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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook

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Hey there Lynsi,

Love the spelling of your name.  I’m doing alright this evening.  It’s a little humid in Virginia.  Hope you had a good day.  Not much else going on except work and I volunteer for a fun drive sponsored by my church.  

Not much dating…don’t hold any high hopes for that.  Not mad about it but not happy about it.  I guess I’m still processing the fact I have HSV1.  

Stay well and keep your head held high because we are worth the love and affection.



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  • 3 months later...


My name is Emma (she/her). I am experiencing my first outbreak right now. I would love someone to talk to (preferably female). I am 18 and I’m in college. I honestly just need someone to talk to it doesn’t matter if they are close or far! I have been trying to stay strong and honestly this site has kept me from bawling my eyes out multiple times. I am pretty positive I have HSV because I had a cold sore, flu like symptoms, cluster of bumps on genitals, itchiness, etc. I don’t know what type I have yet but I will figure it out soon enough. I’m a social work major (I want to be a counselor and help people!) and I am very kind and open hearted! I can definitely bring positivity to our H friendship but I’m new so I don’t have much advice. I don’t even care if you have a lot of experience I just kind of need a friend who understands right now:) 

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Stay strong young lady.  You are not alone.  You are beautiful inside and out.  I’m not an expert on this subject as I experienced my first outbreak in March of this year….two days after my birthday.  At first I was angry and then annoyed but realized “life happens” and having this virus is not the end of the world.  It’s just a skin irritation that flares up every so often.  Yes, the first outbreak is unbelievably unpleasant but you will get through it.  I hope you’ve seen a physician and have been tested to confirm you have the virus.  Sounds like you have both HSV1 and HSV2.  Is that correct?  Have you started on any antivirals to gain any relief?  The sooner the better.

Know that you can reach out anytime.  This is a good forum to get information and share.

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  • 4 weeks later...


How long can person with HSV live? Is there anyone who have hsv for more than 30 to 40 years and are still living normal and healthy life?


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@Nobita Hello!

People can live long happy and healthy lives with H! 

The only time H would likely impact life span is if someone has an autoimmune illness or they have a compromised immune system, or they have a condition that would be worsened by contracting HSV. Other than that, most folks should be good ! ❤️ 



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I'm new here and I would love to have a buddy myself. I was diagnosed one year ago. I'm open to a male or female buddy. I live in the Houston, Tx area.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I’m also new here. I was diagnosed with HSV2 this year. I’d love to have a buddy (female/male) just someone to talk about it. I’m 34 and single. I live in Las Vegas. Hope everyone is having a nice and calm day. 🙂

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  • 3 weeks later...


new diagnosed. I have no idea how to feel. I’m scared and sad to be honest. I would love someone to talk to. Doesn’t matter gender or location. I just can not bring myself to tell anyone I know but I really need to talk about it. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I wish I had enough time to read back through all these posts. I'm in Central California foothills. Sure would like some human interaction. Social media is a great way to reach out but it's not the same. Quick back story. I've been dealing with herpes for over 35 years. just recently divorced after 22 years. Had a recent outbreak after 32 years. Now on to a new chapter. 

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  • mr_hopp unpinned this topic
  • 1 month later...
  • mr_hopp pinned this topic
  • 2 months later...

I was recently diagnosed with genital HSV2 and looking to connect with someone who is going through the same thing so that we can support each other. I am a 36 yo female in nyc. Open to any connections!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! I’m a bit younger and on the other side of the ocean in the UK but pretty sure I can relate to what your going through! 

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I’m 23 living in San Angelo, Texas and I’m really just looking for someone to talk to. My mental health when down the drain when I got my diagnosis about an hour ago and I just need someone…

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, ....there has been some comments on here about length of time to have HSV and whether one can have a "Normal" life. 

Not sure what Normal means...but I have had it since 1986. Mentally, it was tougher at the start. HSV has to get used to your body....and your immune system. Over the last 10 years I have had outbreaks roughly twice a year. With supplements I am now at 7 to 10 months between outbreaks. 

Feel free to contact me with questions. Not a doctor, but have had this along time...so I understand what many of your are experiencing. 

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  • 1 month later...

Hey there, male here, late 30s, learned my positive results 1 yr 5 months ago. I'm looking to chat with someone and progress with this. I'm in Texas, can talk to anyone willing to listen.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey there. New to this. Recently diagnosed with HSV 2 after an outbreak. I was asymptomatic as I didn’t know I had it and I don’t know where it came from. I do know it didn’t come from my husband and he recently tested negative. He has decided to leave me. I’m feeling more alone now than ever. I’m 37 female in SC. Looking to talk and hopefully uplift each other / help get through all this. 

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  • 2 months later...

Hi there everyone. 48yr old male, diagnosed with HSV-2 last month after a known contact in 2008, first symptoms only now.

Im looking for a buddy, no gender preference. I would love to meet someone local (Victoria BC Canada, anywhere in this area) but I’m also open to chats here, phone or Skype. Also hoping to become a buddy, even now I hope I have something to offer.

Married, it’s been a difficult relationship the last couple of years and trying to figure out how to have the talk with my wife and salvage/restart. Lots of emotions and have had suicidal thoughts. 

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On 11/21/2022 at 5:22 AM, Nobita said:


How long can person with HSV live? Is there anyone who have hsv for more than 30 to 40 years and are still living normal and healthy life?


As far as I know it should not affect your life span. I’ve had it for 35 years. And mostly normal and healthy life.

  • Like 2

Hello all. 54 yo male from NY ( about an hour north of NYC. ) Recently got diagnosed with HSV1 but probably had it for years. I get canker sores in inner lip and have genital HPV for 30 years now. Not sure ever had herpes breakout unless the HPV or canker is HSV. I’m up for a buddy in person or text. 


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