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Pregnancy & Herpes

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Has anybody given birth since being diagnosed? I'm trying to weigh out the risks/benefits of taking an antiviral the last month vs not. I would like to know if anybody has had any experience with either? I would prefer not to take the medicine but worry about the need for a C Section. The meds have always made me feel sick.

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My wife had both our daughters after being diagnosed.I dont remember her taking anti virals during either pregnancy. The oldest was delivered vaginaly, the youngest C section for reasons not related to herpes. Pay closer attention to your body that last month.If you begin feeling any prodomes get on anti virals. The doctor will check you over before delivery, so I doubt you'll have any herpes related complications.

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I had my daughters in the 80's (dinosaur years ago!) when the information was much thinner that what we have now. Anti-virals were just starting to be used ... but my first Dr scared me into a (n unnecessary) c-section. I fought tooth and nail to have my second naturally (even harder because many Dr's are reluctant to do a vag birth after cesaerean) and had her naturally without the anti-virals (he never brought them up... found out about them later). Both my daughters are very healthy and H- ... 26 and 28 now.


They have been using the anti-viral protocol (giving the meds for the last month) since the 80's and I haven't heard any negative stuff about it ( and I'm a minimal medication believer) so I would say that you should be fine ... consider it "insurance" for having a natural birth ;)

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I had two babies vaginally and naturally after diagnosis. I did take my anti vitals the last month. Never had any problems. This is such a personal choice though. If a woman feels more comfortable opting for a c section to lower risks I think that is totally understandable. It can however be done safely. Sometimes I felt like my body went into 'survival mode' when I was pregnant. I had no outbreaks and didn't experience prodome symptoms at all that I recall.

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