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Everything posted by hope27

  1. I am also noticing the same, both ny hands are looking so dry from today morning. Not sure what it is!
  2. Artificial insemination or ivf can be an option, but then the risk of hsv in semen is there. I spoke with an obgyn but couldn't get a definitive answer. I still feel hsv is not taken seriously by medical practitioners and for them it's just a skin issue.
  3. Since I am from India and had learnt Sanskrit in school really liked the idea how you represented female genitila as 'Yoni'. Though it may be little out of track to this forum but felt like I will add some more points to this. The word 'Yoni' indeed has a high significance in Hinduism. It is representation of Goddess Shakti. Also it is conceptualized as the source of our existence. Numerous references of 'Yoni' can be found in Tantra practice as well. In Hinduism 'Yoni' (Goddess Shakti) is generally represented with 'Linga' (Lord Shiva), the male counter part. 'Yoni' and 'Linga' together symbolizes divine process of creation - union of male and female.
  4. Agreed you and your partner needs to have an open discussion on this. May be your partner has already done research of his own and knows precautions to be taken. I feel its not about hsv1 or 2. It's about carrying something incurable for the rest of our life. When I first found I have hsv (still I don't know which strain it is) I felt end of my life, became suicidal and what not. But now slowly I am learning to take it one day at a time. First I was scared how will I live alone with this my entire life. Then I thought more and more and realized we don't know what is waiting for us tomorrow. So I have stopped thinking about what will happen to me when I become old. I have always lived in present and will continue to do the same. But now I have started taking good care of my health and diet. I am now in a journey of self discovery. I still feel depressed in the morning and that is something that not going to go away soon. And who knows a cure may be there in next 10 years😊
  5. In order to figure out the tentative period when the virus got in our body one should do both igm and igg test. Igm will remain positive for one month or so from exposure and then will become negative where as igg will become positive between 3 to 6 months. For few it may take little more time than 6 months. Please note igm test is not advisable. It is only helpful if someone wants to figure out if he or she got infected or not within one month of exposure but no sore is present. Cas1: igm positive igg negative. Very recent exposure within a month Case2: igm negative igg positive. Atleast 3 months old. Difficult to say when the person got infected. Case 3: igm positive igg positive. Most likely a recurrence. But difficult to say when the person got infected. Case 4: igm negative igg negative but swab or pcr or visual diagnosis is indicating herpes. This could happen when blood test is done anytime after one month of exposure when igm will go negative but igg antibodies has not yet been formed.
  6. Don't feel low about yourself. Yes we all are carrying this virus for which there is no solution and most likely there will be none. But then there are couples where one is negative. The risk is always there. But still I will say it's worth giving a try. We all are not that lucky where love comes and knocks our door.
  7. I do have obe question. What are the side effects of taking lysine for a very longtime in daily basis, does it damage kidney? Also if I stop ot after taking for a certain period of time on regular basis will I start getting obs?
  8. Not sure about the difference. I am taking l-lysine
  9. @Joe Joe Sorry to hear about your loss. I am very close to my siblings and can feel your pain. I also used to feel very alone when I used to drive to work from home or vice versa. Many a times thought of accidents had come to my mind. Then I started doing car pooling. Now I travel with my colleagues to my work and back home to keep all negative thoughts away from my mind. I am also scared of family name and reputation. So many ifs and buts keeps on going in my mind. A mistake of one minute ruined my life. I had asked my giver multiple times if she is clean and she had always told she has done complete std panel test and nothing to worry. In India unlike other countries herpes is part of std panel test. We have never done unprotected before. Don't know why at the heat of the moment I went inside her unprotected that day. After a minute I realized my mistake and used protection. My giver laughed at me and told what's point of using protection now. Two days later I did a full std test and found out my blood report has got hsv igm 3.5. Since its 3.5 I was hoping it's a false positive as I was still having trust on my giver. When I contacted my giver she first denied of having herpes. Then she told she never did herpes test. She has done for hiv, hcv, hepatitis, gonorhea, syphilis. I was like wtf! When I asked her to get her blood tested her reply was she can't do blood test now for some bullshit reason. Instead she told me to take Valtrex 3 times for 7 days. I was more in shock. I was thinking how do you know this medicine and the dosage. Then she asked me not to contact her anymore giving more bullshit reasons and blocked my number. When I think about it she knew all the time. I sometime ask God why now? And why from someone whom I trusted?
  10. @Lovenhope what you have faced no one else should. My thoughts abd prayers are with you. Glad to know you have your parents support. I guess one of the major acceptance we look for is from our parents and family. If our parents and family are with us then we can fight anything in this world.
  11. @No More Tears D I hope you are also feeling better. My thoughts and prayers are with you as well.
  12. @No More Tears D Thanks for asking. Well trying to do okay as that's the only thing I can do right now. Nothing else is in my hand. Every morning when I wake up I am full of depression. But then as the day passes by and I get engaged in my work I start feeling better. I am trying to keep myself occupied in work so that I can forget this. But then who can escape reality.
  13. longterm-relationship? where Male didn't pass HSV2 to female? One more topic that has some successful stories
  14. Hi did you find any answer to these questions you had? If yes please do share
  15. I read here one member found out she is hsv+ after 10 years. So I will say yes it is possible
  16. Anyone with a Partner who is HSV Negative? Keeping Your Better Half HSV Negative Above topics could be useful for you.
  17. What dosage are you following for lysine? Taking 1000mg once daily at night will that be ok?
  18. Well I guess the only thing that's makes us insane is the very thought of being alone. If there was no fear of rejection or social stigma attached with it will we be so worried? Of course the physical pain is there and for many the outbreaks are very bad. But more than physical pain it's question of acceptance is what killing us. What I understood is in order to others to accept us we must accept ourselves first. Nothing wrong if you are feeling angry or anxious or depressed. We are all human beings full of emotions. Infact all these emotions you are having says how much alive you are. Whether someone is going to accept us or not only time will say. I guess for me now it's time to search for true love who will accept me with flaws in me. Not sure when and where. I just know it's going to be a long wait!
  19. You take it as a capsule? If yes could you please tell me which product you are using and what dose you following?
  20. Well I am no veteran to this. I am not even a month old. To be more precise I am 23 days old. I was hating myself like anything. Thought about killing myself. I am from India where std is not spoken very openly, there's huge lack of sex education. If I tell any girl I have herpes they will not date me forget about getting married. So as long as dating life is concerned it is full of darkness or rather I will say it has hit a rock end. If I tell my friends they will make joke of me and give me lectures on how stupid I was to trust someone in a casual relationship. So basically I can not tell this to anyone whom I know personally. But then I can not let this one thing ruin or end my life. What I realised is until and unless I accept the truth and forgive myself nothing is going to change. Why forgive my self? Because it was my stupidity of not using protection or trusting a wrong person. But if I keep on blaming myself for this it's going to make things more worse. The last thing I want is this virus taking away smile from my life. Life is much much bigger than this. Right now I am taking this as discovering myself, loving myself, taking care of myself. I couldn't sleep for more than two weeks at a stretch. But then the more I accepted the truth the more I am making terms with peace of my mind. Yes every morning when I wake up I am full of sadness. I am fighting between positive and negative thoughts every single second. But what I have promised my self is I will come out of it. I will make people around me happy. And to do that I have to keep my self happy.
  21. The mental and emotional stress is the worst part for this virus. The more we stress ourselves the more likely we may get an ob. To put your mind at rest either go for igg type specific blood work or western blot.
  22. I have just ordered lysine 1000mg. I will receive it today. I am planning to take it one daily post dinner though not sure what is the right dosage and right time to take. Any advise will be helpful
  23. Hi @No More Tears D we all are here to support you. It's a tough journey but trust me everything will be okay. To start with a big virtual hug for you.
  24. Dont think there are any hpv test for men. Also igg antibody takes 3 to 4 months to be created. I will suggest to do a blood work after 4 months or so.
  25. I will say it's important to find out which type you have. As @greydaysandbrighternights mentioned hsv1 has much lesser obs than hsv2. Also hsv1 is much much common than hsv2. Knowing what type you have will help you for future.
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