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HELP PLEASE I'M BEGGING! I just found out I have Herpes and it's the worst outbreak my obgyn has ever seen. I hurt constantly but have a very high threshold for pain. When I go to the bathroom though it's the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. The ob suggested going to the hospital and being admitted so I can have a catheter until they can get my out break under control but I want to try some things at home first. So please any and all suggestions are welcome with open arms!

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Hello and Welcome


First - don't let it go on too long if you are not managing to pee... and as mentioned, that means forcing yourself to drink as much as you can to reduce the concentration of the urine. If you can't make yourself do this, go to the ER, ok?


As for things to do: Short list:


1) Either pee in the shower or pour water over the area when you pee. That can help a LOT!


2) Zinc Cream can help to protect the area too


3) Epsom Salts Baths can help to dry the area out ... see details in links below


4) Follow up with Bactine Spray on the area, then pat dry


5) Follow up by drying area with blow drier on low


6) Go commando as much as possible


The secret is to dry it out and attack the virus from the outside. Also, I'd stop any alcohol intake and reduce as many stresses as you can... rest and allow your body to heal. The links below have a lot of other suggestions that have worked for people. You can start with things you already have and then get the other supplies ASAP ...




http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/6024/dealing-with-outbreaks#latest includes links below








Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://amzn.to/1CHUzZE Link to Alum


http://amzn.to/1F10r3V Fractionated Coconut Oil

http://bit.ly/zincsoap Zinc Soap with coconut oil







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Coffee, soda, and wine made my OBs the worst in the first year. I took a washcloth and drenched it with alcohol and wore it as a pad to kill and dry out the sores all night. It seemed to help with my 1st OB and my 2nd one. WCSDancer has some good remedies :-). I also drenched a panty liner with the tree oil too. It does get better with time. You also might want to alter your diet a lil, as certain foods may trigger the OBs but increasing your water intake and even urinating in a water filled bathtub may help. Hope you feel better soon

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The ladies above me said it all...ill just add I soaked in a bath and added a few drops of tea tree oil...helps soothe.

If it's any consolation, my initial outbreak was so bad that til this day I remember it. I could hardly walk, pain to pee, covered...then went decades and it was a bad memory until recent...but hopefully this will be the worst for you.

Sending hugs!!!

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