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Possibly having a second herpes outbreak?

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Last night and today I have been itching down there. I am worried that it might be signs of an OB. I've only had one out break before, so I am still trying to figure out the signs. I hope it is not a yeast infection because that could trigger it as well. I have acyclovir incase of an OB. Should I take it now, or wait a day or two since I am not sure.

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Journal for 4-6 month's symptoms, sensatios, location and possible triggers daily to learn your body. I was itchy for some time after my primary and I was itchy off and on in the same spot for months and months.. Because it was always on the same spot and from recording it, I knew it wasn't a yeast infection and was H. Now it never itcjes there and hasn't in months. I'm big at journaling it, because I'm a very symptomatic carrier and my symptoms change over the course of a couple of months. Just when I think something is going to stay being a prodrome, it stops, never happens again and then I have some weird other shit... So yeah, journaling will help you to understand better.

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I suggest you keep a journal of what you are eating, activities, stressors, etc ... see if you can see a pattern for what makes it worse. I often say that Herpes is like a "first responder" to the health of your body ... although in the first few months, it's often just that your body needs time to figure out how to get it under control.


Second - attack it from the outside ... I'm going to put a bunch of links but generally Epsom Salts baths (drop a double handful of the salts between your legs so its concentrated there), followed by thorough drying (even using a hair drier to get it really dry), maybe going commando, and using Bactine (which helps to kill the virus AND numb it thanks to the lidocaine in it) ... or my favorite, Ammonium Alum ... but there's LOTS of suggestions in the links. I find if you attack it from the outside, the inside can do it's job better :)


http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/6024/dealing-with-outbreaks#latest includes links below








Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://amzn.to/1CHUzZE Link to Alum


http://amzn.to/1F10r3V Fractionated Coconut Oil

http://bit.ly/zincsoap Zinc Soap with coconut oil






And some prodrome info :)




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I don't know how ppl go commando! I've tried, thinking it would alleviate and it just makes the itching and uncomfortable feeling worse! So I've been sticking with cotton granny panties which I actually has to go out and buy BC all I owned was thongs! But the ones I bought seem to help make me more comfortable. Can you take Lysine and an anti-viral together?

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@desertlove can I ask how you were diagnosed with yeast?


I'm going through something VERY similar - constant itching (all over), discharge and some tearing when I'm itching. Waiting on results from my gyno, who actually said that Epsom Salt baths were VERY bad for the yeast, since I was experiencing some bad dryness and tearing (which, if it were herpes we'd want to dry it out, but if I'm tearing due to dryness/yeast, we want to keep it moist!)


So hard to pinpoint, but just a reminder that we need to make sure that we're treating the root cause (rather than doubling up on Valtrex or taking unnecessary antibiotics like Diflucan).

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@nothingGoodGetsAway Hello! Well, my doctor took a swab of my discharge and looked under a microscope to look for organisms that cause vaginal yeast infections. I came back positive, however this way of checking isn't always accurate because it may give a false negative. Up to 50% of the time it comes back negative. She also took a culture swab for future testing if I keep having yeast infections. I did take a Fluconazole pill, but I am eating healthier to make sure I get this yeast infection out of me once in for all! lol


Don't scratch! I know it is hard not to, but it may make it worse. If anything just lightly pat. Yes, from my understanding moisture can cause yeast. I think, as long as you are only doing epsom salt baths when you are having an OB you should be okay, but not for a yeast infection.

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Did you start taking a probiotic BTW? Also, make sure you're logging where it itches, frequency and the days of the weak. Many suspect yeast infections, when it's actually an H itch. I'd imagine that Epsom salt could possibly irritate it, but really all Epsom salt is once mixed w water, is a saline solution and acts as a cleaner.

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@desertlove that's what my gyno said! She mentioned that it might come back negative but that means nothing.


@2legit2quit definitely have been paying close attention to that. At the worst parts, it was itching EVERYWHERE. This might be TMI, but I'd wipe, then walk around for a little bit and suddenly have a SEVERE burning/itching in a pretty large area (2-3 inches). I'd look in the bathroom, and sure enough it was the discharge coating right in that spot. Once I'd wiped it away, the spot wouldn't be irritated anymore.


I think in my case, because I was tearing due to dryness and irritation, to not take the epsom salt bath. Especially since she was treating me with antibiotics and a topical solution, she recommended just a normal bath so I don't get dried up more.


Am also taking a probiotic, as all the antibiotic use this summer had me scared at a point that I had C Diff :/


So frustrating, because I know the symptoms can be similar between H and yeast, but there is really no way that this is *only* H causing my symptoms. Not to say H isn't hiding somewhere around me - and I'm not engaging in anything sexual until this clears, and washing my hands as if I'm having an OB. It's just so important to figure out what is the real problem, so we're taking the right things to treat it!!


I have been on antibiotics all summer due to tonsillitis, and then I just came off of my last round following a tonsillectomy. Sure enough, the next day, yeastie has reared it's ugly head!! So the timing (antibiotics) and symptoms (thick discharge, burning, overall itching - not in one place specifically) make both me and my gyno highly suspicious of yeast.


I've taken round of flucanozole and cream, and it seems to be helping but not getting rid of it completely. So here's hoping the next round fixes me right up!!

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