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Girls Don't Read This - Herpes and Manly Things

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Friends, Romans, Fellows, Brothers in Arms,


We snore. We snort. We pee standing up. We are a unique brotherhood of manly men. I ask if anyone else has noticed that since acquiring herpes that your ability to do manly things has gone through the roof? Since acquiring this virus in November, I have somehow acquired the ability to change the oil, build birdhouses using nothing but old milk cartons and Elmer's glue. I've mastered the arts of plumbing, small motor mechanics, and the elusive craft of carpentry. Just last week I built an entire armoire using nothing but 2x4's. thumbtacks, and pegs that I whittled from hand using a rusty pocketknife.


Next week I plan to hone my flair bartending skills, install a swimming pool, go camping with nothing but a roll of fishing line, a flint, and a butter knife, and then come home and pour concrete all over the backyard. And, right now I'm not sure, but I think I might be infected with a rare strain of Super Herpes that has given me all these gifts. Right now, I'm wondering if I'm alone.


If I'm not, I'd like to start a Super Herpes Man Club (No girls allowed!)



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