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Transmission Rates?

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I've done some research and have found that a woman with HSV2 is less likely to pass on to her male partner than male to female. I've had HSV2 for 11 years and don't have outbreaks. I only get weird nerve pain a couple times a year, but no sores or anything. I've been spending time with a coworker and things have become heated a couple times (no penetration, but genitals touching). What are the odds I've passed it on to him already?

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I can't give you odds for that but friction can transmit. Just how much rubbing? Was it well lubricated? Just some things to keep in mind. A simple mine touched yours probably won't transmit anything-but I can't say definitely because I don't know. I think that if you are at that point though, it's time to disclose.

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I went almost 30 years with no visible symptoms then boom, here is hsv2.

I am aware that possible transmission can occur, usually cuticles, but rare.

I also posed the question abou vigorous rubbing one time on this forum and was told yes I could of transmitted it, but again rare.

I'd get the emotional bond going on and if your comfy, disclose

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  • 2 weeks later...

@DarkManX Many factors go into risk. One thing that increases risk of contracting the virus is the existence of microtears, tiny cuts in the skin. When a penis comes into contact with a vagina or anus, there can be microtearing as a result of friction, increasing the risk a virus will be contracted. The penis itself is less likely to sustain these tears during friction, though uncircumcised males are at greater risk for this reason (microtears). People (men and women) who shave in the genital area are also at greater risk for this reason.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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