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Your Cycle? Herpes outbreaks during your period?


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Hi JC I wondered about this too. I have yet to see any difference in ob with my period I have stopped using tampons. I was told I could keep using them or pads no difference. But I chose to stay with pads also because I had a bacterial infection with my ob so that's what I decided. Everyone is different.

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yeas i do have 4-5before my period and the another one in between, this is the first time in 12 month i didnt got it......but period influence herpes a lot .i feel screetchy before my period always.the hormons influence this viruy a lot.well sure it depence on the person

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started itching while exercising (during my period) and had 4 sores right near the bikini line on my butt and another sore near the vaginal opening. Thanks goodness for medication! I wouldn't be able to go anywhere under that condition of so many on my butt. ahh!

I have found the Valtrex helps not have the bump becomes a full blister.

I hope this doctor I'm going to see at the end of the month will give me Valtrex.

Do the other medications work just as well?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm on suppressive therapy with the Alcyclovir (zovirax). And while it's the only antiviral I've used since being diagnosed, the only difference I know about is Zovirax is cheaper with my insurance.. It does what it's supposed to, no outbreaks since being on it consistently.


As to your original question before I started the suppressive therapy two months ago, I did notice a correlation between outbreaks and menstruation, though my doctor denies any relation between the two.

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I have just gone on the same suppressive therapy too. In NZ Acyclovir is cheap - cost me $3 for two months...plus the doctor visit. I don't like taking medication for anything but want to see how it goes before I meet someone and have to take it. Have to say the worst thing is remembering to take it!


I can directly link my episodes with periods...I have only had two in the last year (yay for menopause!) and had a long episode the day after both of them. Doctors don't know everything and I think the best knowledge comes from our own experience and that of others who have H. :-)

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During my first year months of contracting the virus, I got a yeast infect with every period. I went to the doctor to figure out if it was yeast or the herpes and it was yeast. Maybe a combination of both. I think the sores made me more prone to yeast infections. After the first year, I stopped having any symptoms during menstruation. For those of you who are still getting sores, are you recently diagnosed within the last 12 months?

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I would have to say that any additional irritation or moisture leads to outbreaks for me. I had to stop wearing thongs because of the irritation. I personally use tampons because I don't want any more fluids on the surface to encourage an outbreak. Having both your period and an OB at the same time is absolutely horrible and I am doing my best to avoid any repeats in the future! I am also doing suppressive therapy, which seems to be helping immensely.

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