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Everything posted by VirusEnhanced

  1. I wrote a longer reply but my phone deleted it... I'll say this it's a double edged blade say you don't disclose and just assume that as consenting adults the man is aware of the dangers of unprotected sex and casual sex behavior. That same man may be thinking the same thing about you when he disregards he is or may be Hiv, Heps, etc HPV positive. Which by the way HIV infection rate triples if not quadruple by means of genital HSV. So it's a crap deal to be honest. You could choose not to disclose but so can they... wouldn't you both wish to know? It's what a person can live with... me myself even if a lady friend was begging for the D and it'sa one time deal I wouldn't for the two reasons mentioned. Who knows what she has and I know what I have. Now I'm not saying you should or shouldn't I'm just sharing my own personal perspective of given the same situation what I'd do and thoughts about it. I got my HSV from childhood but I got my HPV from exploring the college campus. It really put into perspective STDS and I knew then and there I was fortunate it wasn't the big H and on that note ilk say I've slowed down and abstaining from sex while my body works out the virus. Then disclosures and a game plan. Til then it'll be Marry Thumb and her four daughters for me!
  2. Agree with everything that's been said. If that "man" Can't deal with something like herpes... well I'd be curious to see who he ends up with rofl! bubble woman? Live long and prosper, this virus is just a virus one more human condition. Life goes on :-) Still can be whatever you make it!
  3. I've been rejected for having a beard... And for not having a beard. Different strokes for different folks. Live long and prosper... We all will find that other soul who deserves our love and has earned theirs.
  4. ((Claps)) Once again everything and anything I could think of has been addressed and said. Co dependence is an interesting issue. I myself have just come to the realization I am addicted to it. You will find someone to love you for you I know it. I'll share my most recent story as some may have read I am moving to Colorado. Well I made the "mistake" of falling in love and in turn having a girl fall in love with me. She is compassionate loves animals is a great cook gives back rubs and overall great person. So I've found someone who loves me for me... But with life with one solution another problem reveals. She can't move with me to Colorado and so I must make this choice of what I want. Do I turn down an opportunity that I may never have again (to move to Colorado or out of my state, or stay and enjoy the love and companionship I've found.) no matter the decision it isn't easy. But I digress this isn't about me it's about YOU I just wanted to share that life doesn't always present easy choices and just because you don't see it or have it now doesn't mean you won't in the future. I've lost track how to get my point across haha, point is do what makes you happy mind, body, and soul. Also from a mans perspective this guy pal is doing what I call "spare tire" routine. He's keeping you in the trunk as the spare tire only taking you out when he needs you. People don't drive around with their spare tires they use them when they need them and put them away when they don't. That explains the jealousy and over protective attitude. I'm not saying he's generally doing it consciously but it is what it is. Best saying "Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option" words to live by.
  5. I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said. I'll say this though... You are gorgeous! Inside and out you share and show kindness towards total strangers while dealing with your own issues in life. I am sorry your guy pal turned out to be something besides what you wanted... But I'm sure as you know by now that with H shows those around us who they are to us and we to them. Who knows maybe he will come around figuring out what he wants from life and maybe not. Fear brings the worst in people no matter the subject fear is what has caused humanity to make so many mistakes. Live long and prosper. You have love, even from complete strangers we as a community love you. In time you will find what you are looking for even if it takes time and effort.... If we all succeeded on the first try we would all have won the lottery by now.
  6. I'm curious what country are you from? Some really odd Doctor work going on... If they prescribed Valtrex or other antiviral Herry is 100% right about the testing. Find another doctor if you can because any doctor giving a herpes diagnoses purely on visual is not up with the times and can't be trusted for that reason he's giving certainty without proper testing. Next time a tip is taking Epsom salt bathes or oatmeal. And using aloe CREAM (not the gel) it can help relieve itching and pain from the sores. Above all try to stay upbeat and don't let this small ripple in the ocean of life affect you too much. Live long and prosper.
  7. Worst case scenario is it does cause an outbreak. At first thought some would cringe and instead never try it. But think of it this way... your waxing will last longer than any breakout, period. If you are on suppressants I doubt it would cause an outbreak and if it did it would be a fraction of your last outbreak.I'm actually considering waxing for myselfI'll be sure to make a post. So I say give it a try. Good luck stay well , live long and prosper.
  8. It really puts into perspective life. How we H+ people seem to become distraught in life and our perspective there are what is considered 'worse things' but these two stories are just amazing. I really wanted to share this upbeat message.
  9. Sort of like gambling... the odds are never exactly known chance by chance variable. For instance "How long did your lip linger on the cigarette? Did you drag your lips against it? Were their micro OB's on your lips?" Who knows really... But I imagine chances are not high.
  10. Some humor that may lighten the day :-) http://s-ec-sm.buzzfeed.com/static/imagebuzz/web03/2009/7/1/16/titan-full-body-condoms-are-the-way-to-go-11417-1246478803-0.jpg Any time I think of Herpes and condoms I remember back to this scene on Naked Gun... Haha.
  11. The vast majority of the medical field consider herpes as a "Don't worry about it, no big deal" human ailment. So it doesn't surprise me even now in countries around the world it's still poorly educated to the public and understanding. stats on Greenland made me chuckle a bit.
  12. this is what I found specifically with the nhs ( http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/genital-herpes/Pages/Introduction.aspx ) IMO it's so outdated with a review coming up in the next few months... but to answer your question "Genital herpes is a common condition, especially between people aged 20-24 years. In 2011, 30,338 people attended a sexual health clinic in the UK with an attack of genital herpes for the first time."
  13. I know this is gonna sound off and your response is gonna be something like "Yeah right." but in relationships we feed off the emotions of our partners... if one of us is sad the other is concerned and sometimes equally sad. If one of us is anxious the other can become anxious. So far he seems to be acting in the best mature way possible and the best thing YOU can do is BREATH try to level your emotions and anxiety and treat this as exactly what it is really "No big deal" Take care of yourself take care of your outbreak and when you two become intimate use what you learn here. You can act like herpes is the monster in the closet.... breathing heavily as you sleep waiting patiently the day it will come out and say hello. Or you can treat it as what it is.... an annoyance a skin condition that comes and goes like so many other skin conditions. Live long and Prosper. (BTW from my reading of the hsv groups... it's really has open up people's imaginations and shyness from different fetishes there are a ton of ways to achieve pleasure without genital contact. Get creative and you may just find something you both really really like.)
  14. Completely agree with Dancer. I'd say once your friend learned she gave her Bf genital herpes through hsv1 she's gonna sing a different tune. Herpes is herpes hsv1 and hsv2 can act differently with outbreaks I've read but overall exposure and care is nearly the same. Some people myself included take the silver lining of hsv1 being so popular in my population that it's a "Hey I guess I would have had to be bubble boy to avoid it." But I'm sure I'd feel the same as I learn more about hsv2 but it just happens to be a minority in my area of population. Keep strong and rock'N on.... That "friend" Sounds like a real peach anyways.
  15. "A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes." - Mahatma Gandhi It's all about perspective. Life itself is perspective how we see and view things what we feel and do. Sure you may feel like your life is fouled up but that's how we all feel anytime something bad happens. We have the choice though... The choice of seeing this as an impossible obstacle or just another challenge. I too am transitioning on how I view life and how my perspective on life actually hindered my living. Small story time... I was done planning done saving on a move across the United States to (Colorado) from Florida. A week before I was to leave I was diagnosed with multiple things. I let my anxiety my fear and pessimism take over my mind I thought life wasn't worth it and fell into depression spent a good portion of my moving finances. Mind you this was about a week ago (how fast life works sometimes) The added despair of changing my move date and hindering my goals and dreams just made me realize that it wasn't worth it... Being upset on the what if and what was. Do I wish I didn't have hsv? Yes! Can I change it? No I cannot and neither can you... But we can adapt and survive. Take another chance as we all do every day and hope for the best. You will find what you're looking for. Be true to yourself and be true to others.
  16. You'll also find a lot of forums and medical sites encouraging people to get the Westernblot test done to be "entirely sure" that your igg herpselect wasn't a false positive / negative. Only issue I raise with that is that it's an expensive test (usually out of pocket and not under insurance) and not entirely necessary test to be done after getting results back of another test type. Now I'm not discrediting the test or saying it's a scam. Just finding it curious how many times I've seen (Oh herpselect etc is obsolete you won't know for certain without Westernblot) etc. If you question your results get retested.
  17. What I'm curious about is the fact that they have some sort of swab tests available and that's how they are testing these people. Yet there are no known reliable tests for HPV? Or is the test complex/Expensive that it wouldn't be practical.
  18. I'll be the one to say it... "within 10 years distance" I'm sure they said that in 2000. I can always hope but it's never good to speculate. As Adrian and most have said it's best to live and continue to live. And the day that advertisement for your herpes cure comes around all we can do is exhale and say "finally". Til then keep living on and be excellent to each other.
  19. Thanks Herry I really appreciate this. I doubt I would have found the story otherwise. It gives me hope.
  20. Update time! So I visited my Urologist and I noted some of my concerns as my 'rash' on the tip of my penis occurred again(Said it was some sort of fungal since I am uncircumcised keeping dry). He checked it all out and assured me it wasn't herpes and wouldn't take a swab (Sigh) but I did learn I had posted positive to 'exposure' of HSV1 years ago. So most likely had this since childhood or bumming a joint or whatever. My wang is healing very nice the scar should be barely noticeable. He mentioned in cases of HPV he treated it has a chance of reoccuring but he said most of the time it's treated and goes away (Immune system response)
  21. From what I've ever heard or ever known the only time a positive test becomes military concern is drug related or blood born related (HIV Hey etc) Even then I have known the military to continue that persons service in a non combat role. So all in all I think you're okay and he's okay. I agree with dancer if they booted people from the military for herpes well we wouldn't have a military. 1 in 5 (most likely three times that) has hsv2 and 80+% of American population can expect some sort of hsv1 by the time they are elderly. It's such a common common virus.
  22. I'm still opting for the Sci fi approach. Human cloning and transfer of consciousness. One nerd can dream.... But hey I'll take a cure or hsv2 vaccine
  23. Yeah I know I should buy myself a lottery ticket! :-D
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