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My doctor took me off of suppressive, nervous about transmission

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HSV2 positive.

When I was diagnosed, I was given the valtrex, twice a day for seven days. After it was confirmed, she sent in a prescription for another bottle. I thought it was for suppressive therapy so I've been taking one a day. I went back yesterday for a check up and she told me no, I wasn't supposed to use it everyday, only when I felt an outbreak coming on. I was confused and asked her why because I read it cuts transmission rates and she said only slightly and that 1% difference isn't worth taking the medicine. Something about benefits to risk and since it doesn't benefit me much, no need to take it every day and the only time I would need to is if I start having 6-8 outbreaks a year. But I want my partner to be safe when we have sex. And I know 1% from 2% isn't a big difference but it's more assuring. So I'm not sure whether or not to take her advice. It's bothering me

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Well it goes to show that stupidity has no bounds! She shouldn't be a doctor w such inaccurate information! It can be hard in the liver, for those w existing liver issues, but they have found that it's safe to take. If it weren't, why are pregnant women who have genital HSV, put in it their last three months of pregnancy? They're not worried about it, that clearly they feel it is safe for the babay and mom. So what she said is completely absurd!

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Woah the eff! I totally agree with the others... Change Doctors!!!.... Now!


1st... the liver isnt harmed while on valtrex, unless your boozin it up, then the liver *may* get harmed. The key here is to drink lots and lots of water!

2nd... ive been on valtrex for over a year now. I take 1 pill of the 500mg every morning. And if i feel a prodrome a take an extra one at night for a couple days.

3rd... if you feel that u want it to help protect your partner, then you have a right to take the meds.if transmission rate 4% female to male, then with protection its lowered to 2%. With valretex its now at 1% transmission.


*** BUT... the assymptomatic shedding will be cut down anwhere from 50% - 80%.


hope this helps


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