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What's herpening to me?

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Hi guys, hoping you can help a brother out...


I'm a 27 year old male, have had cold sores in the past but not for a good 7 years or so. 12 weeks ago i engaged in mutual unprotected oral sex with a female partner. Since about three days after the incident I've been experiencing the following symptoms, with no relief at any point, which I believe to be caused by a herpes infection:

- Constant urethritis. Internal discomfort up and down my penis, ranges from stinging to a dull ache. frequent urination.

- Red patches on penis head, swelling and pain, particularly after ejaculation. Dry skin in the area.

- Tingling, burning and itching all over my genitals. Seems to move around, but now the scrotal tingling and contracting is fairly constant. Lots of burning around the head of my penis as well.

- Achey muscles in legs and back. Sensitive skin all over my body.

- A few tiny red/white bumps in my pubic area. Doctors examined, said they looking nothing like herpes and swabbed them, which came back negative. He said they were likely molluscum and used cryotherapy on them.

- Mouth ulcers and constant tingling of my upper lip. White film on my tongue.

- Flu-type illness, night sweats and swollen lymph nodes etc.


I've been to several GUM clinincs and GPs, all of whom have said if it were herpes these symptoms wouldn't be constant, I would have seen blisters on my penis, and in general I really just need to chill out.

I have been treated with azithromycin, acyclovir, fluconazole and nothing seems to reduce the discomfort.


So, my question is: where do I go from here? As I see it, my chances of actually contracting herpes from the encounter were pretty slim to start off with. The girl had no obvious cold sores etc. Also it's unlikely my symptoms would persist like this, that I wouldn't see any blisters on my penis, and that the symptoms wouldn't have responded to acyclovir.


However I just can't seem to get H out of my head. I feel like if I could get some relief from these symptoms I could move on, but as they're constant I'm just stuck in this hellish herpes limbo. I'm going to get my urethra swabbed on the weekend, but don't hold out for many answers from that. I also feel a blood test wouldn't be much use because of the prior HSV1 oral infection.


Has anyone got any ideas of where to go next? How to regain some sense of normality, and to stop this affecting everything from work to play? Any similar experiences? Any idea of what the hell is herpening to me?


Peace and love!


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I have a similar situation going on. I had oral with a female with no sex but we did have very close body contact. I got flu like symptoms and a burning sensation between my thighs like a week after. Then I started to get an itch and burning sensation mainly on my buttocks, I could see little red dots and irritation. I had it checked out by a couple docs and none of them said its from H. The burning and needle like feeling comes and goes. I had two igG test done so far one at 3.5 and the other at 7 weeks, the last results were HSV1 value 56.60 and negative for HSV2 with a value of 0.17. I also got it swabed but it came back negative.


The doctors don't seem to care or think it's a big deal! The last one I seen said that he could not diagnosed or give me any medication because it did not look like H to him. He said if it is that it's H-1, that it's not a big deal and that it will go away. I seen a total of 3 doctors and they all had the same reaction. I am going to take another test at 4 months to see if anything changes, but if it doesn't then I most likely have Ghsv1. Good luck!

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I'm not a doctor, but from what you've said, I'd be tempted to say it's at least partly bacterial. (Things like the white film, patches and dry skin) You can explain the tingling lip by whatever new infection triggering a cold sore from your existing herpes, and sensitive skin because you're stressing out and it's natural to be hypersensitive when you're straining to find answers. Did the gum clinic run any tests? In the meantime, you could drink cranberry juice to help flush anything out.. sometimes muscular back ache can be similar to a kidney infection, so keep your options open. Most of all, stay relaxed.. hope you get to the bottom of it

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Good advice @sil88


I counciled someone on here once that was certain it was hwrpes with very similar symptoms as you and the source was oral sex. Turns out it was staph or strep bacteria. Can't remember which one. Lots of bacteria lives in the mouth. I would suspect it's more bacterial in nature. Doubt you have hsv1 in both places after an established infection. Especially since your swabs were negative. Also someone had enterovirus swabbed on their genitals as well.


I would ask next time u get a lesion or any sort to swab within 48 hours for hsv and bacteria if possible.


Wait until 4 or 6 month to get another hwrpes blood test to see if hsv2. Western blot is best if u have an established hsv1 infection. It's the most reliable blood test out there. Check westover heights clinic website.


I have a feeling u are not dealing with herpes here.


Good luck and keep us posted once you figure out what this is.

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Guys thanks so much for the feedback, it's really appreciated!


I have had several urine/swab tests at the GUM clinics so would guess they would have found evidence of staph by now, but i will definitely ask about it when I go in on Saturday. It would explain some sore patches I have at the corner of each mouth that don't seen to actually turn into cold sores...


I hope this is the cause and they can do something about it. Either way I will keep you guys posted!


Hguy have you looked into staph as a cause of your discomfort..?


Peace and love to all!

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So I went back to the clinic, where they assured me that anything bacterial would have been picked up already. After some pushing they agreed to do a urethral swab so I'll have to wait a week or so to see what happens there...

I've also been referred to a psycho-sexual psychiatrist because they think it's all in my head.

Would it be better for there to actually be something wrong down there? Or for me to be so crazy about this encounter that I've given myself psychosomatic herpes..?

I'm tired of this

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Haha thats what I wondered for a long time, and the doctor blamed many of the symptoms on anxiety. You shouldn't rule it out I guess, anything you can do to relax is always a good thing whether it's causing you the symptoms or not. Are they getting better or worse?

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Ha, anxiety is definitely a problem! But I can't quite figure out if it's the symptoms causing anxiety or vice-versa... Thanks for chiming in mate, much appreciated. Can you fill me in a little on your symptoms/diagnosis story?

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Also things do seem to be getting a bit better thanks Sil. I mean I'm nowhere near out of the woods yet, but the scrotal tingling has calmed down a lot and the tenderness in my pubic region isn't so bad. Still got some urethritis but it's not as pronounced. One thing's for sure, it gets a lot worse when I'm having a slow period of work and can't think of anything else! Still not sure if that points to H or anxiety.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know, I miss when me and my genitals were mates and we'd just hang out and have a great time together with/without a partner. Just shooting the sh*t and making the most of our time. Now we can't even give each other a cursory handshake without somebody getting upset. This is hard work. Am I right?

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Nice you can keep your sense of humour through all this. I am in a very similar situation as yourself. Try to take each day at a time. Over time the nerve issues will lessen. I suggest take nerve pain meds and after blood test to confirm hsv1 positive and negative hsv2 at four month post exposure, I would try Antivirals to see if it helps.


Didn't for me. But I think if u are dealing with h nerves might be damaged from virus so likely Swabs might be negative anyway.


Really unlikely u would get hsv1 on UR genitals after UR established infection in your mouth.


Seek support from this site and friends and family. Do you find it gets better or worse with certain activity?


Have you researched whether u had damage from a fall etc. sometimes pinched nerve. Also another option would be to see a pain specialist. Sometimes they can tell what u have by determining what meds work.


You are young and my bet is whatever this is will settle over time. How much time is the question


See your doctor if sympyoms worsen or u have a lesion to Swab.


You can also be a patient of westover heights clonic. They mail you swabs and u can do it at home yourself and mail them back. It is $75 per vial to process but pretty cheap to be a patient of theirs. May find something.


Have u swabbed for shingles?

Hang in there!!!

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Daisies you're an inspiration, I don't know how you deal with this crap!


I don't know whether to stay hung up on the herpes horse, or keep chasing doctors for an alternative diagnosis? No activities seem to make it worse, can't find any pattern connected to food or booze. I do cycle a lot so I guess nerve damage could be a possibility, but I'm struggling to see how that could result in recurrent balanitis following stimulation. Eugh...


I've been taking the outbreak dose of acyclovir for a week now and haven't seem much change. I managed to get hold of a three month supply so I guess I'll keep going with it and see if it makes a difference.


If I try and think rationally, I'm more inclined to believe this is something else other than GHSV1, especially considering the established previous oral infection which stuck to the normal weekly cycle and hardly caused any bother at all. I can't see myself struggling so much with a secondary infection when my body initially punched that stupid oral infection in the face and danced on his grave so many moons ago. But then, on the other hand, wtf else is going on? The mind boggles.


I do have a question for you. How do you deal with new partners? Assuming I ever get round to feeling up for dating again, how do I cover the issue of itchy/tingly/burny gentials?


"Well you're good looking, fancy a roll in the hay? Although I must be honest I think I may have GHSV1 with nerve damage but all my docs think I'm crazy and every test I've done says otherwise.. UP FOR IT??!!"


I will admit, I'm a little disappointed with how life is turning out right now. I will also admit I have a penchant for melodrama.


Peace and love

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Omg you are like a male version of me?! Love it!!!


Disclosure has not been fun. Mine is messy bc I am really going through a lot with all these symptoms. Plus not a lot of people think u can get hsv1 down there.


First guy I told I knew 20 years and he was interested and I disclosed to push him away. He wasn't phased by it at all. So I went ahead with friends with benefits type thing. In our 8 months on and off again arrangement I never gave it to him despite horrible nerve issues and convinced I was shedding.


Another guy I met similar messy emotional disclosure and we had sex during burning genitals etc. never gave it to him. I told him about all my issues down there and he was willing to risk it.


With a new guy new disclosed cold sore virus and said I may have it down there and he didn't believe I could get it there. That's hsv2 he said. My disclosure was less messy but still a disaster I think. I am still dating him. No sex yet. Going real slow this time.


But yes everyone thinks I craxy. Which is worse to a new partner...I have herpes or I craxy enough despite positive tests that I think I have it.


Now that I know you bike ride I would go see a neurologist or something to check that for sure. Those seats are hard on UR privates!!!!! Make this a priority to eliminate possibility.


I am glad I am helping you. Makes me feel good I can give support. My road was tough and continues to be. I totally understand where you are. My advice is don't go on a witch hunt for hwrpes with doctors. They get so annoyed. Ask them what do they think it is? Which doctor or specialist do they recommend you seeing? Which tests do they think you should do? Continue your personal testing through westover heights is my advice so you can control timing and what you Swab yourself and use your doctor to openly investigate other things.


Women (or at least me lol) love men who can be vulnerable and honest. In your disclosures you can say your testing has revealed negative results for anything contagious and you are investigating other avenues.


Sorry on my phone. Grammar and typos lol



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You seem like a great guy. I don't think women will be a problem. Focus on taking care of you. Women will come when you need. I am enjoying the little niceties in relationships now. I appreciate it more while I am waiting til I am ready sexually with this guy....if I will ever be.


You likely need more emotional support now than physical.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Daisies I don't know how to deal with this.


All of my doctors say there's nothing wrong with me.


My friends and family are losing patience bacuse the doctors say I'm fine and they don't understand. I feel like I'm going crazy. I have all the horrible burning itching tingling sensations and nobody can tell me why it's happening, and they're running out of sympathy.


How do you deal with this shit?


Am I just going crazy?


Also I will admit I have yet to test positive for H so I may just be being Incredibly melodratic.


Peace and love x

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Guys I'm sorry, I really shouldn't post on here when I'm a bit drunk and feeling sorry for myself.

Doctors seem to think this isn't nerve related, more of a CPPS type thing. Whatever it is the symptoms do seem to be calming down a bit overall, so hopefully I'm over the worst of it.

Let me clarify my testing situation. My exposure was oral sex, so I haven't done a blood test because that will just show that I'm HSV1 positive, which I already know as I've previously had cold sores. I did have some spot/blister things in my pubic area which were swabbed multiple times and always came back negative. Also had a urethral swab done, which was neg.

The spots/blisters were never unbroken for the swab though. Does anyone know the accuracy of a PCR swab on an unbroken herpes blister? Always swabbed within 48 hours of appearing?

Thanks so much for your help, this site is a little lifeline for me atm.

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