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To my surprise..

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Hey guys! So this is my story hopefully it can give you all some hope of you haven't had the talk yet!


So on Saturday I spent the entire morning stressing and worryin about what to tell my guy! So I get off work, go home and he's sleeping so instantly I was relieved thinking I don't have to tell him. Wroong he wakes up and he cuddles me a little, all while im fighting myself inside "okay tell him now, no no not now, okay now", meanwhile he had his head on my chest and my heart was just racing! Finally he goes "why is your heart racing" ( I was so relieved it was such a perfect opportunity to explain!!) so I said " Because I have to tell you about something, I don't really want too because I actually care for you and can see us going further together and im scared this will end it." He goes " okay shoot, it can't be that bad" so I tell him and explain it all to him, well to my surprise he has been with someone with Hsv-2! He already knew facts and everything! So 5 minutes later he literally says "so now that that's out of the way, can we have sex now?!" I stressed out so bad for nothing! Thanks everyone for their help and support!:)

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@brittyo that is fucking awesome!

What a perfect outcome.

Love it!!!! Great men (and women) like that are out there and this proves it. I have had similar experiences (more than once). It's so great to hear these stories, it shows how there are actually evolved people in this world. I am so happy for you.

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