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4th disclosure a bust

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Well after I talked with Mr #4, shared the statistic sheet. He's not interested. I asked him to get tested with no response. So...I guess he wasn't that interested. I thought maybe this would be a fun summer romance. So instead I'm on a steady diet of vodka and cigarettes tonight. I know in my heart that someone who wont even get tested isn't a great person to be with. But still hurts

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I hear ya. Regardless of why, when someone we'd like to explore something with says no, it's a let-down. And with so many fish in the sea, there are going to be plenty of those fish who would be down for some "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" STD tests. ;)


And I agree with Elise. It's a red flag when someone outright refuses testing. Maybe he just wasn't that into you and maybe it's a sign of something deeper. Either way, move on to the next (and lay off on the vodka/cigs, sister!).

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Thanks guys for your kind words. He obviously wasn't that into me. So easy to get tested and if you haven't been tested at age 45, now would be a good time. He just wanted to get laid. Its wild to think he would rather just sleep with someone and not know. It's people like him who pass on the virus because it's easier to not know. On a positive note, went out last night and met a great guy. First date tonight lol

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lol, yes, plenty of fish in that damn sea, indeed. How quickly the past worries fade away ... ;)

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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You'd be surprised at how many people have STDs but don't tell. Then you disclose you got herpes and they are like "oh.. well I had HPV CIN 1 on my cervix a year ago, but it cleared"


And you are like- was she going to tell me that if I didn't tell her I had herpes?


There are a lot of people out there with STDs but a small minority that will actually disclose. The people disclose tend to be more mature like over 30 years old.

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