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thisisgoingtobeokay (previ

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Everything posted by thisisgoingtobeokay (previ

  1. Okay. Well, that makes sense then. That's crazy @sab123. Too bad we didn't know each other that week or we could have went through it together. Counted bumps and compared on a daily basis.
  2. So is the shedding what causes me to breakout?? Like if I shed too much at one time I'll breakout?? Is that what happens?
  3. Okay, I know everyone is different. I started having my "you are about to outbreak" symptoms on October 18, first bump came up on October 20. Diagnosed on October 23. Initial outbreak ended October 27, as in all bumps were gone. So it's been 5 weeks since I have had anything else. I am on suppressive therapy. So my question is, how likely am I going to breakout again? I mean is there any stats on how likely I am to break out again for HSV1 genitally? Should I have broken out again yet? Is this normal for HSV1 genitally? I was told if I make it two months without breaking out again after the initial, it is highly unlikely I'll ever have a recurrence, any truth? Since my initial symptoms were some burning when I peed and itching, ladies (similar to what a yeast infection felt like) is that what I look for every time? I didn't have anything else but that before the bumps came. No sick, tired, tingling etc.
  4. Well this describes exactly how I viewed the guy who gave it to me. Very nicely put.
  5. @itcouldhavebeenworse I AM SO GLAD YOU DID THE EPSOM SALT! I am a huge huge supporter of it! So glad to hear that it has helped you! Thank you for passing on the info about the body wash too!
  6. You are by far one of the most honest even if it hurts people I have seen on here. You make me think, that is for sure. And I couldn't agree more, you end up being annoyed by the things you initially fall for someone for. I have had that happen to me and by me. I hate that he didn't respond well. That just makes my heart hurt. The truth sucks but the truth also sets you free. And thank God, some people know the importance of speaking the truth.
  7. I am thankful for this site and the support and encouragement I have received. This has been my little "God please help me" place to go to. I am thankful for all of you. I am thankful for sleep. I am thankful for medication. I am thankful for the peace this site has brought me.
  8. @baffled1 I would never not disclose to someone. I have had a really hard time with this because the guy who gave it to me doesn't give a damn. I was venting. Above I even said,when I was diagnosed I decided I would not be one of those people who didn't tell someone. I am not angry at you and I am sorry you are having a hard time also, but please don't loop me in with your ex. I've only been dealing with this a month now and am working through all of the emotions. I vent here, and that is because no one on the outside of this site knows what I am feeling. I am not that kind of person to not tell someone. I actually had the opportunity to do stuff last night and would not even let the guy put his hand below my waist, long time friend who doesn't know. I left it at kissing and cuddling. I am too scared to give this to someone because it was given to me and I couldn't handle the guilt of putting someone through what I am going through. So please, don't misunderstand me. I understand your anger, I hope you come to peace with this soon, it just takes time. @WCSdancer2010, thank you. :)
  9. Peach yogurt you got my ass rolling over here. To be honest, I could go for a little loving right now, but I'll settle for a beer or two. I had some mirror time tonight getting ready and loved myself. Not like, dirty, I just mean telling myself positive things, WCS, I know some women are too. I guess my experiences make me biased. And hey, it's that guys loss because from my viewpoint you are a pretty strong, awesome woman,
  10. No no no it's alright. I need to think. It's actually better you did make me think. I mean I don't want to just give BJs now and settle for that just because I'm scared to tell someone. Great, so they always are out for one thing. Crap! :| Men......
  11. Thanks WCS. And yes, I guess to be honest it is a bargaining tool for myself. When I was writing this I said in my head "well if a guy is pushing and I'm not ready to tell him but I'm comfortable enough to give oral should I, so I don't have to tell about my genitals." Yeah. I have found a weak spot in my progress... Shit. That's not right for me to be bargaining with myself on trying to keep a man because of my genitals. I'm 23, most men my age are just sex sex sex. I'm not... But I'm not unwilling to give a BJ so he will shut up. That's how I was before H. And me being willing to do oral but no penetration consequently is what landed me in this predicament in the first place. Even though I had not had a man go down on me in three years then when I did, I get H, but have given a couple BJs in that three year span. I guess I'm a giver. Or young and dumb and think it will keep a man...okay, now you have me thinking more than I was. Hahahaha! Ahhhhhhhh!
  12. Weird for thanksgiving I know and no I have no intentions of giving a BJ tonight or anytime soon, but it's just on my mind. I haven't had an oral outbreak, just genital. And as before, I have HSV1 genitally. However, I obviously kissed the guy before he went down on me like normal when people are sexually active. So should I disclose before I give oral? Obviously I would disclose if a man were to go down on me or before hitting homeplate. Or is it okay to give BJs since I haven't had an oral outbreak? I mean if I could give BJs I would at least be able to keep a guy content until I'm ready to disclose the whole no P in the V. I mean, and in that case if I can't give BJs do I disclose before I kiss someone? My doctor told me not to worry about kissing or sharing drinks since I haven't broke out on my mouth so does that mean it's okay for me to give BJs you think? Freaking out at the moment. And I know there is probably a post similar to this but I'm on my phone so it's hard to search at the moment.
  13. Hey everyone, so I was wondering if any couples that are H negative and H positive would be willing to share their stories. It would be great to hear perspectives from the H negative partner that is with someone who is H positive. It would help me because that is one of my biggest fears is finding acceptance from an H negative man. Any stories from couples like this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks y'all! Blessings! And Happy Thanksgiving!
  14. WCS is right. I started my meds the day I got diagnosed visually. My culture nor bloodwork had come back yet and I swear the medicine is what helped me clear up so fast. My initial outbreak was only a week. Literally, 7 days. I wish I could make them go away for you. I didn't have clusters, mine were just single bumps on my butt on the left side. But my yoga pants which I lived in the entire week would stick to the sores, felt like ripping a bandaid off every morning. Hurt like a mofo. I can't believe they can't get you in for that long. I mean that is just crazy. Breaks my heart for you! I hope you try the epsom salt and get to feeling better fast!
  15. yeah, well that was my thought that if you could get the toilet paper near your lady hole, but not near the sore maybe it would be better.
  16. If you do the epsom salt, everything I read said do like 2 handfuls. Let me tell you. I FILLED THAT TUB UP! I did like 4-6 big handfuls. I did them twice a day. But you can do them as much as you need, from my understanding. It's relaxing too.
  17. Okay. Glad I found that out before I have a period and thought to do that. Thank God you said that, didn't even cross my mind. NO TOILET PAPER. MY BAD. Newbie. Sorry.
  18. I am so sorry you are hurting. I had only one bump really on my female parts and it was on my inner lip, the right one, every where else was my butt. That one hurt pretty bad on the lady part, so I can only imagine how bad it must have hurt and is hurting. As WCS said, try her advice. I HIGHLY recommend epsom salt baths! I did epsom salt baths. It felt sooooo good, and it dried me up. Here is something I thought about, what about just using toilet paper?? Like as a pad. I don't know how heavy your flow is, but just centering toilet paper near your lady hole. Idk. I have done that before when my flow wasnt heavy to keep from having to use anything. But I have never had an outbreak with a period. I am knew to this to and only had my initial outbreak yet. Just thought I would throw an idea out there.
  19. I like the for now Adrial. hahaha. We will see what happens when I step back out there. If I do. I may do that, come off it, I am just scared cause I know this is to help me prevent a breakout too, and what if I have another outbreak. My poor butt was so tender, I can't do that again. My original plan was stay on it this full first year. Go off it then see what happens, see if I breakout. I am too scared to come off it. Maybe switching to acyclovir is a good idea.
  20. Well, and I was on it to protect him mostly, but also to prevent outbreaking. So I figured I would stay on it even though the asshole has left me.
  21. Yeah, I am on suppressive therapy, but remember, I am the one with the asshole that gave it to me and left me and won't be here for me at all. I am that girl. haha.
  22. I take one Valtrex pill in the morning. I mean WCS, it has been literally every time I try to have a drink I get sick. I know this medicine is pretty tough on the kidneys and liver, right? I mean could it just be my body? I know everyone is different. Maybe I should call my doctor? But a doctor will say, well stop drinking. haha!
  23. I know the feeling. I asked my doctor about this. I said but I kissed him and he went downstairs, how in the heck is it not in my mouth too. I broke out on my genitals and no where else. He said it could be, but unless I breakout there is no way to know for sure. I also, just FYI gave a BJ to the guy who gave it to me after being diagnosed and he didn't get it on his ding dong. So, idk. From my understanding there is no sure way to know unless you breakout on your mouth too. Sorry that I don't know a good answer for that, but that is what my doc said. I am a little paranoid too, because I don't want to give a guy a BJ in the future and give it to him. My doctor did tell me that since I haven't broken out on my mouth to not be real concerned or stressed about it. I don't know, this virus is crazy. I think, from my understanding from my doctor, it is possible to break out on your mouth, but it just depends on where the virus has chosen to truly set up, but you don't know unless you breakout. Maybe your doctor can give you a better understanding on this. I feel your paranoia. I won't be doing any BJ's with anyone until they know that I am H positive. Better safe than sorry.
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