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Using "The Secret" the law of attraction in love life and with herpes

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Recently I had a last straw with a guy who did not respect me or treat me with love or kindness. I knew I needed to do more than just work on myself through thinking about things I am not happy with and came across the book the secret. I already did know about it, but needed to install it into my life and continue using it forever. I suggest those of you who have no watched it or need a refresher go watch it on netflix! It is very inspirational even if it is not for you. I just assume most of you are believers in those things if you are seeking help with something as personal and private as herpes on the internet.


The law of attraction is very helpful to get you to manifest your desires and create your own reality. It has literally happened for me and I wanted to share because I can see how this can help for herpes too. My biggest desire of all is having a healthy and happy relationship. I wrote down things I am grateful for and different scenes that I imagined being my dream dates and things I wanted my future boyfriend to say to me, places he'd take me, and specific things wed do together. A long story short I literally manifested my current guy... immediately I noticed we went on dates that were word for word what I had wrote and meditated with and feeluized myself. The beach date (hand in hand on beach my sunset was my hope and vision), ocean views (were on hiking date we went on), wine date (i wrote wed be sipping wine talking about our past date) and the biggest of all... that id meet his friends and they would be named sam and ricky. Literally on our 4th date or so at dinner he invited me to a party and said it was his friend sam's birthday. I almost died!!! I am sharing this because if you are feeling down or not good enough with herpes... just use the law of attraction to manifest what you want. Try to envision and really feel a scenario that you will feel your happiest giddyest self. Maybe that is like mine.. a loving boyfriend or maybe it is just you living your life where herpes isn't a barrier.. i encourage this process because it is just the universe acting as it is supposed to. we have all the control it is in our minds.. our thoughts do create our reality and if you take herpes and really feel and see it as being an amazing thing and a blessing then it will be just that!

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The Secret is an amazing concept ... quantum physics at work ... and it all makes sense in a lot of ways..


I've been manifesting that I want to be Woo'd and Pursued ...that I want a man to make it REALLY clear that he wants me without me having to be the one that keeps the "connection" going. Right now I have a guy that I met online who is doing all the right things so far - still early days - we just had our first date ..... not sure where it will go as I'm not sure he's completely "right" for me (but also trying to sit and make sure I'm not "looking for the deal breakers" in an effort to screw it up...LOL) ... and I *may* have to tweak what I am putting out there ... but this is the most hopeful connection I've had in a LONG time ....



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You nailed it..... we have the power to create our destiny through our thoughts and energy. That energy works both ways and many people struggle in constant negativity then wonder why they are stuck in a bad place that feels like it's getting worse. The energy you put out into the world is the energy it gives back to you. We in fact have more control of our destiny than we think.... ask for what you need, be positive, open and honest. You will receive the same gifts back :)

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