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So how did you contract herpes?

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1. Yes, I know who gave it to me. He didn't know that he had it. Apparently, he hadn't been showing any signs of an outbreak. He told me that he got tested earlier this year, and been with two girls since then. Then he was with me.


2. One time. I lost my virginity to him and now I have herpes.


3. No, we didn't use a condom. We were caught up in the moment and I didn't give him time to put one on. We figured nothing would happen if he just pulled out in time. We never thought about the other consequences of not using protection.


4. Since he didn't know he had it, no he wasn't. We're both on meds now.

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1. Yes and yes/no - ( after Oral sex ( at that point, I didn't know it made a difference. How many other viruses are only local... :(


2. Just that one time.


3. Yes...


4. No... she "couldn't afford" them... or didn't seem to know they reduced transmission. Didn't mention that anyways... I would have been glad to pay for hers instead of my own...

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  • 3 weeks later...

No....I had my first OB after I had been celibate 6 months. The last partner claims negative status and the 2 year relationship claims negative status as well....


A damn bunch of times tith my ex bf....3times with the last partner



No with the BF yes with the rebound


No atv with either



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I am really not sure where I got it, only three options though. The first claimed negative, the second won't get tested, and I'm with the third right now and since there were rumors about me and he's the one who asked me if I had it and then I got tested it is unlikely it came from him. (Though he is planning to get tested soon, regardless where it came from he could have it.) ):


If it was from the first guy that'd make six years without symptoms, if from the second four years, and if the third then six months.


Unfortunately I was not consistent with condoms


I have no room for anger towards any of them in my heart. It takes two and this day and age casual sex is like, a thing these days. Its the norm and young people especially just aren't being careful. I never slept around and all my relationships were very meaningful. Still I was reckless, I never thought it would happen to me, no way! What a reality check.


Hugs to all <3

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Honey - even if you did the right thing and asked them to be tested before you went bareback, odds are they would have *thought* they were tested for it and odds are they wouldn't have been. Our health care system is very broke where STD's are concerned...scared that the truth will cause a panic where in fact their policies are causing sooo much unnecessary pain and emotional suffering that I sometimes wonder about their lack of reality around this virus :(

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1. Not sure. Could have been my ex who had "mysterious" bumps on his penis but convinced me it was a heat rash OR could've have been a guy I had slept with after, which is when my symptoms started.

2. With my ex- several times. New guy- twice (2 years ago the first time)

3. Nope (hand to face slap) :/

4. They were both unaware.


Still wish I could figure out who I got it from but I know that's just a waste of my energy

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