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Posts posted by mr_hopp

  1. I’m with @montereypop on this one. Soap is literally the thing that you use to instantly kill the herpes virus so it doesn’t spread. The best thing to do if those blisters show up again would be to go to the clinic to get them swabbed and tested. That will be definitive. Really hard to get an accurate idea of what it could be via forums, unfortunately. 

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  2. @newtothis22

    Good on you for getting out there and meeting new people. It’s like a buffet of connections – you get to sample a bit here and there before you decide what you really like.

    And juggling a few dates at a time is totally fine — as long as you’re straight-up with everyone. Now, about the herpes talk – your game plan to wait until things might get physical sounds spot on. It’s like waiting for the right moment in a game – not too early, not too late.

    And if you don’t feel like it’s time yet, no stress. You’ll know when the timing feels right. (When you feel like you can trust them with your vulnerability.) Remember, it’s about being fair to them, too. They’ve got a right to make their own call about their health.

    Dating with herpes might seem like a tricky level in this game, but it’s all about how you play it. Keep it real, answer their questions, and stay cool. Be confident in your courage, openness and honesty. If someone’s not down with it, that’s okay. It’s not a game-over, just means they’re not the right player for your team.

    And of course, if they’re cool with it, that’s a great sign. Means they’re open and understanding – exactly what you want in a teammate. 😉

    So, keep having fun, stay honest, and don’t forget – it’s all part of the dating adventure. Good luck!

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  3. Hey @seamusharper

    The symptoms you described could potentially be due to various causes, including a reaction to the material or lube used with the Tenga toy. Herpes doesn't present as a classic rash; the most common presentation is blisters or fissures, but definitely keep an eye on it and if anything else presents, get that spot swabbed so you can get some definitive data on what it may or may not be. 

    It's worth noting that herpes (both HSV-1 and HSV-2) can have a range of symptoms, and the absence of visible blisters doesn't necessarily rule out the possibility of herpes infection. Blood tests can help detect herpes antibodies, which may provide more information, but herpes antibodies can take up to 12 weeks to be detectable on a blood test, so it's not a foolproof option, unfortunately. 

    Please keep us updated on your situation, and if you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask!

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  4. Hey there @JJlove,

    I get how it can be a bit puzzling and even frustrating dealing with HSV-2, especially when you're noticing things like tiny bumps in places you wouldn't normally expect. It's totally normal to have these kinds of questions.

    So, about HSV-2 showing up on your legs – typically, this virus likes to stick around the genital area, which includes places like your upper thighs and buttocks. But here's the thing about viruses – they can sometimes surprise us and show up in less usual spots. It's not super common, but it's not impossible either.

    It's also worth considering that these little bumps might be something entirely different. Our skin can be a bit of a mystery sometimes, and it's good to keep an open mind about what might be going on.

    The best move? Get that spot swabbed in clinic. That will give you definitive data if they get enough of the blister's material on the swab. Have you talked to your doc about this yet?

  5. Hey there!

    I totally get where you're coming from. Meeting someone new and feeling that spark is exciting, but I understand why it might also feel a bit daunting given your herpes status. Remember, you're not alone in this, and many people navigate similar situations successfully.

    So, about this new guy – it's great that you're open to exploring something more casual. When it comes to sharing about herpes, it's more about determining if you can first trust this guy first, then finding the right moment than rushing into it. (My response to "when do I disclose?" is "When you can trust this person with your vulnerability.") You don't have to bring it up right away. Build a bit of a connection and trust first, then find a comfortable way to talk about it when you feel it's heading towards intimacy.

    If you're worried about privacy, especially since he's in your social circle, it's okay to tell him that this is a personal thing and you'd appreciate his discretion. Most people will respect that. Trust your gut.

    Dealing with potential rejection is tough, no doubt. But it's part of dating (with or without the herps!), and if someone decides it's a deal-breaker, it's more about their comfort level than anything about you personally. You're still the same great person, with or without herpes.

    And hey, focus on enjoying getting to know him and having fun with it. If things move forward, just chat about safe practices – it shows you're responsible and care about both your well-being. 

    Remember, you deserve to have a happy and fulfilling dating life, just like anyone else, right?

    Hope this helps, and fingers crossed for some fun times ahead with your crush!

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  6. Hey @bluey,

    Firstly, big hugs to you. Finding out about having genital herpes at 19 can indeed feel overwhelming, but I want to reassure you that this is a bump in the road of life, not a full stop. As @JJlove pointed out, education about herpes can be incredibly empowering. It's a common condition, affecting 1 in 5 women, and knowing more about it can help dismantle some of the stigma and fears you're facing.

    Your concerns about relationships and pregnancy are completely understandable. But as @montereypop mentioned, there are many success stories out there. People with herpes lead fulfilling lives, have healthy relationships, and normal pregnancies. The notion that herpes "ruins lives" or makes pregnancy impossible is a myth. In fact, with proper medical guidance, you can absolutely have a safe pregnancy. Doctors often prescribe antivirals before delivery to prevent transmission to the baby, as @JJlove shared.

    I get how you feel about telling your mom, especially after her reaction to someone else's situation. But remember, her perspective might be based on misinformation or lack of understanding. Sharing what you learn about herpes might help her see things differently. Also, a mom's love (for the vast majority of moms) can't possibly carry a shallow judgy opinion of their child. When they are faced with someone they know and love, their opinions can shift in the face of their love for you. 

    And about feeling "rubbish" – it's okay to feel this way initially. @AnnieO's experience resonates here. She contracted herpes at the same age as you and went on to have a full, vibrant life, including normal pregnancies and a long marriage. It's a reminder that while herpes is part of your life, it doesn't define you. Focusing on hobbies, self-care, and personal growth can be very fulfilling and make life rich.

    Your friends' support is invaluable, and it's great you've confided in them. And remember, this community is always here for you. We're a mix of people at different stages in our journey with herpes, ready to share, support, and uplift each other. You're not alone in this.

    Stay strong and keep reaching out. Your journey might be different from what you imagined, but it can still be a beautiful, deep and rich experience. It's all based on the perspective you choose to take on. It can be difficult in the beginning, but stay vigilant, okay?

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  7. Hey @Pbhope! It's great that you've found someone understanding, and your use of valacyclovir and a healthy lifestyle are key in managing HSV-2 and reducing transmission risk. It's totally normal for a caring and empathic person to be concerned about passing it on, but remember:

    • Daily suppressive therapy, along with condom use, significantly lowers transmission risk. (Check out the handouts that come with the free e-book for more details on that!)
    • Being aware of your prodrome symptoms and avoiding intimate contact during these times helps.
    • Keep being vulnerable, accessible and confident in talking with your partner about herpes. It builds trust and helps you both manage the situation better.
    • Stay on top of your health by exercising, eating well, thinking well, and regular checkups with your doc.

    You're doing the right things. This approach minimizes the risk and shows care for your partner's wellbeing. Keep it up and congratulations!

  8. Hi again, @overwhelmedSarah34

    I'm glad to hear that your symptoms are diminishing and that you're taking active steps to manage your current outbreak. It's great that you're continuing with your antivirals and have started lysine supplements. These are positive steps in caring for yourself, which is awesome and goes a long way.

    Feeling lonely in your journey with herpes is completely understandable, especially if you haven't shared your status with many people. I cried in a parking lot in my mom's lap when I first found out. For a couple of hours. I felt so alone. And ... life moves on. You will expand and grow because of this. So please remember, you're not alone in this. At all. 

    It's wonderful that you're considering sharing your progress over time. Your experiences can be super valuable to others who might be going through similar challenges. Sharing your journey can provide comfort and insights to others in the community, making them feel less alone and more hopeful about managing their own situations.

    In the meantime, remember to take care of your overall well-being. The basics you always hear the health gurus rattling off: Managing stress, eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and doing activities you enjoy can all help in your general health and potentially lessen the frequency or severity of outbreaks.

    If you ever need more support or have questions, don't hesitate to reach out. 

    Wishing you continued progress and well-being.

  9. Hello again, @James.d

    Thanks for reaching back out with your questions and for updating us on your situation. It's great to hear that you are planning to get retested at 12 weeks; this will give you a clearer picture of your herpes status. 

    Let's answer each of those great questions:

    • Duration of IgM Positivity: IgM antibodies typically appear shortly after infection and can last for a few weeks to several months. But IgM tests are not always reliable for diagnosing herpes. This is because they can produce false positives and cannot distinguish between HSV-1 and HSV-2. So, IgG tests are generally preferred for herpes testing since they’re more specific and can differentiate between the two types of herpes.
    • Change in IgG Levels: The change in your IgG levels from 0.19 to 0.66 is an increase, but it's important to consider that this is still within the negative range. IgG levels can fluctuate, and slight variations can happen due to a number of factors. What’s crucial is whether the levels cross the positive threshold (usually around 1.1). Since your levels are still below this point, it’s considered negative, but monitoring for any trends in future tests can be helpful data-gathering.
    • First Outbreak: It is possible for an adult to miss the first outbreak of herpes, especially if the symptoms are mild or atypical. The blisters you mentioned inside your lip could be related to HSV-1, commonly known for causing oral herpes, but FYI, if they weren’t actual blisters but ulcers instead, those could have been a simple mouth ulcer (only a swab could confirm that). Herpes lesions typically recur at or near the same location where they first appeared due to the nerve pathways the virus follows. However, it's not impossible for them to appear in nearby areas (since nerve pathways do branch off to different sections of surrounding skin, much like tree branches). If the initial outbreak was inside the lip, it’s more likely for recurrences to occur in the same general area, though slight variations can happen.
    • Herpes and Urticaria: While herpes and urticaria (hives) are distinct conditions, stress or a compromised immune system can sometimes trigger urticaria. Since a herpes outbreak can be a stressful experience and can affect the immune system, there might be an indirect link. However, it’s best to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper assessment since many other factors can also cause urticaria.

    It's good that you're seeking further testing and clarity here. But remember, it's super important to connect with a healthcare provider who can see you in person. That will always be the best way to get accurate guidance tailored to your personal health situation.

    Wishing you the best on your journey to understanding and managing your health. Stay well!

  10. Hey there @Court,

    First off, I want to extend a warm hug your way. Getting diagnosed with herpes is often a big shock to the system, and it's totally normal to feel all sorts of emotions during this time. I hear you when you say you're in pain and confused—that's a tough spot to be in.

    Now, about the severe swelling and that rock-like sensation you've described, it sounds like you're going through a really rough patch. Herpes outbreaks can vary quite a bit from person to person, and while swelling can be part of the initial outbreak, what you're describing seems quite intense.

    The fact that you're on medication but not seeing any improvement is definitely something to flag with your healthcare provider. Sometimes, what we think might be a straightforward herpes outbreak could be complicated by other factors, like a secondary infection or an allergic reaction.

    If you haven't already, please reach back out to your healthcare provider, or consider getting a second opinion. It's crucial to get the right treatment, especially when the pain is this severe. Don't hesitate to advocate for your health—you know your body best and if something feels off, it's worth getting checked out again.

    In the meantime, if you haven't tried some supportive home care measures, things like sitz baths, cool compresses or an Epsom salt bath might offer some temporary relief. Just be sure to clear these with your doc first to ensure they're safe for your specific situation.

    Remember, you're not alone in this journey. We're all learning and healing together.

    Take care and let us know how you're doing whenever you're up for it.

    Sending you lots of strength. You got this. 

  11. Hey there @James.d,

    It seems like you've got a bit of a confusing situation with those test results. I'll do my best to clear things up for you!

    Firstly, IgG and IgM are types of antibodies your body produces in response to an infection. IgM is usually the first to appear and can indicate a recent infection, whereas IgG develops later on and can indicate a past infection or a more mature immune response.

    Now, about the discrepancies between the two lab tests:

    1. HSV-1 IgG Positive in Lab1 vs. Negative in Lab2:

    Lab results can vary due to different testing methods or sensitivity levels used by the labs. A low positive IgG result, like a 1.23 index, can sometimes be a false positive, especially if it's near the cutoff point which is typically around 1.1. The fact that Lab2's result was below the cutoff supports the possibility of a false positive from Lab1 or a borderline result that could be interpreted differently by different labs.

    2. HSV-2 IgG Negative in both labs:

    This is consistent across both tests and suggests that you haven't been exposed to HSV-2, or at least your body hasn't produced a detectable level of antibodies to it.

    3. HSV-1/2 IgM Negative in both labs:

    Negative IgM in both labs suggests that you likely didn't have a recent infection at the time of testing.

    4. Timing of the Blood Test Processing (4 days after blood draw):

    This is typically not an issue. Blood samples can be stored for several days before testing, as long as they're kept under the right conditions. Laboratories have protocols for the storage and timing of tests to ensure accuracy.

    So, what to make of all this?

    You might consider the first Lab1 result to be either a low positive or a false positive, especially since Lab2's result was negative. It would be reasonable to follow up with another test a bit later to see if there's a clear trend in your IgG levels.

    If you continue to get mixed results or borderline positives, there might be a need to go for more specific confirmatory tests, such as the Western blot test, which is considered the gold standard for herpes testing due to its high accuracy.

    Remember, while forums and advice like this can provide guidance, they're no substitute for a medical professional's opinion, especially when it comes to interpreting test results in the context of your health history and symptoms. It's always best to discuss these results and next steps with a healthcare provider who can give you tailored advice.

    Hope this clears up some of the confusion for you!

  12. Hey there @Gemms28,

    You’re asking some great questions about HSV-2 and the use of antivirals in a discordant couple (where one partner is positive and the other negative). Let’s break this down!

    When people mention that medication must be taken over a long period of time, they’re referring to the fact that antivirals for HSV are most effective when taken consistently, especially as suppressive therapy. This doesn’t mean that the medication isn’t effective immediately; rather, its best effect on reducing viral shedding and therefore transmission risk accumulates over time with consistent use. It takes around 5 days before the medication starts having an effect on decreasing asymptomatic viral shedding to protect partners.

    As for you, as someone who’s currently HSV negative, taking antiviral medications prophylactically (before exposure or diagnosis) isn’t standard practice and might not be recommended by most healthcare providers. The reason is that these medications are typically reserved for treating or preventing outbreaks in those who are already infected or have a high chance of becoming symptomatic.

    For your partner, even without outbreaks, he can still have asymptomatic viral shedding. Resuming daily antiviral therapy would reduce the risk of transmission even if he’s asymptomatic (by at least 50%). The decision to restart medication is something he should discuss with his doctor, considering both his health and the potential benefit to you. But overall, all antiviral medications that are prescribed for herpes are well-tolerated for most people even over the long term. (I for one have been taking twice daily acyclovir to protect my wife for many years.)

    Ultimately, the best strategy for you two might involve a combination of his antiviral use, you both being informed about the signs and symptoms of HSV outbreaks, and possibly avoiding contact during times of prodrome.

    You’re taking a proactive and caring approach by educating yourself and considering these factors in your relationship. That’s commendable. Remember to have this dialogue with healthcare professionals who can provide personalized advice for both of you.

    Take care and best of luck with your relationship!

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  13. Hi there @Confusedanddepressed,

    Managing herpes alongside an autoimmune disease can indeed be challenging, as the autoimmune condition can complicate your body's ability to suppress the virus, leading to more frequent outbreaks. It's great that you're on daily antivirals for suppression; that's a solid foundation. Now, as for supplements to support your immune system, here's a rundown of what some people find helpful:

    1. Lysine: This amino acid is a favorite in the H community. It competes with arginine (another amino acid) which the herpes virus uses to replicate. Keeping a higher lysine-to-arginine ratio can potentially help reduce outbreak frequency.
    2. Zinc: Known for its immune-boosting properties, zinc can help control outbreaks by bolstering the immune system's response to the herpes virus.
    3. Vitamin C and E: Both are antioxidants that can support immune health. Vitamin C also helps with skin healing, which can be beneficial during an outbreak.
    4. Probiotics: There's some evidence that a healthy gut microbiome can influence overall immune health, so probiotics might be worth considering.
    5. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish oil supplements, omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties that could potentially help with autoimmune issues and overall immune function.

    Now, timing for intimacy can be a bit of a guessing game with frequent outbreaks, but the key is communication with your partner and paying close attention to prodrome symptoms (like tingling or itching before an outbreak). That's your cue to avoid contact.

    Finally, always chat with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially considering your autoimmune diagnosis. They can give you the best advice tailored to your particular health picture.

    Stay strong, and remember that with some careful management and good communication, you can maintain a healthy relationship without transmitting herpes.

    Hang in there and keep us posted!

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  14. Hey there @overwhelmedSarah34,

    First off, it's absolutely okay to feel overwhelmed when new symptoms pop up, especially when you're already juggling with H. Let's parse through what's going on and see if we can't alleviate some of that anxiety.

    It's not uncommon to have an immune response to vaccines (like the Covid booster or the flu shot), which can, unfortunately, sometimes trigger an H outbreak. Your immune system is momentarily busy building up defenses against what was in the vaccines, which can give the herpes virus an opportunity to become active. But here's the reassuring bit: this doesn't mean you're back to square one. Your body is still building up a defense against herpes—it's just been temporarily sidetracked.

    The new sore spot, backache, and stomach aches could be related to your immune system's response to the vaccines, and the tingling in your hands might be due to your immune system being in overdrive. It’s not uncommon to experience some strange symptoms as your body reacts to a vaccine. As for "unlocking a worse form of the virus," it doesn't really work that way. You have GHSV-1, and the strain doesn't change or become "worse" because of a vaccine.

    These symptoms should diminish as your immune system calms down after reacting to the vaccines. Keep taking your antivirals, stay hydrated, get plenty of rest, and try to manage stress as best you can. Your body has made progress in the past six months, and a vaccine booster doesn’t negate that progress.

    It's totally natural to feel anxious when your routine is disrupted by something like this. Maybe try some relaxation techniques, like deep breathing or meditation, and keep an open dialogue with your healthcare provider about your symptoms.

    Remember, these new symptoms are likely temporary. They’re your body’s way of saying, "Hey, I’m working hard down here!" And it’s doing exactly what it’s supposed to do. Hang in there, and don't hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider for reassurance or if your symptoms persist.

    Sending you all the best and a big virtual hug!

    Keep us posted on your progress, okay?

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  15. Hey there @Struggling

    Kudos to you for reaching out and seeking answers—it's super important to be informed, especially when dealing with a condition that can sometimes feel like it's got too many question marks around it. Let's tackle your questions one by one.

    • Labiaplasty & Herpes Risk: Smart move on starting antivirals as a precaution. Surgical procedures in areas prone to herpes outbreaks can potentially provoke an outbreak due to the stress on the tissue. But, since you've been upfront with your surgeon—that's fantastic. It reduces the risk because they can ensure the procedure is as gentle as possible on the tissue and can avoid the outbreak area. Spreading to other genital sites due to the surgery is not a typical complication, especially if you're not having an active outbreak. The key will be to monitor closely post-op and continue those antivirals as your doctor advises.
    • Oral Sex Safety: Good news here. If you've got genital herpes and you're giving oral sex, you're not going to transmit genital herpes to your partner's genitals. Genital herpes affects your, well, genitals, and it's not going to jump from there to your mouth just because you're engaging in oral play. Of course, if you ever do experience any kind of sores or symptoms orally, then there is a risk of passing it to your partner (which would be a risk you would share with the majority of the world since the overwhelming majority of the world gets cold sores).
    • Fingering, Touching, & Transmission: Daily antivirals and no active outbreak significantly reduce the risk of transmission, but it's never zero. If you're on suppressive therapy and you have no signs of an outbreak, the risk is quite low for your partner to contract herpes from non-penetrative activities. Regarding him touching himself afterward, the virus doesn't survive long on the skin, especially not on hands that are likely to be much drier and tougher than mucous membranes. Washing hands after intimate contact is always a good practice, for multiple reasons, and would reduce that already low risk even further.

    Remember, this is all based on the general medical consensus, but everyone's situation can have its own nuances, so staying in close contact with your healthcare provider is the best way to navigate this.

    Herpes is indeed wrapped in unnecessary stigma, but remember—you're managing it, you're taking precautions, and you're being responsible. That's commendable and nothing short of what anyone should expect in terms of sexual health management. Props to you!

    Wishing you all the best with your surgery and journey forward!

  16. If the lumps popped up after a kissing encounter and you’re concerned about HSV2, let's lay down some facts. Like you said, oral HSV2 is rare. It's predominantly associated with genital infections and it's pretty uncommon to find it causing oral issues. But, in the spirit of keeping an open mind and considering all angles, if she had never had an outbreak, the risk of transmission would generally be considered lower.

    These lumps you’re talking about—since they’re not painful, they might not be herpes-related. There are a bunch of other reasons you might find lumps in the back of your throat, ranging from benign cysts to reactions to an infection.

    Unfortunately it's impossible to diagnose this with a forum chat, and neither can I (especially since I'm not a doc). Your best bet is to check in with a doctor about it. They can assess what’s going on, maybe run a test or two if they think it’s necessary, and give you the peace of mind you're likely looking for. Might involve a throat swab, which isn't very comfortable, but will give you a definitive result.

    And just a side note—keep an eye on your stress levels, too. Stress can sometimes cause or exacerbate symptoms, especially in your throat. Try to take it easy while you're sorting this out.

    Stay proactive and get it checked!

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  17. Hey again @JJlove,

    That's a very astute line of thinking! You're right on: Your body is currently in the midst of figuring out how to handle this new invader, and it's no small task for the immune system. It's like your body's defense force is mobilizing for the first time against this particular virus, and that can take a toll on your energy levels.

    The absence of detectable antibodies early on is expected because it can take several weeks to a few months for your body to produce antibodies in response to the virus, which will then be identifiable through a blood test. This period is often called seroconversion.

    Once your immune system ramps up and starts producing these antibodies, they'll help in controlling the virus's activity, which might lessen the frequency and severity of outbreaks and the associated prodrome symptoms you're experiencing. Many people report an improvement in their general well-being after this initial phase passes, as their bodies become more adept at managing the virus.

    It’s also plausible that the continuous feeling of prodrome symptoms could be your immune system in a heightened state of alert. Once it learns to recognize and fight HSV2 more efficiently, there's a possibility that these constant prodrome sensations will decrease.

    Just remember, this is a marathon, not a sprint. Giving your body time to adjust, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and staying connected with your healthcare provider are all important parts of managing HSV and fibromyalgia. Each step forward, even the tiny ones, are progress.

    Hang in there and keep track of how you're feeling. It's a great way to notice improvements over time and to discuss them with your doctor. And as always, we're here for you.

    Sending you positive energy and wishing you resilience on this journey!

    • Thanks 1
  18. Hey @JJlove!

    About those atypical outbreaks: HSV is honestly a chameleon. Although it mostly presents as a fluid-filled sore, it can in various ways for different folks. The tiny red bump you described can be an HSV symptom for some. The key is to recognize your body's own pattern and, over time, you'll become a pro at navigating it. 

    The culture test being positive is a pretty definitive sign of an active HSV infection. Blood tests can sometimes take a while to show antibodies, so a negative result shortly after exposure isn't uncommon. But if the culture came back positive, it does indicate an active HSV infection.

    Your concerns about fibromyalgia and the potential interaction with HSV2 are valid. There have been reports of individuals with other health issues, like fibromyalgia, experiencing more pronounced symptoms or fatigue when dealing with an HSV outbreak. The body can sometimes see a tug-of-war when managing two conditions. It's important to ensure you're taking good care of your overall health - balanced diet, rest, managing stress, and staying hydrated, all the stuff you already know, of course. De-stressing and taking care of yourself as much as you're able can help mitigate the intensity of flare-ups from either condition. 

    Lastly, do remember that your body, like all of ours, is an incredible machine. It's adaptive and resilient. It'll learn to handle HSV2 in its own way. And while the initial stages can be overwhelming and riddled with concerns, over time, you'll find your rhythm and learn how to best care for your unique health landscape.

    Stay strong!

    • Like 1
  19. Hey there @JJlove,

    (By the way, I've seen you supporting others here. Thank you for giving back already! That is a huge part of healing: helping others going through the same thing!)

    First off, I'm genuinely sorry you're going through this shock, but remember, you're not alone and there's a huge community here to back you up and share experiences.

    Let's tackle the auto-inoculation fear: the idea of spreading the virus to another part of your body can be unsettling, but in reality, the chances are pretty low, especially if you're aware and cautious. Here's the lowdown: auto-inoculation usually happens when you touch an active outbreak and then touch another part of your body where the skin is thin or there's a cut, making it an easy gateway for the virus. Thick parts of our skin that aren't mucous membranes are pretty tough barriers for the virus to break through. You've got the handwashing down – that's your number one defense. So, just keep washing your hands after you touch an outbreak, and you're golden. And here's some good news: Over time, your body generally builds up enough antibodies to defend against auto-inoculation. Your immune system will step up to bat for you.

    Now, onto the intimacy question: while it's often advised that once the scab falls off, it's generally okay to resume sexual activity, I personally take the extra cautious route. Just to be super sure and put my wife's safety first, I wait an additional week after the last visible symptom clears up. Everyone's comfort level is different, so it's all about what makes you and your partner feel safe.

    On the H Buddy front, throw a comment up here and search for other people wanting to connect and PM: 

    Sending you strength and positive vibes!

    P.S. It's always a good practice to check in with a medical professional on these concerns. Forums are great for shared experiences, but professional guidance is key.

  20. Hey @worrieduser42,

    I've got to say, the medical maze can be an absolute whirlwind, can't it? Your experiences and test results are indeed a puzzler, but let's see if we can work through this together ...

    Your antibody test coming back as negative, especially given the symptoms you've described, might seem a tad bewildering. @JJlove brought up a noteworthy point about the timeline of antibodies showing up in blood work. A good rule of thumb that many professionals actually suggest is waiting at least 12 weeks, which is the time it takes for most people's immune systems to produce a detectable amount of antibodies (if they do have herpes, of course).

    On the topic of the valacyclovir (Valtrex by its brand name), it's odd that you feel worse before getting better on it. It might be worth discussing with your doctor about potentially adjusting your treatment or exploring other alternatives. There's also Acyclovir and Famvir as alternatives to try.

    Now, about the culture taken today: it should ideally provide more clarity. Cultures typically have a higher chance of giving accurate results when taken from an active sore (if the specimen was collected correctly with enough biological matter). From NIH: "Ideally, the sample should be taken from a vesicular lesion that has been present for less than 24 h because once the lesion has begun to crust, the test sensitivity will decline ... While the test has 100% specificity for HSV-1 or HSV-2, the sensitivity depends on the stage of the lesion at the time of specimen collection. The sensitivity also varies from 75% for first episodes to 50% for recurrences."

    @JJlove's advice to go back for another blood test in a month seems sound. In the meantime, if any fresh symptoms pop up, it might be a good idea to get them swabbed, as they also suggested.

    Take care and hang in there!

  21. Hey there @Dpcpt,

    I totally get the anxiety and frustration you're experiencing! Navigating these health concerns can be super confusing (they certainly were for me!), especially when there isn't a clear consensus from healthcare professionals. I'll share some insights, keeping in mind that nothing beats direct consultation with a specialist.

    • HSV Testing: The reluctance of doctors to test for herpes unless there's an active, typical-looking outbreak is not uncommon. HSV blood tests can be controversial because they might detect past exposure rather than current infections. They can also sometimes yield false positives. IgG tests are the most common to test the blood for herpes antibodies, but the gold standard is the Western Blot, although it costs more.
    • Symptoms: While herpes can sometimes present as atypical symptoms, the presence of pimple-like bumps that pop with white pus and heal the next day doesn't align with typical herpes sores. Herpes lesions tend to form ulcers, and the fluid inside is generally clear, not pus-filled. Also, herpes outbreaks tend to reduce in frequency over time, not persist as you've described.
    • Rash Duration: Chronic, lingering rashes aren't typical of herpes. Herpes outbreaks have a more distinct pattern: onset, peak, and healing. A persistent rash might be indicative of another skin condition.
    • Condoms and Protection: You're right; while condoms reduce the risk of many STIs, they don't eliminate the risk entirely. Locations not covered by the condom can still be exposed.
    • HPV & HSV Co-Infection: While it's possible to be co-infected with both viruses, one doesn't necessarily exacerbate the other. They're distinct viruses with separate mechanisms.
    • Photos and Diagnosis: On these forums, we don't want to be diagnosing via pictures since 1) we aren't doctors and 2) it's even hard for doctors to diagnose when not in person. If you still feel uneasy, seeking a third opinion or visiting a dermatologist might be worthwhile.

    Remember, you know your body best. If something feels off, it's okay to seek further consultation. It's also worth noting that stress and anxiety can sometimes amplify or even cause physical symptoms.

    I truly hope things get clearer for you soon. Hang in there!

  22. Hey @Questions

    I get where you're coming from – diving into the world of potential health risks can be a rabbit hole. Let's break it down:

    • HSV-2 and kissing: So, HSV-2 is mainly a genital thing, and its transmission through just kissing, especially without any visible symptoms, is really quite rare.
    • Touching and transmission: As for touching her and then touching yourself, HSV-2 generally needs direct skin-to-skin contact to hop aboard. The scenario you painted, while understandable in causing you anxiety, is low risk.
    • Interpreting the test: Positive HSV-2 IgG? It means she's come into contact with the virus before, but it doesn't mean she's actively spreading it. A lot of folks test positive without ever showing a sign. Even though transmitting herpes can happen without any signs or symptoms (asymptomatic viral shedding), in your case there wasn't the kind of sexual friction that can generally lead to transmission.

    But hey, if this keeps you up at night, don't hesitate to consult with a medical professional. Sometimes, just hearing it from them directly is the best comfort.

    Stay safe and take care!

    P.S. Here's another recent forum post from someone with a similar question/context:


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