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What do your lesions look like? White pus filled?

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Ok so I have still yet to identify my lesions as I don't get the typical ones.


I know I have oral and ghsv1. Trying to figure out what a lesion is.


I am getting some white pus filled kesions that burst like pimples that don't hurt at all. I pop them and then white pus that comes out then clear fluid (not yellow) then a little blood. Do these sound like kesions for herpes? I hardly had any pimples as a teenager so I don't remember what they were like. What bothers me is clear fluid comes out after pus but does that happen with regular pimples?



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It's been two years for me this December and w only pimple like lesions most of time with hsv1....they never swab positive. But whatever. It's unusual to be like this and sometimes I wish I could have h like everyone else. Why do I have to be plagued w constant nerve pain and ob and chronic fatigue and whatever immune issues I have. I lived a good life respecting people and doing good.


I know this is not punishment and I am whining but seriously!?!!!!! How much can I take!!!

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I have the same thing.. I just get a red bump that looks like a pimple.. It just feels different than a pimple and I'll get the tingly and crawling sensation. I don't have nerve pain anymore, but just a constant tenderness in my buttock and I can't sit on hard surfaces and even sometimes, not on cushions either. I now chafe, which I never did before and it feels raw immediately, so I'm definitely nervous for a big hiking trip for a week next yr. Praying to the high heavens I have it better under control, maybe w the LDN by then

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Antivirals don't work for me either, but I joined a Sjogrens and other autoimmune diseases support group and these people swear by this drug and how they have their lives back and energy. H triggered chronic fatigue in me as well. LDN is supposed to modulate the immune system to help it to stop attacking our bodies and also boost it.

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No they don't have herpes, that I know of, however when I went to Google it after hearing about it, it helping those w constant symptoms came up. Because it helps modulate the immune system and reduce stress, along w boosting the immune system, it is supposed to help better control it. The durg at high doses is used for those addicted to opiates, but for those w autoimmune disease's, it is prescribed at very low doses.. Like 4mlg or less.. When the opiate receptors are blocked as he have natural producing chemicals like that, it makes our body produce more endorphins and lower cholesterol and the like. I've not had time w work being crazy to do my research, but these people swear by it in the group and if you type in LDN herpes, stuff comes up for it.

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Thanks. I need some reprieve I am going stir crazy.


Anytime I get emotionally better and of physical symptoms get worse I just relapse into depression. If I can't control these symptoms I am never going to get out of this funk.


I am finding partners that will accept my h. I am fine in the moment of sex....it's the constant hourly daily reminder. Hey you have this thing. I would like to not have physical symptoms to remind me all the time. Dealing withh h is hard enough with an ob here and there but constant. It's such a mind fuck

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Remember how I had constant paresthesia like 20xs a day and a breakout once a month from drinking liquor or twice... Lol or from my period? Now I can go a day or almost a day and maybe have o e or no paresthesia, yet now I am broken out every day for 3 months. My depression has gotten worse and I started smoking again. I'm sure smoking isn't helping this. I do feel better that I don't have the constant paresthesia, but it doesn't help having bumps either and I actually started to breakout on my vagina too, for the first time in like 5 months.the months since my last OB on my vagina, have just been red raw skin in my groin crease and a couple bunos on my buttock. This time I had more on my buttock this week, than I've ever found and j found one on the bath of my thigh! Wtf!? So tonight I soaked in Epsom salt bath and been spraying bactine on it. This weekend, I had to actually put neosporin on that area by my vagina opening where I had a bunch if bunos, to help w the rubbing and it took the rawness away. Very frustrating... Wish I was like others too.

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My constant nerve pain is gone too but it did a number on my central nervous system. It has just gone haywire.


Bumps never hurt and honestly I doubt they are very contagious but the numbness or pain or creepy crawling feeling before is so scary and because of the frequency it just freaks me out. Also I get ob everywhere from waist down. It never stays in one place so then every bump is examined. Some may be h some may not be. I dunno.


Now I going to go to this rhumatologist and I hope they listen to me. I am so tired. I need some days/months without h so I can feel normal.


Anyway good luck to both of us misfits and any other h misfits. This is rare so it's nice to know not everyone goes through this. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.

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