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Jane M

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Posts posted by Jane M

  1. @Concerned1977 

    I read that olive leafe extract can reduce the efficacy of lysine and to take them 3 hours apart. I'm taking up to 3000 of lysine a day right now, 750mg of 20% olepuerin olive leaf extract and 600 mg of monolaurin, 2000 mg vit c and 5000 iu of vitamin d. My plan is to flush this out and build up my immune system. This is working for me but I would caution people to read up and talk to your doctor if course. My igg was down 1.19 after only two months, from 6.82. I know some people say it doesn't matter, but the lower the antibodies, the lower the viral load. My goal is to convert back to negative. My goal is to cure myself. I understand what is said about hsv 2, "no cure", but I am doing my best to flush it out. Not hurting anything and I actually feel really good. I think herbal remedies should be combined with conventional medicine. After a year, I may come off the valtrex for a while and see what my body does. There is a study done by NIH that states newly diagnosed people that take valtrex shed as little as those who have had hsv 2 for years. @Jenn88, I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. Mind over matter. 

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  2. @Concerned1977

    July 20th sex w/ with the guy who has slept with 100 people and has yet to be tested 

    July 23rd sex with ex boyfriend, I don't think he is positive for herpes. He claims not to be. 

    August 4th, sex with Mr 100+ again. 

    August 6th, woke up with small sore.

    August 7th, had cultured tested

    August 10th, culture came back positive. Blood drawn that day. Negative for hsv 2, both igm and igg

    August 16th, blood drawn, positive igg 6.82. 

    September 5th, hsv 2 igg 2.42

    October 1st hsv igg 1.19 

    I have been taking 1 gram of valtrex per day since August 10th. 

    the earliest date of exposure would have been July 20th, the latest date would have been August 4th. 


  3. 3 hours ago, _a_rayofsunshine_ said:

    It’s highly likely. According to CDC 80% of Americans have some form of herpes. If he’s that reckless with his life, don’t even get involved with him. As scary as the idea of getting a negative result is, it doesn’t help the person or their partners by not testing. That’s just foolish to me. 

    I have been diagnosed and he is one of two possible people that could have infected me. I think it was likely him, based on sexual history. Mine was not a latent infection, it was a primary outbreak, and it took some time for the antibodies to show up. He and I are definitely done...not necessarily because of the herpes. But his excuses as to not getting tested. He said he is going Monday to get tested, I think he knows (based on his numbers) that he is positive and does not want it to be official. I asked him, to do it for me, because I want to know. He said he owed me at least that much. I just think that with 100 people, there just can be now way he is negative. 

  4. 18 minutes ago, _a_rayofsunshine_ said:

    Why are you scared? Fear of rejection? Fear of what? He’s either going to accept you, flaws & all, or isn’t. If he doesn’t, he’s not the only man left on Earth. You partially told him, now you just have to say, hey, remember when I mentioned I was exposed to H, well apparently I ended up testing positive to having 

     I just think he will feel he has no choice but to "reject" me, based on his taking the medication. I also would rather engage in sex inside of a relationship. So that's my out. If he approaches me for a full-on relationship, I will tell him before we have sex. You are right, I should be accepted, flaws and all. This is so new to me. I know it's not a big deal, but some days it feels like its the first day all over again. 💔

  5. a man has had at least 100 sexual partners, how likely is he to have hsv 2 ? Has not been tested and making a lot of excuses. Statistically speaking, I cannot fathom that he does have hsv 2. He has admittedly had a lot of usafe and indiscriminate sex. Just want to poll for your responses. Maybe I can move on knowing he has it without him actually getting tested. 

  6. Hi Everyone ,

    I have recently been diagnosed with hsv 2. I have a casual sex partner of many years, but did not get or give this to him. Thank God. Ee just started spending some time together again, I told him I had been exposed to the virus and am on valtrex but did not tell him I am igg positive. My infections disease doctor told me it was not necessary to disclose to a causal sex partner if I was on valtrex and using condoms (which we have both times since my diagnosis). He is now on methotrexate for an auto immune condition. I've avoided him since he started taking it. I can't find much information on the subject, does anyone know if him being on an immunosuppressant puts him at greater than the 1% risk? I certainly don't want to pass this to anyone, especially him as it may be problematic. He has had recurrent bouts of shingles, and it has not been a problem on the medicine for him, but seems like hsv 2 is a whole new ballgame. I'm just embarrassed to tell him, and since we aren't in a actual relationship, I'm not sure I should. Any advice would be appreciated. 



  7. @Bellapink

    My friend cut her valtrex to 500 mg a day instead of 1 gram and she stopped getting headaches. If you are already taking 500, maybe you can use a pill cutter and half it. I would think it would provide you some protection but may cut the headaches. Drink a lot of water with too. I was getting a few headaches in the beginning, they are gone now.I take 1gram a day. It took a few weeks but with water and motrin they were tolerable 

  8. @Next step

    I'm sorry if my post set you back... I think we are all struggling in our own way and I am very new to this. I will tell you, I have disclosed to 2 guys I was dating and they did not care one bit. I didn't  have chemistry with them, but they were more than kind. One man stating "you are beautiful and kind, anyone that rejects for a virus does not deserve you". I just go back and forth with it because hsv 2 is so prevalent. 

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  9. @Amando

    I appreciate your honesty. It's not as black and white to me as it may seem to others. I think ultimately I would have to disclose, because I don't want my future husband / boyfriend finding the valtrex and asking "what the f*** is this!". lo. Although, it's crossed my mind to say that I have chronic shingles and need valtrex for that. Haha. Life isn't fair and it's best to cooperate with the conditions of life, rather than fight them. This has just been a devastating blow for me. I've had 8 sexual partners my whole life. I felt I was being careful and responsible, and respecting my body. I feel as though I have betrayed my body and myself as a whole. 

  10. @agentscully @Amando @Ohhey143

    I am really struggling with disclosure. I am taking 1 gram of valtrex every day, and my numbers are dropping dramatically. I know morally it is the right thing to do, but the infectious disease doctor told me I do not have to disclose in a casual sex situation. I would have the guy use a condom of course along with my valtrex. There is a less than 1% chance I would pass this on. I don't have a lot of causal sex, but I do have someone that I am in a friends with benefits situation with. I want to tell him, but at the same time, I don't know why I have to. So many people have this, and 80 to 90% of them don't know it, so they are just passing it around and the cycle continues. I know I have it, am acting responsibly and doing all that I can to prevent transmission and protect myself. Nobody has to disclose they have had a cold sore, and all I had was a cold sore in a very rude place. I'm obviously struggling with the entire process as I am still coming to terms with this. I'm in medical school, so I can water this down to it's basic....it is a virus that causes an irritating skin condition. The stigma makes it so much worse. I know all of these things. I just don't know that I need to disclose it. I'm not afraid of rejection, I think I'm just angry that I've been put in a position to have to put my sexual health on display to potential partners. HIV is a different story. I always ask my potential partners to get current HIV tests before we are intimate and nobody has had an issue with that. They don't even include hsv testing in the regular panels, because as my doctor stated "so many people have it and the psychological effects are worse than the condition itself". I can't wrap my mind around the fact that I am obligated to disclose. I don't want to feel ashamed of this, nor will I let anyone shame me because of it, I also don't want to be the spokes-vagina for herpes. You guys are all veterans of this whole thing, so I would really love to hear how you guys handle this. Thank you all! 

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  11. @agentscully

    I  use coconut oil (which has antiviral properties of it's own). I was using a cotton ball, but now I just use my hand. I of course wash them very well after, butI felt like the cotton was absorbing too much of the oil. I use a raw coconut oil that is cold pressed. It takes a little longer to melt and I mix it and it gives a nice thick coating. Just make sure you sleep on a towel. I don't know if this is helping, but it isn't hurting. If you google "essential oils hsv 2 nih", you will be surprised at the studies done and the results. I did read from a clinic in Germany where people have gone into complete remission after applying melissa oil to their mouth or genital area. Make sure you dilute it, these oil can be very irritating to the skin. I bought Verditas Melissa simplex oil at an organic market. It's got most of the oils that NIH studied. You may find this at your local organic market or online. I did not find it on amazon.  The genital area is not sterile. You don't need to use cotton (which is also not sterile unless you get it from a hospital).  Just wash your hands before and after application. The melissa oil will stain your nails a little, but who cares. lol

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  12. @Amando

    Thank you for taking time to reply. I'm sure he has it, he is just in denial. I need to move forward with the acceptance that it was him. It ultimately doesn't change my situation, but some closure would have been nice. I know what you mean about the numbers and not reading too much into it, but I can't help myself! lol. I think if I see it dropping so drastically, I have hope that I can clear this virus from my body. I know...there is supposedly "no cure", but the immune system is capable of clearing a virus. I wonder how many times we get exposed to viruses that our immune system destroys before we even know what hit us? I have great health insurance (which I do not abuse), so I can chase this thing down with all my available resources and I will! But I can almost guarantee it was him. 100 partners....it's just statistically impossible that he would not have it. 

  13. @beckham

    I'm so glad you posted this info, and that you agree with how I feel about Terri. She basically dismissed me as a a liar when I asked her about lab results and fluctuations in the antibody numbers. She was not compassionate at all. I paid $20 and was dismissed and did nor get an ounce of helpful advice. All she wants to do is sell her book and western blot test, while touting that hsv 2 in incurable. She also has stated that Valtrex has no effect on labwork, only to state on other posts that it does. She very much contradicts herself. I was very disappointed with her service. Maybe she us just burned out, if that's the case. Stop having people pay when all she does is talk about the western blot. That's her standard response to everything 

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  14. @Ohhey143

    what is your opinion, the man I believe to have contacted this from has had at least 100 sexual partners. He said he has never been tested for herpes and has had no noticeable symptoms. He is one of two possible people that could have given this to me. With 100 partners, my doctor said it is almost impossible he will not have it. What do you think? 

  15. @Ohhey143

    I want his opinion on what these numbers mean in correlation to my viral load, how infectious I may or may not be and if I serorevert to a negative igg, does this mean I am "negative". at the rate it is dropping and all of the things I am doing on top of valtrex, I can't see it NOT becoming negative. My gyn did not want to put me on suppressive therapy but the infectious disease specialist did. He was so good and kind about the whole thing. I was so depressed (literally wanted to blow my brains out when I found out), he made me feel human again. I went through all the feelings "dirty, damaged, tainted, alone for life etc). I don't feel that way now, but I can't go for very long without without thinking about this. Nothing has changed but nothing is the same. He was helpful to me in realizing this is not the end of the world as I know it. I'm still struggling at times.... I am still unsure of why I need to disclose if I am taking valtrex and using condoms, and if these numbers mean anything. The lower the igg the less likely I am to transmit? That's what I am hoping he can help me with. As well as people in this forum, which I am very thankful for 

  16. @tomorrow


    Google Ray Anthony Brown...first man cured of HIV. there have been 6 since him. I was really stunned when I read this. 


    As far as he goes, yes he has had admittedly had a lot of unprotected sex and I think, life yourself, he has been infected for a while. I'm not angry at him. I do not think he did this intentionally, I am just frustrated that he has been so hesitant to get tested. He said "I can do the math". I am working on moving past this and "curing" myself....or giving it my best shot. I think you being 10 years in, probably have a low viral count anyway. That is the advantage of time with this virus. I'm glad you have done well with it. I am also grateful for the lessons I have learned from genital herpes. I'm learning there a lot worse things that could happen. I am in healthcare, and on any given day the patients I've seen with HIV, Aids, terminal cancer etc, would trade places with us in a heartbeat! Have to find what I can be grateful for!!! 💜

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  17. @tomorrow @happyman_adventurous

    I am grateful for conversations such as this while I come to terms with this. I am not saying I'm "cured", but if people can be cured of hepatitis C and HIV, there is no way there can't be a way to cure this. I am 2 months into this and have come to a much better place than before. I just don't want to stop taking the valacyclovir because I've already had an outbreak and am under a tremendous amount of stress. I'm not going to poke the sleeping bear so to speak. The western blot will be the end all, and I will happily share it. At this moment, I love seeing those numbers decline so rapidly and I love feeling whole again. This really broke my spirit. I am also struggling with the disclosure. I have a casual sex partner that I have been with twice since being diagnosed. I could not bring myself to tell him, I told him I may have been "exposed".  I know this is a lie and I know it is wrong, but my infectious disease doctor said in a casual relationship with valtrex and condoms, I did not need to disclose as the rate of transmission was so low. My hand to God the physician told me this. I do feel very frustrated that people with hsv 1 don't have to disclose , and that 80% of the people with hsv 2 can happily run around not knowing they have it and continue to transmit (or not). I am really struggling with this and the whole "ethics" of it. I care deeply for the man I have been with since and do not want to infect him. I am struggling with all of this and doing the best I can. I've stopped him from performing oral sex on me as well. I told him I don't feel comfortable until I know for sure...again, I know this is a lie. I am sorry for it and it conflicts with my moral compass. I still have bad days with this and I am human. There is a lot of debate on disclosure. Also, what do you guys think about the person I believe infected me??? I've read so many stats on this...do you guys think there is any way a guy who has been with at least 100 women could NOT be infected??? I think this is not possible, and he has dragged his feet to get tested. 


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  18. Hi @tomorrow,

    My earliest date of infection could only have been July 20th of this year, and the latest date was August 4th. I know this because I was with two different guy during that time. Both were exes of mine. I was intimate on August 4th, and woke up with a sore two days later. I've read the time for the initial outbreak is 2 to 20 days. The man I was with on July 20 th and August 4th has slept with "at least" 100 women. He has not been tested yet, but I would find it difficult to believe he isn't a carrier. There was one other on July 23rd. For reasons to complicated to go into, I've not contacted him, and do not plan too. The one from the 23rd and 4th finally got tested the other day and will let me know what it says. I do not see how on earth he can be negative with those kind of numbers...That being said, let's say it was the 20th of July. It's too soon for a western blot test. I did not stop taking Valtrex before the test, and I won't. I've seen an infectious disease doctor and immunologist, and they both agree I should not stop taking it for at least a year. I don't want to chance another outbreak just to see what the igg will do. I've read conflicting information about Valtrex and lab work. If antibodies are for life, I don't see how Valtrex would reduce that number? I think my "viral load" must be so low that my body isn't producing antibodies for it, although  I know antibodies do fluctuate depending what is going on in the body. I will say I was on a very high dose steroid when I got my last result (due to a neck injury). I was fully expecting it to be high, and I had a small sore that I suspected to be herpetic, given the fact I have read prednisone can cause outbreak. Negative viral culture and the 1.19 igg! I was so happy. I can't stop doing anything that I'm doing, because I don't want to give the virus a chance to multiply. I'm building my immune system (which thankfully is already in great shape), with vitamin C, vitamin D, and since echinacea. The oilve leaf and monolaurin is supposed to kill the virus as well. I know that none of these are miracle cures, I've just read a lot about how much they have helped. I also read an article that stated you may be able to "wake up" the dormant hsv 2, in order to kill it will antivirals. Maybe the prednisone did just that. I have a follow up with an infectious disease doctor mid month. I will share any lab results I get. I also pray daily, multiple times a day. I will get a western blot at the six month date as well. 

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