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Everything posted by Michgirl73

  1. With in a week of having sex I noticed that I felt different it almost felt like a UTI and then second week was when I got sick with flu symptoms and then blisters came. The first week went to the doctor and thought it was UTI.. told her I got back with old partner and we had sex so she decided to do the swab test to check for STD and Herpes being one on them. My swab came back detected for HSV1. I then didn’t realize it was gential until the following week when the blisters came I got on medication right away. I found out my ex had Herpes but failed to inform me plus he had a recent ob that he was healing from when we had sex. I knew then he gave it to me as I previously was tested and it was negative blood test and I never had that type of experience before of getting sick like that.
  2. What do u used to make your salve with the oregano oil? I take 1000 mg lysine and 1000 mg of vitamins c , take 50 mg of zinc and vitamin E and B 12, and doctor gave me prescription for folic acid that they give to ppl when they find out they have Herpes and it also works for HPV I heard.
  3. Thank you so much. I do exercise as well. Just think my depression is getting the bests of me which has made it hard. And your right it’s just so hard so days.
  4. Yes I think the outbreak give me anxiety. I’m scared that they will get bad and hurt and spread. It also makes me extremely sad because it’s hard dealing with the physical pain and emotional pain dealing with how I was infected. I currently don’t have a partner. I’m sure I will worry if that day come passing it. I’m currently on antivirals because it help stop outbreaks from happening is what my doctor told me and from what I have read. Getting peace of mind isn’t easy for me these days since dealing with this.. it’s been so traumatizing to me that I feel I had changed forever.
  5. Thank you so much with tears coming down my face.. I have had a bad week with this and I appreciate u taking time for your special message to me!
  6. Hello.. I found I am Ghsv1 at the end of July 2018. I’m struggling and would love to have a buddy male or female.. it be nice to relate to someone that deals with the stress of this virus. I live in Michigan.. don’t have to be close either. It be really nice.
  7. I have been struggling so bad this week has been the worse. I just feel like my life is over and this virus has control over me for the rest of my life. Parts of me wants to die and get it over with.. every day seems like torture trying to deal with emotionally. I was infected with Ghsv1 at the end of July had ob for almost 4 weeks. I still don’t feel 100% I’m scared I’m not gna know when it comes out again. I’m currently on suppressive therapy because of my emotional pain dealing with this my doctor recommended I go on it for at least the first year. I just wonder when does it get better?? I feel like this is a bad dream and I can’t wake up. I feel like I will never feel normal down there again. I’m scared I’m gna be rejected when I date and have disclose it. I worry about everything that I isn’t making this any easier. I can’t seem to get over hating myself for believing my ex and then I get infected and he acted like it was nothing and then dumped me and went back to his ex. I feel like my life is in a million pieces .. I just wished this never happened 😢
  8. My doctor wanted me be on antivirals for at least a year because my emotional state of dealing with this and it can cause more outbreaks. Does that sound normal?
  9. I heard the same thing. I was going to purchase the pills as a daily supplement.
  10. I heard the oregano pills help as well. Do u just get the oil and apply it to the sores or every day? I’m just curious how u use it.
  11. I understand I cry a lot because I don’t know if someone will ever want me either because of it. I had a hard time dating before let alone now this.. the thought seems impossible. I’m scared to have to tell someone that I’m interested in when that day comes.
  12. I got mine at the end of July 2018. I knew it wasn’t something I ever had before because I got sick with flu symptoms before the blisters came out.
  13. My understanding is it’s more accurate then the blood test. I could be wrong but it’s my understanding after reading in and educating myself.
  14. I take antivirals because I was emotional not in a good place. I found out I got ghsv1 from my ex bf who knew he had it but failed to let me know, then dumped me and 2 weeks later. I have been very emotional dealing with this. My doctor put me on them only because of stress of dealing with this. My doctor said it will help to stop the ob since my stress levels were so high. My doctor also put me on folic acid prescription. I also take lysine, zinc, vitamins C, multivitamins. I read that those supplements can help keep your immune system up thus helping with ob. I am curious the long term effects of the antivirals though, my doctor wants to take me off after a year of being on them. I’m not in a relationship currently or having sex since I found out about my this since July this year.
  15. I am antivirals and supplements and it’s helping but sometimes I wonder if I could be having them..because I get irration and get scared I’m gna get another outbreak but i don’t get sores. Idk, I think it takes awhile for our bodies to get used to the virus. I know it sucks and I’m scared to go off the medication because I don’t want get outbreaks. But I worry about the long term effects of the medication. I have Ghsv1 btw.
  16. Im curious how you knew u was having an outbreak again. I’m on antivirals and take supplements and sometimes I get scared because I’m not sure if I’m having an outbreak or there is just irritation. Or did u get the flu like symptoms again??
  17. I got G Hsv1 from a my ex he had gave it to me, unfortunately I didn’t realize he had an active outbreak and he failed to tell me that he had one as well. I’m not sure which way he contracted it.
  18. Thank you! And your right it gives me hope on days when this seems like it over.
  19. Definitely understand the struggle. I’m struggling too! I feel a lot of what your saying. This sucks, I just wish I would of had the choice to know, my ex knew he had it but didn’t tell me. I just hate myself at times for being so stupid and not questioning him. Idk.. it’s hard, wondering if I will ever be normal again. I wanted to just die for the longest time. I just think this is just a hard thing to accept and thinking that I have to tell someone if I start a relationship.. I already hate myself for this and to put myself through rejection sounds even more painful. Not sure if I will ever be able to have a relationship again because of this which makes me extremely sad.
  20. Interested to know about herpetic nerve pain. I got HSV1 gential get a lot of lower back tailbone nerve pain.
  21. Are u able to buy some Lysine? If so you should take 3000 msgs of that and get some Zinc 50 msg .. I used zinc oxide ointment it helped with the sore and epsom salt bath.. take a few of those a day if u can. Hopefully someone else have other ideas as well.
  22. Well I’m sorry this happened to you. It’s definitely really hard to accept and not feel the way you do. I hated myself so much for not protecting myself or questioning my partner.. I relive it almost every. I just want u to know it does get better. I decided to go to therapy and educate myself about this virus. I’m sadden that I’m stuck with this for the rest of my life. Just know u are still beautiful.. that hasn’t changed. This virus don’t define who U are. U need to realize there more to u then this virus. Try to learn to love yourself . Learn about this and stay healthy and be more aware. There are so many people that have this virus and don’t know it or do know it. You are not alone. Take care of yourself and know u got support here.
  23. I just was watching a video that was done on this site years ago with a expert. In the interview he said yes u can have oral sex, however not during an active outbreak or you get infected. He also said the risk after that is low, risk still exists but if u are on suppressive therapy and not having an outbreak the chances of passing it’s very low plus u always want your partner to understand the risk because there still is that chance even if it’s low. I wished they get a cure for this stuff.
  24. I don’t think you can while you have active outbreak. Plus the there still risk associated with it even if u don’t have outbreak.. u can pass it on and they can get the virus on their mouth.
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