about dating because of the stigma than the physical aspects of things.




Thanks! I'm glad as well. I'd probably be tore up if I had to deal with the physical aspect of it. I didn't handle the emotional aspect of it well at first. My mom thought she would have to have me see a therapist in the beginning. Nowadays I'm pretty chill. Of course I think about the disclosing aspect a lot especially since I am single again. You'd think I'd be over it since I've had my first disclosure to accept the risk, but that was him. Everyone won't and even though the people that know of my status doesn't think I'll have any problems because I'm "too beautiful and great of a catch", but they aren't the ones living it. Besides H, my biggest fear is being alone (not getting married and having children) and H plays into that fear for me.

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For me I will never believe any guy who says, "oh, I'm clean" ever again. Currently seeing a guy who is having a hissy fit for having to wear condom. He claims to be clean but at the same time I know he has been with many many females without protection. So the condom stays on. No condom, no vaginia. I believe too many dirty dicks out there, more ways than one.

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