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Everything posted by JessikaRabbit89

  1. It truly is. I am even helping some people on this forum who have had HSV for decades come to acceptance. I would love to become an advocate for this and spread the word and encourage people to go on with their lives because the feeling of being judged and unloved is really all in your head. Nobody really thinks that way at all!! At least those who really love you :)
  2. Lol sorry, I just wanted to kind of emphasize the importance of how easily someone can get HSV and in a way kind of scare the younger crowd reading it so they will stop indulging in risky behavior lol. But I cannot believe all of the amazing feedback I got!!!! Over 30 comments in less than an hour telling me how brave and strong I was to post online about something so private. It brought tears of joy to my eyes. One friend even said "You're still sexy" LOL! A cousin messaged me after reading it and told me she also has HSV2 been living with it for 10 years and shes married to her giver now. So needless to say, this is probably the best night I've had since my diagnosis. Plenty more nights like this to come!!! I owe it all to this you guys!!!
  3. This is what I wrote to share with my loved ones...I got the statistics off of various websites. What do you think? Consider this a Public Service Announcement, if you will...this post will not be up for long. I just need to get the message out. I have gained enough confidence through my support group and I am ready to express something very personal about myself, so I ask if you respect me and please do not judge me for what I am about to disclose. Last Monday, my life as I knew it changed forever, because I have a condition that although is treatable, it is incurable and will remain with me until I die. Thankfully, its not Cancer, or HIV, or anything that will kill me, but its a disease that has been under the radar and I will now bring it to light. I was diagnosed with HSV2, which is medical code for Genital Herpes. Of course, my initial reaction to this was shock, anger, disbelief, regret, disgust, guilt, every negative emotion you can possibly feel. I asked myself "Who would love me now? What will my friends think? Will they run away? Will I ever have children or a family of my own?" I thought my life was over, and I felt so alone. I instantly went to the internet searching for someone to reach out to in a similar situation and I quickly learned that I am FAR from being alone and its much more common than I once thought. What I am about to say will shock you, and possibly frighten you, but most importantly, it should educate you. There are currently 7 billion people on this planet, and more than half a billion of them are infected with HSV2. 80% of the entire population has HSV1, which is Oral Herpes. That produces cold sores on the mouth, and though its less common, it CAN be transmitted to the genitals during oral sex which will then become Genital Herpes, HSV1. 1 in 4 women in the U.S. have HSV2, as opposed to 1 in 8 in men. That's basically every other person in this country. Roughly 25 million new cases are reported each year worldwide. The bigger issue about this virus is that 80% of people infected with HSV2 have NO symptoms AT ALL. Or, their symptoms may be so mild they may assume its nothing more than an insect bite, an ingrown hair, razor bumps, or in women, a UTI, or a yeast infection. The name "Herpes" is Greek. It means "to creep". So it creeps and lies dormant in your nervous system for months, sometimes years before someone has an outbreak. Other times, it can trigger a primary outbreak that is extreme and occurs immediately (within 2-3 weeks after exposure) and you have to be treated with antiviral medication to reduce the outbreak. That was my case. Also, even without symptoms, you can still spread the virus. Another problem is that STD clinics, both military AND civilian, do NOT test for HSV during their screenings. They only test individuals for the virus if symptoms are present, or if you REQUEST a blood test. So anybody reading this could very well have the Herpes virus, and not even know it. And don't think you're safe just because you wear condoms. Its an extremely contagious virus. Condoms only reduce the chance of transmission by 30-50%. I'm not trying to scare any of you, but I want you all to be aware of this because Sex Ed did not teach me this. I also want people to know that this STD is NOT life-threatening. You can still have kids, still live your life the same way you did before, and still be in a loving relationship. Of course being honest and disclosing this to your partner is key and I learned this isn't always a deal breaker for many people. Genital Herpes in the medical world is nothing more than a skin condition that comes and goes from time to time. Typically, after the first year, enough antibodies are produced to combat the virus, so outbreaks become less and less. Some people may never have outbreaks at all. America is the ONLY country that has created a stigma against people who have this disease, because we are a fear-loving country, and we tend to associate this with people who are promiscuous or dirty. Well, I have spoken to people who have only been with one person their whole lives or been in monagomous relationships and STILL got infected. It does NOT descriminate against class, race, age, or gender. I understand many people who will read this will probably unfriend me, and thats ok. That just means you weren't meant to be in my life for the long haul. To those who stand by me and support me, I am forever grateful. I just needed to get this off of my chest because I feel its something I shouldn't hide or be ashamed of and I wanted to educate people who are out living wrecklessly, and people who are having sex in general. Pregnancy is not the only thing you should be worried about guys. Take it from me. If you have ANY questions, feel free to message me. Get tested and know your status. I want to help change the way America thinks about Herpes. There is a lot to learn, and knowledge is power.
  4. This is wonderful. Thank you!! @WCSDancer2010 you guys have no idea how much you all have helped me through this.
  5. @Bengee, I'm sorry it has effected your life in such a way, I truly wish you the best and hope that you find love too, because you're still young and have a beautiful life to live and share with someone special. Those are very important factors you mentioned in your reply. I don't want to scare them by saying that they can't share towels or kiss other people or that they will be alone or that its incurable. Maybe I will word it in a way that it doesn't seem like a horrible life sentence or burden. I will make them aware that they could very well be infected with the virus and not know since STD clinics do not test for HSV unless symptoms are present or they request a blood test. I will tell them (especially women) to watch for recurrent yeast or urinary tract infections, pimples, suspicious spots on the skin and sensations in their body. I will share when I noticed signs, the process I went through in learning I had HSV2, my initial reaction and how I have grown from it. I think that could have an impact on the younger generation and they will be more vigilant. At least I hope.
  6. You're right. If you can do this, so can I. Thank you for your positive words and energy. :)
  7. Thank you @Adrial and @PositivelyBeautiful for your replies. I've already told my mother, my sister who is an RN, and a few close friends who don't think any less of me, I think thats what has given me the confidence to want to tell others. Its just that people can be so cruel, and I don't want this newfound confidence shattered by someone with rude, disrespectful remarks and judge me as a dirty, promiscuous person. I just want people to be aware of their bodies and whenever they notice something that just doesn't seem right, go and get tested for their peace of mind and also to know their status. Maybe I have a friend or a family member who is also living with this condition but who is ashamed and doesn't want to come forward about it, and I want them to know its nothing to feel bad about. Its just how our society sees it that makes it seem so bad. I don't really think I am ready just yet, but I can feel my spirit urging me to share this each day, because I think once I finally tell others, it could possibly prevent someone from going through what I've gone through.
  8. It's been a week since my diagnosis and you know, surprisingly I am handling this very well. I guess because I know this is something that I can't get rid of, so instead of drowning in guilt and regret, I've decided to accept it and now I want to share it with the rest of my friends and family. I want to educate them about this virus because I'm sure they have NO idea about HSV like we do. They only know what Sex Ed taught us, which isn't a whole lot. I always see my younger cousins and friends posting sexual innuendos on Facebook, they're so wreckless with their bodies and I think to myself "if they only realize how easy it is for them to contract a disease". If I inform them about HSV, my personal experience with it, and how contagious it is, maybe they'll think twice before engaging in sexual activity with a stranger. Part of me (the insecure me who's afraid what everyone will think) is holding back on disclosing this information. The other part of me (strong, optimistic and shameless) wants to tell the world and doesn't care how people will see me for it. I feel almost as if I'm keeping this big bad secret from those that I care about and thats not a good feeling to have. So I wanted to ask you guys before I made my announcement. Should I tell people other than who I'm dating that I have HSV2? Or should this be a personal private matter expressed only to close people in my life?
  9. Lol no problem! :) glad I could help! Hope it works for you.
  10. I had itchiness after taking antibiotics for BV too. Did your dr. give you a prescription for Diflucan? I always get yeast infections with antibiotics because it throws off the balance of bacteria in your lady parts, that could very well be what it is for you too. I took one dose of Diflucan with Monistat 7day and my symptoms cleared up. If you don't notice any relief within 3 days I'd stop using it and tell your doctor what you're experiencing.
  11. I know exactly what you mean. Last year, when I found out I contracted Chlamydia from an ex bf, I went right away and demanded ALL STD tests, and I thought thats what I was getting. But since I didn't have any signs of having Herpes, they ruled it out and just tested me for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphillis, and HIV. I thought I was in the clear. There is a chance I could've already had it and for some reason having sex with my new partner triggered it. But I find that unlikely, since I had 2 partners before him with similar sex styles and nothing happened. I didn't get numbers on my test just a positive too. As for your ex, yes be glad it is over and though its not easy to get over a longterm relationship, you are no longer having to deal with the lies and the emotional stress of it anymore. I'm 100% certain that new girl hes walking around with probably has it too. Now you can move on from him and find peace within yourself and meet someone who will love you for the person you are, and them being ok with you having HSV2 will show you they are worth being in your life. :)
  12. I'm new to this too. If you need someone to talk to I'll be more than happy to do so :) this site has truly helped me accept my condition and see it in a more positive light.
  13. Hey there, please don't feel bad. From what I have learned, many people have HSV2 and have no idea they have it. You could have gotten it from any of your partners in the past and the virus just stayed dormant in your nervous system. You just never know. My guy friend I possibly contracted both HSV1 and HSV2 from had no symptoms either. Come to think of it now though he did complain about lower back pain, but he is in the military and PTs alot, so it could've been overuse of muscles or it could've been the virus. Til this day he hasn't had one outbreak, while I on the other hand suffered greatly and still am, probably because I had a recent exposure so mine was really bad (2nd week in). So yes, depending on the person and how the virus effects them, they may not display any signs at all and if they do it could be so mild they may think nothing of it. With you being asymptomatic its hard to say when you are shedding the virus but you have the potential to shed it at any time. Usually though, during an outbreak is when its most contagious I believe. Taking antiviral medication along with condom use helps greatly reduce the risk of passing it on to others. It also reduces the chance of getting outbreaks if you haven't had any yet. I hope this helps. :) stay strong you will get through this. You are not a monster, you are one of very many who are in the same boat, and its okay. You still have your life and your health, and you have people here that can relate and support you, and thats the most important thing now isn't it? :)
  14. I just found out I have HSV2 last week. I live in Virginia Beach, VA. I'm 24 and would love to have someone I can talk to about this and establish an open genuine friendship. Male or Female, doesn't matter :)
  15. It effects my middle toe on my left foot. I could hardly sleep last night cause of it. I didn't take anything for it and even right now I feel it shoot from my thigh to my toe with these weird sensations in my vagina. I'm just glad the blisters are gone. I guess the shooting pain is much better than crying from those. Lol.
  16. I'm in the exact same situation. My friend could have possibly given me HSV2 yet he has no symptoms of it. I had the full blown outbreak right after our encounter. I told him I had symptoms that just didn't let up so I got tested and found out I had it and that he needed to get tested as well so he did and got a positive result also. I'd hate to think I could've been the one who had it all along and gave it to him and pointing fingers at an innocent victim, but you just don't really know. All you can do is support eachother, accept the diagnosis and make the most of your life with it. Wish you the best <3
  17. Ouch :( so this will be the new norm for me now? I had some serious itching going on last night as well. It was internal, felt like the start of a yeast infection. I've been taking Zinc and Cranberry supplements in addition to my daily Kefir and multivitamin regimen and they seem to be helping. No more itching and my discharge is gone too. Hope that helps. I also noticed I have sharp nerve pains in my left foot. Everything seems to trouble me more on my left side where I guess the Herpes made its entry. Do you guys ever get that?
  18. Thanks again :) this def won't be the last you hear from me. Ha. xoxo
  19. I can totally relate. My ex boyfriend popped back into the picture just a few days after being tested H+. When I told him, the text messages abruptly stopped. Lol I had trouble finding love before I caught this so I can only imagine how hard its going to be now..but I will stay optimistic. Good luck to you.
  20. Thanks Gemini it helps to know I'm not alone in this. I felt like I've been in a bad dream all week and I can't wake up from it. I'm just blessed I got it from someone who cares about me, instead of some jerk who would try to pin the blame on me and leave. He feels awful for giving it to me, but we are helping eachother get through it. This website also helps us out A LOT. Thank you ladies.
  21. Nevermind, he got his results back. HSV1 and HSV2...the confirmation doesn't make this any easier...
  22. Okay, I made an appt with my GYN to do the blood work and see what my type is. My friend just got his blood test done also so its just a waiting game now...is it possible to have herpes but have a negative test? Again thank you for all of this information, I really had a huge misconception about this virus before I found out I had it..
  23. Thank you so much for your reply. Unfortunately I couldn't get the results of my test because I had to pay for it, and at the time I didnt have the cash. Also I'm so scared to go back for another pap because the pain was unbearable. I don't ever want to experience it again unless I am sedated first. :( They said my symptoms were very characteristic with Herpes so they treated me with antivirals right away to get the ball rolling. I've had about 4 paps in total in the last 6 months due to an ovarian cyst my GYN was looking out for, but with the help of birth control that cyst is gone now. Everytime I've had an exam until now, I've always had a clean bill of health.
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