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Running and herpes outbreaks?

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I've had trouble finding any information on this. I was just recently diagnosed, a couple months ago or so. Everyone here was extremely helpful. Can any distance runners comment on how this affects the activity? I'm at the point now where I'm mostly through the first OB but the my skin is still sensitive. I'm able to push through most of the pain but I don't want to aggravate anything again either. I've cut my runs in half because I'm cautious and the sensitivity is still there. Any experience on this or tips from someone that's had this longer? I know it's not the same for everyone but I thought I'd ask. Thank you!

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This gets discussed a lot here... so I'll add some links to past discussions at the bottom


Unfortunately like everything to do with Herpes, everyone will be different... but I can tell you I've done tons of looooong days in the saddle training horses and been fine. Being newly diagnosed will make it a bit tricker while your body works on getting the virus under control .. but over time, it *should* get better. If you wear lycra, get out of it ASAP after running, get rinsed off and DRY the area well after. Maybe spray with Bactine or an epsom salts solution before you pat dry and then even use a blow drier to get the area dry. If you have a big race coming up, maybe try using the anti-virals a few days before and after just to support the body (if you are already on them, double them up for that time.) .. And listen to your body... the more you do to help it gain control now the faster you will get back to "normal" :)








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Gold Bond Spray is my best friend! Honestly, my body has gotten so used to H at this point that I am not limited in any physical activity at all! But like Dancer noted, everyone is different! Gold Bond is great, washing right after a run helps too with gentle no scent soap. Honestly, my first couple of months were rough, but I've been at a year now and things are much better, I felt great after the initial six months and really do feel back to normal. Hoping the same goes for you!

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Thank you!! I know everyone's different but you've all provided good information to start with. It's still really new to me so I'm just trying to get a handle on everything. The hardest effect this had on me was that when it started, it crippled the very activity i use to use to "get away" and reflect on life. I was so worried I couldn't even be myself but I know this will get better and I just have to adapt. Thanks again everyone.

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