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thisisgoingtobeokay (previ

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Everything posted by thisisgoingtobeokay (previ

  1. I hate it didn't work for you @someone_20. It was my saving grace I feel like.
  2. Before H I was a super STD and STI freak. Got tested even if I hadn't done anything with anyone. So, when I go, I just start naming stuff and say I want this this this and this done. He usually does my STI panel, a pap, and bloodwork. This covers all my bases. Then I would specifically list certain things to make sure they were included in the test. I would say, and so this will test for HIV, Herpes, Syphillis, etc. Kind of like I said...just name stuff and make sure he/she is testing you for it.
  3. Yes. Ask specfically for herpes first and foremost. Ask for a swab and bloodwork. Both. Then ask for a full STI panel. That will cover your basic STIs. HIV, syphillis, and a couple others I think are done by bloodwork so make sure to ask for a blood test on those. Basically, tell them you want to be tested for every possible sexually transmitted disease out there if you want to know everything. A pap will determine HPV. So yes, you can get tested for all at one time, but there is different means to test different diseases. Some are determined by blood, some by a simple pap smear, and some from this spoon looking thing that he scraps your hoo ha with (it doesn't hurt, just feels a little weird, this is what he does for my STI panel). My suggestion: go in, say "I want to get a swab culture (as long as you still have cuts) and bloodwork ran for herpes HSV1 and HSV2. I want a pap smear done for HPV. I also want to get tested for all other sti's and std's including HIV, Syphillis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Trich, Bacterial vaginosis, etc. What ever test is necessary, I need to be tested to be sure that I am not positive for any other type of std or sti. If I need bloodwork ran or a special type of vaginal screening done to make sure I am not positive for any std or sti that is what I want done." ....By the way, there is a lot of things they test for when I have an STI panel done that I have never even freaking heard of. I have heard people say, "My pap came back normal, so I am clean." NO NO NO. A pap smear does not test for all STD's or STI's. Bloodwork and the STI spoon test (as I call it) is required for many of the diseases out there to show a positive result. I don't know how your state works, but in my state, I tell my doctor I am having some abnormal discharge that way insurance covers all of my tests. In my state, I need a reason to be tested, so I always say I am having some discomfort and discharge that is abnormal.
  4. Definitely! I know the feeling! I'll put it this way, if it was me and I was unsure, I would try to get in. But that's me and what I would do. Hope that helps. I understand the whole I want for sure answers, so my suggestion would be to try to get in and get a swab. It's accurate and determined my type too.
  5. Going to make my same always statement: epsom salt baths! 4 to 6 handfuls. Worked like a charm for me! Twice a day. That was my go to and will be in the future.
  6. Good for you for using lube! It helps. If two years ago you had a true outbreak then yes, but since you never really got confirmed results... call and find out those previous results if you can. Since you never got confirmed results last time, I would try to get in. But if the two years ago incident was a true outbreak, then yes bloodwork will be positive in February.
  7. Yeah, and as herry said sex makes some people break out. Supposedly vigourous sex does. So make sure things stay wet down there to prevent the skin from getting little cuts which has been said to trigger breakouts. The friction can cause issues. If this continues to be an issue if you breakout after sex, I suggest some lube.
  8. Well, I also went in like three days after my first bump, this is why my doctor said my bloodwork was negative, I just hadn't built up enough antibodies to show up. If you have broken out before, chances are your bloodwork would for sure be positive now. You can call and ask if they will see you sooner so you can get a more accurate answer, or just wait until your appointment and just do bloodwork. If you have broken out before chances are your bloodwork will reveal the answer at this point.
  9. The sure fire way for a true positive answer is a swab of the blister, cut. My bloodwork was negative but my swab was positive. So there is a little insight about that. I recommend swabbing just because of my own personal experience of how my results came back.
  10. Hey everyone! So it has been a few weeks since I have been on and posted, but I wanted to check in. As some know, I moved out on my own, still have not got cable or internet, as I am hoping on a new job so I can be sure that I can pay all my bills before having things that are not a necessity. Been doing job interviews, evaluating people in my life, evaluating life itself, etc. Had a few rough nights the past few days, but I am hanging in there. Nothing a little wine and a bubble bath didn't fix and calm down the tears. So, the 23rd will be the day I got my first bump, and the 30th will be 3 months outbreak free. Crossing my fingers I make it to 3 months with no outbreak. I changed my phone number: 1. I needed to rid my life of people who were stressing me the F out over stupid pointless drama and bullshit. 2. I rid my life of people who said they cared about me, lied, told people my secret, etc. 3. I didn't want to wake up every day anymore and wonder if today would be the day, The One Who Shall Not Be Named will call me and apologize, make it right, be there for me. I needed that. I needed to know that the stupid asshole now can not contact me and I don't have to think about if today will be the day he does what I would do. Now, I just know he can't and won't. I have been pretty open with people about my situation. I want people to stop looking at this as nasty. Even though, I still have weeks like this one where I feel nasty and disgusting. Lately, I have been lonely. Monday night I was like okay why don't you try a herpes dating site again. I don't want a commitment right now, because I am still so angry and bitter that I know I would lash out on someone I dated, which isn't fair to them. I am not healed still so how can I be with someone when I am not in a good place emotionally, however, I long for physical touch. Snuggling, kissing, etc. Not necessarily sex, just the other aspects of feeling wanted. I just want someone to be there. Someone to sleep with at night, tell me I am pretty, kiss me, and make me feel somewhat normal. So, back to Monday night. I hadn't cried in a couple weeks, but I got on a site, and didn't register or anything but immediately started bawling my eyes out. Why? I don't know. I asked myself aloud why are you crying? You have been doing so good. I think maybe because I feel like that is my future, that is my only hope at finding someone. And a lot of initial feelings I had came rushing back. Anger. Bitterness. Self loathing. Fear. I have felt betrayed by so many people. This shouldn't be me. But it is. Being that I am OCD as shit, maybe that is why I struggle so much? I can't control this, so I feel helpless and lost. I can't fix this. I don't know. Rambling again, but since Monday, every day has been a crying mess once I make it into my car from work. Alas, I am hanging in there. So, in addition. I was turned onto a girl by a friend who was recently diagnosed. She has HSV2 orally and genitally. I have HSV1 just genitally. She can't catch a break, constantly staying broke out. And it has been nice to call her or her call me and we just talk. About everything. Ya know, talking to her has helped some. I mean I haven't broken out since my initial, and I sit here and cry and get so angry and here she is breaking out every other week. And listening to her story, I find myself saying to myself, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SO UPSET FOR? You haven't even broken out again, and she is breaking out every other week. You are being selfish, ungrateful for the fact you haven't broken out again, and wallowing in your own self pity. But when I call her, she doesn't make me feel that way, I called her Monday night. She said on the phone hey it's okay, I have it too. There was something reassuring about that. And I am glad that I have met someone that I can talk to and relate to, even if it isn't the same type. As I have said before, emotions are the same. I have a real life H friend and it helps me. I went out one night and this guy was talking to me, he said ya know you got to be careful today. Girls will do shit and not tell you and you end up hearing it from her friends. I said what you mean? He goes well I slept with this girl and apparently she had herpes and didn't tell me but her best friend did. I, of course, tightened every damn muscle in my body as to not give away my dirty little secret. I said yeah, some women do some bad stuff, but men do too. He goes, you don't have herpes do you? And I, pulling out my best acting skills, went F NO I don't. (This is not someone that I would have just been outright yeah I have it, here is my story to), so I lied. And immediately I felt like shit. This stupid person has no idea how bad that just hurt me and I didn't have the balls to say, yeah...actually I do. Here are the facts you arrogant stupid dumbass. But he didn't know, it isn't his fault, so I had yet another encounter with the stigma of herpes and God it hurt like hell. It just set me back and made me feel like I was nasty. This was not some guy I was interested in at all. He is a friend of a friend who just was standing there and talking to me. Shame on me for being such a little weak person that I couldn't admit it and let someone in on the truth of the herpes. I regret that moment now. In conclusion, I have tried to read some of the posts since I took some time. There is a lot I have missed. I just wanted to check in and say hey. Blessings and love you all. To the new people on here, welcome. This is a great place.
  11. My New Years resolution came to me as I was staring at a glass of wine last night: learn to let my faith be bigger than my fears.
  12. Speaking of would you rather...Me and a guy friend were talking the other night and he was like how is there not a cure for this, I said I don't know, I personally believe there is one, the government/pharms won't release it. (Just my opinion). But I said I would literally allow someone to cut off both my titties, no anesthesia no nothing, to cure myself of this. I can always buy new titties, can't buy a new vagina. I had him rolling.
  13. I couldn't remember if it was you who did what the doctor told you to do. Good for you. 3 isn't too bad especially not being on medicine. You are stronger than I. I am a fiend on my medicine. Every day. 8:00 sharp.
  14. In fact, today is my two month no bump anniversary. I was bump free on this day October 30. So two months today bump free. Go me....as I try to sound excited.
  15. Welcome to the forum. And thank you for posting. I love reading these stories. Gives me such hope. Nice to know it can happen!
  16. F... I was hoping that I may be lucky and not ever breakout again. I take Lysine, heavily when I breakout, and then I pop one if I eat a bunch of high arginine shit. I could understand that...you could always use some concealer...which I know you will get in the water..but I doubt anyone will even pay attention to them.
  17. @peach I've made it two months since my initial with no outbreak again. When did you get your second one? And I've checked my junk out, I can't find any marks left by my outbreak. It looks all normal down there. What about trying some skin creme to remove dark spots...that might work.
  18. I understand. Well hopefully someone can give you some insight. I'm curious myself.
  19. And surely to God they won't pop up that often. I mean that's your boob... Idk it just seems like to me that that won't be a frequent every time thing. I could be wrong, but that just blows my mind.
  20. No girl, I didn't mean it like that. I just know we both got HSV1 genitally so I'm a little worried now I may have some pop up somewhere else. I mean shit if something does ain't like I can change it. Worrying is like a rocking chair. Anyways, that is more than likely what happened. I tried to be super careful during that initial with touching my body. I hate that that has happened to you. Keep us posted! And as always, epsom salt that titty and see if that helps!
  21. What... They are on your boobie? You have me super scared now. I haven't had anything come up on my boobie. Hugs to you. I have no advice on that but I'm so sorry.
  22. Well considering I got genital HSV1 from a guy with absolutely no sore or recent outbreak, I would say yeah, you could definitely pass it if a sore was healed. Best advice, keep a watch, partner could get tested. Do some research and check out the links on this site, it will help you better understand how it all works.
  23. LMAO. This made me chuckle so freaking hard. I am going to say that it is great you two split, because he clearly is a dumbass.
  24. I LOVE PAM! She is my "H momma." I get tough love and encouragement both from this woman. You are so enlightening and have made me straighten the hell up on days where I didn't think I could be strong. You are such a strong woman and I know I can speak for everyone here when I say this, you are a Godsend to many of us and I can't begin to tell you how your thoughts, words, and tough love have helped so many of us. Thank you for being you. Thank you for being strong when I can't. Thank you for being a light in my own life when all I have been able to see is darkness. Big hugs.
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