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How Herpes affects your job

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Up at 3AM because of this. Wanted to know if anyone has had any complications from herpes so bad they have missed countless days from work and how that worked out. During my first ob, I had to take a whole week off which clearly put a dent in my pay. I had been thankful not to have missed any days since until 2 days ago when I couldnt deal with the nerve pain mentioned in my previous post. Now im afraid I may have to miss another day due to the pain from the lesion thats formed in my genital area and the overactive nerves that are still sharp and sporadic but not as often. Once again I feel like no matter what, I just cant seem to find comfort or relief, even with the use of pain medication...(maybe its not strong enough?)I also dont want to be heavily medicated either.


Idk what to do, I work for a good company and I dont want to lose my job, but I cant exactly tell my boss "hey I'm having an outbreak so cant make it in", plus that would only work so many times before they terminate me for too many absences. I'm stuck in a hard place right now. I dont want to be looked at as an unreliable employee but with the type of work I do it requires me to stand for long periods and stay active which I'm clearly in no condition to do.

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@jessikarabbit89 I struggle with nerve pain too and have done for almost 8 months but I find it's more the depression from the nerve pain that's stopped me going to work not the physical pain. I'm very lucky where I've actually told my boss (he's a really good friend and has been for years) so when I'm having problems and need a day off he understands. I wouldn't recommend telling your employer unless you're really close with them though haha :)

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Yeah I have only been with this company for 4 months now so I'm relatively new. I dont feel comfortable enough with them to tell of my situation. I'm also pretty depressed at this time too because this is the worst outbreak I've had since my very first. It hurts to walk or use the restroom and its just a miserable experience I thought I was able to beat. I feel like I may need mental therapy to get used to this. There are days I am strong and able to conquer it and days like today where I just want to stay in bed. :(

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get up, wear a smoking outfit that is loose fitting, go command and go to work :). Movement will help the nerve pain (sitting still only makes it worse) and staying home only makes you feel worse. More time to obsess about the pain and discomfort and that leads to depression which leads to more days off work which leads to losing your job which leads to more depression....see where I am going with this ;)

I know it sucks and it hurts! Been there. I am a fitness professional and have gone to work many many days with pain and an ob. It's uncomfortable yes, but staying active and in the land of the living will make you feel better. Unemployed with herpes is was worse than employed with herpes :)

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Sorry - I've been out of town for the weekend and just now catching up....and I'll have to keep this short cause I'm WAAAY behind!


I agree with @fitgirl but I get that sometimes H can cause a lot of issues at first.... so here's some extra thoughts:


If you can tell them the "truth", do so ... and tell them that this should work out over the next few months as your body adapts. If you can't tell them the "whole truth" - say you were diagnosed with a virus that is causing some major body pain/nerve issues or whatever ... but that your understanding is that you should have fewer "attacks" as time goes on.....


I agree with the commando thing.... esp if you have an open lesion. If it's just the nerve pain, talk to your Dr about options .... are you on Lysine? I'd do Vitamin B as well (it's needed for healthy nerve function as well as energy) and so it may help a bit.


Unfortunately the CDC doesn't take into consideration that some of the H population loses time at work with this (if we can prove that it has caused enough lost days at work, we many have a stronger case to get them to do more... *sigh* ) so document your lost time for me and hold onto it. I may need it in the future ;)



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Luckily I didn't have to take any days off work so far, just a couple of hours here and there for doctor appointments to check out aching glands and neuropathy sort've stuff. No clear explanation yet, but I'm waiting in line for 1 to 1 CBT on the off-chance that it's all anxiety.


But my mood has definitely been noticeable. Herpes doesn't really bother me, but its triggered this way of thinking that I'm gonna die tomorrow from an undiagnosed condition. Failed to hide tears a few times, but people put it down to other circumstances. Actually I have more pressure applied at work, but it seems like less of an issue.. so long as I'm breathing.

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well other than my original OB, which was horrific I have yet to have taken a day off work due to herpes. I work in construction, in florida no less. im not trying to toot my own horn but ive always been a , one foot in front of the other type of guy. not claiming im tough mind you, just that ive found it does little good emotionally, and less financially to hide under the covers at home. heck at the moment im going thru a sinus infection that has me stuffed like a build a bear and hacking so hard it sometimes triggers my gag reflex ( and boy is that fun) yet im still plodding along.




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hopefully this doesn't come off wrong but I had an interesting experience not long ago that is somewhat Germaine to this. I met a WWII vet, flew missions as part of a crew over occupied Europe. 16 hr missions in an unheated aircraft, they had to plug in their suits as they were basically wearable heating blankets. while this man spoke casually about what he did in a war that literally decided the next 100 years of human history, the trial and travails that he withstood without complaint nor concern, my cohort sat furrowed browed and complaining......because he couldn't warm up his soup for lunch and it was ruining his day.


next time herpes is getting us down we should think about those who had herpes, or worse who still HAD to get up and do something or else they wouldn't eat that day! yes, no food. not, oh im going to order pizza or take out chinese, no freakin food for the day!!!!!!


I am 50 years old, something hurts almost all the time, I get up, I go to work every day. 4 weeks ago I was on a ladder 10 feet in the air, 3 feet away from a 9 story drop with a wind blowing toward the drop. it was 30 degrees outside, I went to work, did my job. I don't have the time nor the inclination to let herpes make me bankrupt.

fuck herpes and the horse it rode in on.

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I like that attitude @seeker :) My best friends mum just passed away yesterday from lung cancer less than a year after she was diagnosed. It's things like that which really put herpes into perspective for me. I'm so thankful that it's not something that will kill me..it's just a little bit awkward and painful at times.

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hopefully this doesn't come off wrong but I had an interesting experience not long ago that is somewhat Germaine to this. I met a WWII vet, flew missions as part of a crew over occupied Europe. 16 hr missions in an unheated aircraft, they had to plug in their suits as they were basically wearable heating blankets. while this man spoke casually about what he did in a war that literally decided the next 100 years of human history, the trial and travails that he withstood without complaint nor concern, my cohort sat furrowed browed and complaining......because he couldn't warm up his soup for lunch and it was ruining his day.


Yup - "terrible", and "disaster" etc can be anything from a glass of "Spilled Milk" to a full on Tsunami ripping your house and family away to sea ... depending on where you are coming from (and how fortunate you have been in your life). Those who can look around and see just how many people around them are dealing with REAL struggles; Cancer, Mental Illness, War-zones, Natural Disasters, etc .... that to me is "terrible" ... AND, many people dealing with all those things will tell you that they don't see it as being nearly as "terrible" as you do .... because they know people who are dealing with things that are, to them, a REAL disaster.


To ME - one of the biggest disasters we have right now is the number of families whose lives are being wrecked by the numbers of Vets coming home with PTSD and/or limbs missing, etc ... when I think of those people, the shit in my life seems pretty insignificant ;)



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  • 4 weeks later...

@JessikaRabbit89 don't feel bad. Mine was so bad, I was like a burn victims and couldn't wear clothing. I work from home and I still took a week off! When I came off sick leave, I was thankful I worked from home, because I still could not sit up, because the nerve pain. Was so bad, even on neurontin for nerve pain. I laid on my side and worked for a second week. J don't k ow what I'd done had I not worked frohome, because I soent probably 8hrs a day in the tub. Hope you're doing better at this point.

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@jessikarabbit89 I just wrote about this in my querry as well. How is it working out?? I'm 4 days into my first OB and for those that say just get out there.. it is impossible! Im a touch chic.. I barely cried when I broke my ankle.. but F this pain. I tear up involuntarily, feels like my skin is being ripped off. I am so concerned about the work aspect right now primarily because I have no idea what to expect. Would love to hear an update and hope things have cleared up by now!

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For *some* - you may need to take a few days off to rest your body and help it to heal. During that time, work on finding ways to reduce other stresses in your life because Herpes LOVES stress ... I call it a First Responder for stress ... so see if you can let it tell you what you really need to change in your life ...because this really is an "Opportunity" for you to look at your life and make the changes needed to create a healthier mental and physical lifestyle...

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I am in the same boat you are in. I work in the healthcare field and walking around is a part of the job. I haven't had an outbreak in about 4 months (I've had HSV2 since 2011), but this is one of the worst I've ever had. I am in sooooo much pain, taking 3-4 baths a day to soothe the area and slathering coconut oil on my vagina and buttocks (my fiancé just looks at me like I'm crazy but won't say anything because he knows I'm in pain). I just pray and try to de-stress.

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