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Well shit this is exactly pretty much what I am going through now. Looks like I am in for a fun ride :/. Have my first doc appointment tomorrow, I will let you know if he finds anything that you should ask your own docs about.


The same burning and dryness in the area and almost positive it is not HSV 2 given my partner disclosed to me she only has HSV 1. I tested for HSV 1 positively in the past so after the burning started and I posted on here, it seems like it is not that possible that I contracted from her, especially without blisters.


glad to see you are having a sense of humor about this, it seems like my constant worrying with the burning seems to have drained me of that.


Good luck on your journey my friend

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You either laugh or you cry mate...


Thanks for your comment, it's strangely comforting to speak with somebody in a similar situation. Good luck to you too, and please do let me know if your Doc mentions something mine may have missed!


@WCSDancer2010 ? @adrial ? Are you guys able to shed any light on PCR swab testing accuracy on unbroken sores? Within 48 hours? My doctors/the internet seem to say it's pretty good even without breaking the seal..?

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There's nothing wrong with wanting accurate results. From what I understand, PCR testing can be used on either cells or fluid. I don't know how accurate it is with herpes though (You could probably (sorry) use google for that lol.


They say western blot is the way to go. If you have the money, it might be worth the test.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Gotta actually have H for quite awhile before it can actually cause damage to the nerves.


Also people do get genital HSV 1, despite having oral HSV 1.


Problem is, no telling w out a swab and those have a high rate if failure, especially w makes, as your sires tend not to be as "wet" / "open" as women's. I say don't write it off and I don't think it's in your head, considering I have neuralgia from genital herpes. The other symptoms w your mouth, have no idea. My nerve pain is in my buttock and back of thighs as well. I say don't stop teuinf to find out what's going on and don't let people dismiss you in life or in a medical facility about your symptoms.

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You are not crazy and its not in your head. Although you might wish it was. You both have GHSV1 and that is what is causing your issues, ive very sorry to say you're in for a long unpleasant ride. Cases with symptoms like yours, and mine seem to be happening more often from what I have seen online. All cases have the same story, oral sex from an infected person. The only thing that will help with the symptoms is if you can get a doctor to prescribe you neurotin or lyrica.


Ive dealt with issues like yours for 1.5 years with no relief until I was finally able to convince a doctor that nerve damage was a "possibility" because its "only HSV1" most doctors will be very hard pressed to give you any meds or treatment.



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Gotta actually have H for quite awhile before it can actually cause damage to the nerves.



I dont believe this to be true, now that i know what happened to me, I could feel the nerve issues not even weeks after exposure, while i was still in the initial outbreak/flu stage. I would have weird tingly sensations in the head of my penis, and it was way more sensitive then normal. Also the burning, random electric type pains, and irritability.

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