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Females: Confused about possible second herpes outbreak during my period

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Hey gals,

I got my first outbreak about 9 months ago... and I'm not sure if I'm having a second outbreak now or not! I just took my pill break and had my time of the month, I know that it can bring on another outbreak. But I can't work out if it's herpes or just a bad case of thrush? I've been using Vagisil for the pain and also canesten in case it is just thrush... I haven't been able to go to the doctor's yet. Basically my symptoms are constant itching and stinging, and it stings really badly when I go to the loo — like it did on my first herpes outbreak. But I don't have any sores at all? Is it possible to have the pain and itching without sores? I've had the symptoms for a few days now so I feel that if I was going to develop the sores (fingers crossed I don't!) I would have had them by now? Would really appreciate your feedback :)

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So yes, you specifically requested females, but I'm going to jump in here and do my best to offer something anyway. ;) Yes, second outbreaks tend to be less severe than the first. And each subsequent outbreak tends to get easier to handle due to your body developing antibodies and defenses to the virus. And I have a similar burning/itching feeling every now and again when I'm not having an actual outbreak. I imagine that's what asymptomatic viral shedding feels like, although there's no way to know for sure. I can't help with the rest of it, but hopefully my toss-in helps a bit. :) Much love, parky!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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I'm literally willing for any feedback so I appreciate it anyway! :P Yeah all the links I found on Google weren't particularly helpful about second outbreak symptoms so thought I'd ask on here :) At least this time I'm emotionally able to cope a lot better- I've already disclosed to a guy I've started seeing and he was absolutely fine with it :) I don't feel completely devastated this time... just fed up with the discomfort!

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When I am not taking Valtrex, before my monthly visitor, I get a tingling sort of sensation and sometimes like nerves exposed pain down my buttocks and sometimes right down my leg into my ankle. It can be really sensitive. Like Adrial said, it could be some sort of viral shedding thing. I got it for years but found when I take Valtrex, I don't get it. So, for me, it's affected by my hormones and my cycle. Fortunately I don't get an outbreak every time. It still freaks me out sometimes though. Maybe that is what is happening for you? It takes a while to get to know your body and know this little virus and how it takes residence in your body. You do figure it out eventually and can start to work with it.

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Thanks for the input :) I don't take any anti-viral meds, doctor said there was no point really unless I was having major problems with recurrences- and thankfully I've been lucky in that respect! I'm hoping to wake up tomorrow and for the symptoms to be gone as it's been a few days now... fingers crossed!

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Got my answer this morning... blisters appeared unfortunately! :( Was hoping I'd never get another outbreak but if I only have 2 a year I can deal with that! Co-codamol and lidocaine gel for now until the wee bugger goes back into hiding!! Really hope the pain doesn't get any worse... I couldn't cope with it being as bad as my first OB!

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Well, the good news is that now you know what your prodrome sensations feel like. The next time you start feeling these sensations, you can choose to take episodic therapy in order to bypass outbreaks (or at least lessen the severity of the outbreak). Prodrome sensations are your body's way of telling you that the virus is making its way to the surface of your skin. By taking a larger dose (consult your doc for the amount; I take 1000mg of acyclovir when I feel prodrome symptoms) of the medication at that point, it is like hiring mercenaries to help you in battle. (I wish I had a less warlike analogy for that.) ;) In short, the good news is that you are learning about how herpes and your body interact so you can more successfully manage your outbreaks in the future.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Yep and on the bright side I don't have to worry about having something I don't know about! I think I am going to ask my doc about acyclovir now that I've had a second outbreak. Out of interest, I know that it won't be as severe as my first outbreak... but does it last for a shorter time as well?

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Yep, as your body builds up more and more immunity through developing antibodies, the outbreaks lessen in intensity and how often you have them. But they will probably end up leveling off at a minor outbreak once or twice a year is the average.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Oh Adrial, I love that you mentioned " a less war-like analogy"......now I have something to write my guest post on! Have been finding it hard to settle on something I have to say that's useful and not already said here. It's easy for me to respond to others' posts, not so easy to start a post from scratch. Expect soon!

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  • 1 year later...



Hello and Welcome!


Sorry you are suffering ... just know that for most the first OB or two are the worst and you will get over this ... as your body builds up the antibodies it will fight it better and you will also learn what YOUR prodrome (pre-OB) symptoms are so you can get on meds faster.


I'm going to put a bunch of links here for you as a shortcut for all the stuff you can do to manage the OB as well as a few hints to start you off ... once you chew on some of this you may find that some of it helps you and can shorten your OB a bit. (((HUGS))) ...


Check out the FAQ section ... lots of great info there including a whole section on meds and relief from the symptoms ...also the search bar on the upper right is your friend for quick answers:




and the disclosure handouts





Disclosure e-book:




Pain and Itching


4 quick suggestions:


Go Commando as much as possible - getting air to the area can help to dry it out more quickly


Reduce stress as much as possible - Herpes feeds off stress!!! It can become a good barometer for you that your body needs attention in some form or other


Look up Trigger Foods/triggers on here in the FAQ and search bar - lots of topics on them ... the main foods are chocolate and nuts but you want to learn about the Lysine/Argenine balance that can help keep Herpes under control


Epsom Salts baths can do wonders for some. Sit in the bath and dump a few handfuls of the salts right between your legs. Relax and let the salts do their thing then get out and dry off, finishing with a blow drier set on low heat to really get the area dry.


These 4 things seem to do the most help for the most people. Aloe Vera CREAM or Zinc cream may help during the day to keep it from sticking and help relieve the pain .. but there are lots of other suggestions and info in the links below.




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  • 2 weeks later...

It's about 8 months for me and I'm so confused at to if I'm getting a second outbreak no blisters just soreness that started after intercourse but it feels like I was ripped and I have like a little red slice that's bothering no bumps so I'm confused and no tingling either I had no sign of this it just started bothering me after intercourse I'm avoid any more until the pain goes away but I'm hoping blisters don't pop up :( I have hsv1 so is it a good sign that I haven't had an ob since my first and only 8 months ago ?

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