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Owww - Any Soothing Creams for Rash/Burn? And general moisturizing tips?

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Hello team!


I was hoping the vets (or newbies!) on here might be able to help me...


I had some itching last night, so I applied tea tree oil. I think that was a mistake, because now both sides of my inner labia are highly irritated. It's like I rubbed it raw, but I definitely didn't. No idea if it was the TTO that did it, but regardless, it's there! I don't think it's an OB, but at this point, I don't care haha.


Any advice for soothing chafed/raw skin? I don't want to "dry" anything up - if anything, I think a nice lotion or oil would feel amazing. Aloe vera cream (not gel)? Diaper rash balm? I have something called diaper rash baby balm with chamomile, but I feel like anything that's not 100% natural isn't going to help...


Also, any advice on moisturizing? So much I see on here is about "drying them up", which is very helpful, but for those in-between times, I would like to put something calming and moisturizing on my bits. I've also had problems with tearing, so anything to make the skin down there more supple would be amazing.


I've searched the forum and couldn't find anything quite on this, but here's the ingredients that look like they might be helpful, but I just don't know experience!


Aloe vera cream

Calendula cream

Cold pressed coconut oil

Vitamin E (what form?)

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I have to say I am absolutely in love with fractionated coconut oil! I put it in the bath. Also I use it as a carrier oil for tea tree oil. I unfortunately like you added it directly to my skin and got a warm not so delightful irritation form. Now i use either a tbs of fractionated coconut oil with 1-2 drops tea trea oil, or apricot oil with 1-2 drops melissa oil, then dip in a cotton ball and apply. I feel incredibly moisturized. I feel more moisturized post herpes than I was pre H lol. Adding the oils to a bath makes me feel sooo much better. Sadly, can't take a bath everyday have to shower and run to work and school.


For my bath I add a eucalyptus scented epson salt, a few squirts of coconut oil 10 drops of tea tree oil, 10 drops of melissa oil, and 10 drops of lemon oil. I feel great after this and your who body will feel moisturized all day and into the next. Good luck!

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I'm pretty sure I have given you these links, but here they are, for all the main discussions we've had on the subject ... and I've included links to products that I've researched to be a good option for that kind of product... (as in you want Aloe CREAM and not Gel because gel has alcohol in it) including Fractionated Coconut Oil (less smelly and doesn't stain clothing), Aloe Cream, Zinc based soaps and Zinc based creams. I also added Calendula as it is a nice healing salve...especially for irritated skin... I used it to help me get through the painful stage of nursing and it was a God-send! You don't have to purchase any of these but these are the ones I would go for it I was purchasing them. :)


Oatmeal Baths may help too :)


http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/6024/dealing-with-outbreaks#latest includes links below








Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://amzn.to/1CHUzZE Link to Alum


http://amzn.to/1F10r3V Fractionated Coconut Oil

http://bit.ly/Calendula_Salve (Just found this one... I like that it also has Comfrey and Lavender which are good for healing)

http://bit.ly/zincsoap Zinc Soap with coconut oil






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Hey, Ive been recently diagnosed as well but I've been combing the internet for remedies and what not in case I have a second outbreak. Someone on tumblr mentioned a coconut/tea tree oil remedy. Basically you melt down the coconut oil, apply a few drops of tea tree oil, freeze it, and run it on the affected area when you need relief. I tried it even though I wasn't having an active outbreak and it felt nice so I would give that a try

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