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Everything posted by Flowerteacher55

  1. Hey!! Eek, don't let the OCD get you down. Worrying is like a rocking chair, it's something to do but your don't get anywhere! (my great grandma's saying, lol). It will be okay! Just be aware of the prodrome symptoms, see them as a friend alerting you to prep in case of an outbreak. You can do this! Stay strong πŸ¦‹!
  2. Hi!! Yes, it could move, but not to a whole nother part of the body. Generally the sores can appear in the general vicinity of the body where you have it. So, for example, if you have it in the groin region it can appear in the genital area, buttocks, etc. However, it wouldn't migrate to your arms, face, and other areas, so don't worry about that. So, for example, if your sore is on your right bottom cheek, it could hypothetically appear on the left one during a future breakout. For me, I had sores everywhere during my first breakout and the next one there were 2 sores but up higher than where the others were before. I hope this helps!! Sending prayers and wellness your way! πŸŒ„πŸŒΌπŸ¦‹β˜€οΈ
  3. Hi again!! Aw yes of course!! Everyone heals at their own pace. Acceptance and kindness is so important. Just being there for her and reminding her she is still wonderful and a great, capable person is helpful. Yes, I have the same thing, genital HSV-1, also called GHSV-1. The confusing thing is that people often call any herpes on the private area HSV-2 or genital herpes, however having HSV-1 on the genitals is not the same as HSV-2. The good news about having HSV-1 in the genital region is that the likelihood of passing it to a partner is very low. The rate of reoccurring outbreaks is also much lower as well. Your sister may start to worry she could pass it to her family members through clothing, laundry, sharing bathrooms, etc, but these are not ways herpes is spread. Herpes is spread through skin-to-skin contact. Rest assured, all is well. ❀️ Yes, herpes is something that many are unaware of, and honestly sex education in so many schools is lacking, and doesn't prepare young people as well as it should. If we don't even understand our own bodies, how can we be expected to succeed emotionally, academically, and in life overall?! Also, STIs are stigmatized, and that is just not okay. STIs are common and a part of being human, and you will find that in college people are more open and the student health services at your campus will be very open to providing support if your sister needs it. My own mom didn't understand herpes either. When I eventually told her she was like, "YOU NEED TO COVER YOUR TOOTHBRUSH SO YOU DON'T GET YOUR BROTHER SICK!" I laughed because HSV-1 on private parts can't spread from a toothbrush πŸ˜‚. But again, stereotypes and stigmas about contagiousness often cloud people's brains! We can help change this, by sharing one fact of truth at a time. Education is liberating and powerful!! I am praying for your sister! πŸŒ„ Blessings!
  4. @BachelorNoMorelol Here are some articles about contracting HSV-2 after already having HSV-1. I hope these help! They offer a lot of scientific jargon but in general the summary explains that some of the patients in the study who already had HSV-1 had less intense symptoms of HSV-2 during their first outbreak of HSV-2. https://www.nejm.org/doi/pdf/10.1056/NEJM199911043411904?articleTools=true Here is a general explanation and information about genital herpes tests from the American Sexual Health Association that talks about false negatives and the different tests, which is super helpful: https://www.ashasexualhealth.org/herpes-testing/ I hope that these help in some way! Sending hope and good health! πŸŒ„
  5. Hello! First, I am so sorry to hear about your sister. you are very very kind to join this forum to support her. This is very hard as a young person, and I understand how she is feeling. I got herpes at age 19, and I was very scared. Now I am 22 and am proud to be me!! The same is possible for her ❀️ Please let her know that you can still prosper and live a beautiful life with HSV!!! I wanted to ask this, you said HSV1 turning into HSV2... Did you mean getting HSV1 on your lower parts? She should know that she is NOT dirty, ugly, unlovable, untouchable, or unworthy of love. She is clean, beautiful, and deserving of love and respect. Herpes is a virus. It is so stigmatized, and yes, there is SO MUCH misinformation out there. Please advise her not to Google questions or anything, and instead read materials by organizations like the CDC, WHO, and Planned Parenthood-- Reliable research matters because facts are powerful and help put our minds at ease!!! I am going to reply with some article links for your sister that have helped me and others greatly. ❀️ Herpes is not a sin, an embarrassment, or a shame. It is just part of being human. If anything, it makes you realize how special your body is, and how we can learn to unconditionally love ourselves regardless of HSV. Also, herpes is sort of a "people sorter", meaning that those who still love you and want to be with you regardless of the HSV are true true blessings. Those who judge are simply not the right people for us. And HSV honestly helps us see who people really are on the inside. Please tell your sister she can direct message me if she needs someone to vent to. She is not alone!! We all are here for her!! Sending Blessings and Light!! πŸŒΌπŸŒ„πŸ€πŸŒˆβ€οΈ
  6. Hi!!! OK SO THIS IS SO INTERESTING.... I was doing research about HSV1 and 2. Those with HSV-1 who later contract HSV-2 are actually more likely to not show symptoms of contracting HSV-2, especially in males. Maybe because your body is somewhat familiar with HSV, it's fighting it off with your antibodies you have from HSV-1. I may be completely wrong, but I will share the articles with you shortly! Sending hope and happiness! πŸŒ„
  7. Hi! Yes, this is a really stressful time. It is totally expected for your brain to be overwhelmed, especially while you have sobriety to balance, Congratulations on being 8 month sober!! 🌼 You should be so proud of yourself. The medicine you were prescribed was most likely Valaciclovir, which is an antiviral medication used to treat herpes. It is so important to have a good doctor and ONGYN that you can trust and feel unjudged with. Asking friends and relatives who they recommend can be really helpful, too. Stay strong. You can do this! We are here for you. Remember the three C's: You didn't CAUSE this, you can't CONTROL it, and your can't CURE it. But what you can control is your actions, your attitude, and those you choose to allow into your life. You deserve good things!!! Don't sell yourself short. Sending prayers your way!! πŸŒ„
  8. Aw I'm sorry. Yes, a blood test will show HSV 1 and 2 even when sores aren't present. Hey, if you guys are in love, than that love will hold you together. Honesty is so important. ❀️ I would discuss it with him, and also remember you can go on suppressive medicine if needed. However, that probably isn't necessarily needed because he may have it too. He should get a blood test. In a non accusatory way, sit down and talk about it. Ask him to answer honestly if he's ever had sores; maybe he has and even thought they were ingrown hairs or something else. It will be okay. Open communication is key. If you feel worried, call a clinic or Planned Parenthood and speak to a nurse if it makes you feel better. They are awesome, I've called PP before and they rock ❀️. β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈ You can do this!!! β˜€οΈβ˜€οΈ
  9. Oh also!! Yes, get a blood test, as @NJRunnerMom suggested. Also, this could be from the sexual assault instances, and this could be a non-primary outbreak (usually less severe than the classic first primary outbreak involving many painful sores). Did you have just one or two sores or a small cluster, or many, and did you experience any tingling or prodrome symptoms before this outbreak? Sorry for the lengthy replies!! Sending blessings your way πŸ€β˜€οΈπŸ¦‹
  10. Hi!! I am so sorry about your pain and suffering. You don't deserve this at all. Please know your life is not over. You are still worthy of love and you are pure. As a child, did you have herpes sores on your mouth or genitals? Oral herpes is common, many children can get it from their own parents if their parents give them a kiss. However, genital herpes is not. This can indicate a major sign of abuse. If your partner gave it to you, I'm sorry they didn't tell you they had it however, he also may not know he had it, as people can be asymptomatic (especially more common in males). Being honest about it with him may be so difficult, but it can help you get closure and inform him (and then he can inform his wife, if they are still intimate) about his condition. Now, the fact that he's your boss can lead to various unwanted consequences, including work issues. However, if he started treating you badly or assigning more work to you after our tell him, this would actually fall under workplace harassment. If it gets to that level (which I hope it won't) go to human resources. Stick up for yourself, you deserve it!! In terms of your life, it is not over. You are still you. ❀️ You are a pure blessing. I know that sexual assault can make us feel dirty, unwanted, unworthy of peace and love. But you are pure, clean, wholesome, and so worthy of quality love and attention. I don't know what the situation is with your boss, but please know you deserve someone to give their whole heart to you, and your daughter, too. When you think about yourself, think about what you would want for your daughter. Talk to yourself and treat yourself with kindness, and do not accept anything less than that from anyone, too. We are all here for you!! Feel free to direct message me if you need some additional support. Sending Light and Prayers!! πŸŒΌπŸ¦‹β˜€οΈπŸ€πŸŒ„
  11. Hello!! I'm so sorry about that. You don't deserve that at all. Have you discussed it with your OBGYN? Also, call a clinic like Planned Parenthood. They are really really awesome for things like this-- I've called them with questions and the person answers them or refers me to ask my doctor. I am going to do some research on this and get back to you!! There is hope!! ❀️❀️ Stay strong.
  12. Hi!! I am so sorry to hear about your struggle. It sounds like the outbreak affected you pretty bad. Depending on what type of herpes you have, this lingering itchiness and pain may be common, do you have type 1 or 2? Also, depending on how many sores you had and where they were, maybe some of the new skin growth is causing irritation. Are you experiencing any other symptoms, discharge, or pain? It could be a bacterial infection; the vagina is a SUPER complex system, and new medicine and stress such as contracting herpes could possibly cause some imbalances in the body. There is a topical Acyclovir cream, maybe this would help. I am sending you prayers of health and happiness. Stay strong!! We are here for you β€οΈπŸ€πŸŒΌπŸŒ„
  13. Of course!! Sorry for not getting back to you sooner with the updated research results!! So I was checking out Planned Parenthood, which is a great resource to use, and they say... "Does a previous HSV-1 infection protect me from a subsequent HSV-2 infection?" "As mentioned previously, most of us are orally infected with HSV-1 as children. Unfortunately, a preexisting HSV-1 infection doesn’t protect us from acquiring an HSV-2 infection later in life, though it’s possible that it will help mitigate symptoms of a first HSV-2 outbreak. Those who already have an HSV-1 infection are much less likely to experience symptoms upon an initial HSV-2 infection. Likewise, a previous HSV-2 infection does not protect someone from acquiring an HSV-1 infection. It’s possible for HSV-1 and HSV-2 to infect the genitals at the same time β€” it just might not be as likely." (They sourced the National Library of Medicine, and the study cited is here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10547406/) So what is really interesting about the National Library of Medicine study is that people who already had HSV-1 who got HSV-2 were not immune to contracting HSV-2, and SOME (not all!) of the study participants were less likely to show the symptoms of the HSV-2 when they did contract it. In general, women are more likely than men to show symptoms of HSV-2 when they contract it, however because you already have HSV-1 and you contracted it, you may not show symptoms. So, yes, you can still get his HSV-2 in the same area, however you may not have as intense symptoms if you get it since your body already is familiar with the strain HSV-1. This means you can still contract it in the same area, although you may (or may not) have different symptoms from a typical first HSV-2 outbreak. This other article here actually talks about people who have HSV-1 and HSV-2 isolated in their genital regions (sorry it's so long I don't know why the URL is like that, lol). https://watermark.silverchair.com/177-4-1069.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAApowggKWBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggKHMIICgwIBADCCAnwGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMPHVaz-hYYtt3PimPAgEQgIICTXO1MPSHisKOOzkgnEpvg0AAyePXMCgwvayWoa51N-yCpG_t2c4lxbrbLNFGOQ3LGOWo4cRmJ-xD5IbNBBtcA2fnDubma-vymYTvqItQUgp20XeQ5RLUpTAhjue6-OG0am4PFG6EzC9RHEi_4hZnZkX2zY4Oiwk3gpe9EVNM3VHN7u7zlwlaOWCagsZQ3Juhtyz7Uvb7PRVb0UgqpA9XTpFh3PyrII2Jg7r13vfmfEPIqGJoByBqc2E-qeG6cIFGDS9iShsSl-Dtsc8Wb2Gk3RKEtTwGQXSS3zbNfzrD0ct2Jhyj_pVDS9lWLu7pi--wjzpsYE5MFWctADKUIOtVDYLDhFimr2GzacRbf2TSziA_NScscYJ9IuPEkgAbcTSqJeCj52k4fkSg5DmmS9LLtM3zFJ8ZwX_idOcZLw48nzKNeRMGJ50LcohkeKobDm85cDQ6RpMifuHj-VqbXQSuRc7X5WMYb2OoryyXswpffmvao9a365Ib_f-nwpsKMmUTqydofzY4ZHG_NYaObI6mqgy2TnB8x-f3rPmrhO1--NU-_lVGSNFxBMZ8wEstowxf4l1TAIabyJjO0Gvrum7dLR7pQgS8fG1LKKlNNsCAD1XUsV1Dd5t1rtwskCUOSx_qDG7DSPTQHHhm5x32DoMCSYhNTEPJNT9WNcNisyCTas7MIOQNbxf1SuhLGfN7ITQ6mxXA5_mMcuu0rN9RRBggLGvuTOV5ZPS8yOU9DYxSeI4FwbnnvCqgp32L_REjuFbF8u8bM7FkjKXxHjGDbps I hope this helps!! Sorry to overload with information!!! Sending happiness and good vibes!! πŸŒ„
  14. OH MY GOSH THAT IS SO EXCITING!!!! πŸ₯³ Congratulations!! You deserve this happiness and so much more!! 😊 Have a wonderful trip!!! Yes, as my mom always says, "Life isn't easy... life isn't perfect... Life is GOOD!" πŸŒ„πŸ˜Š
  15. Awwww thank you @NJRunnerMom!!!! β€οΈβ€οΈπŸ¦‹πŸ¦‹πŸŒΌπŸŒΌπŸ€πŸ€ I hope everything is well with you!!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸŒˆπŸŒˆ
  16. Hey Everyone! I hope you all are well πŸ™‚ ! Last night I told an amazing man about my herpes, and he was so kind and accepting. We are really into each other, and what's so funny is we haven't talked in 15 years, since we were childhood friends!! As we've been talking, he kept saying I was his dream girl, and I kept thinking "Yeah... well just wait until I tell you about my herpes." Because he is in the military, I had to tell him over text, so of course I told him I would rather tell him this in person, but I had to tell him before we made an effort to see each other. When I told him about it, he said, "Oh okay! Yeah but a lot of people have that, it's common, right?" My heart felt SO relieved. We talked about it and I kept asking, "So you understand I could hypothetically give it to you every time we have sex?" and he said, "Yeah, I get it." I was so happy I just couldn't believe it! 😍 Please know there is always hope, and every pot has its lid. Don't settle for less than you deserve! You deserve love and kindness, respect and acceptance, not only from others, but from yourself!! Sending Peace and Joy! πŸ’›β˜€οΈ
  17. Of course!! Happy to help. πŸŒΌπŸ€πŸŒ„πŸ¦‹. Pass on the kindness and support I whatever way/(s) you can to keep the good vibes flowing!! Sending happiness and peace πŸ€πŸŒΌπŸŒ„β€οΈπŸ¦‹!!
  18. @NJRunnerMom Yes!! You make a great point. Sometimes we miss the red flags of who we shouldn't tell out personal business to. I am such an open book and wear my heart on my sleeve, but I've learned to have circles; outer, medium and inner circles. Like, people have to prove their way in. Everyone starts out in the outer circle (coworkers, friends, random people, etc) and if they show trust and kindness, and no red flags, they can move into the middle circle of friends. Only those we really really trust can go into the inner circle of best pals or romantic partners. Telling so much about ourselves can leave us feeling drained and unwanted. I hope you are feeling okay!!! Sending prayers and happiness both of your ways!!! πŸŒ„πŸŒΌπŸŒˆβ€οΈπŸ¦‹πŸ€
  19. Yes 13 years is so long!! Honestly stress can cause outbreaks-- the stress of the pandemic could have triggered it. What the actual heck. That's so absurd πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‘ I'm sorry for the lack of logistical competence of the test people πŸ˜‚. Good luck with the swab!!! You can do this ❀️❀️❀️ Blessings!!!
  20. Hooray!! We are so happy to hear that. Please remember you are never alone. You have nothing to feel ashamed about. Hold your head high and be your own best friend! πŸŒΌβ˜€οΈ Sending Peace and Happiness!! πŸŒΌπŸŒ„πŸŒˆβ˜€οΈβ€οΈπŸ€
  21. Hi!! First, I am so sorry about this. This is not your fault, and I've had the same thing happen before. This usually is a red flag that the person only wanted one thing (sex!), And honestly it is these situations where our HSV comes in handy, like a truth-identifying magic wand!! Hold your head high when you see him at work. You have NOTHING to be ashamed about, and frankly of he were to tell anyone about it, that may be considered sexual harassment under Title IX, and even if it isn't technically under Title IX, him talking about it would be completely inappropriate and you could report him to your supervisor. Stay strong!! You are a blessing and a strong, working woman -- don't let this one chump (my favorite term to describe the likes of that man) get you down!!! Sending Love and Light!!! πŸ€β€οΈπŸŒˆπŸŒ„
  22. Hi!! Oh my gosh, that's literally the Universe talking to you! That is the ultimate exposure therapy!! I am so happy to hear that you aren't experiencing any intense itching or pain! Yes, diet can really impact outbreaks. In terms of low-arginine foods, I honestly have never considered it!!! I've been vegan for 11 years and perhaps that is helping me to not have outbreaks? I've only had two outbreaks since my original outbreak in 2019, and they were minor. I actually did not have access to the acyclovir during one of them so I just waited it out, lol! If anything, I eat A LOT of dark chocolate 🍫 (literally, a bag of chocolate chips lasts me a week!), which is high in arginine, but I guess it isn't causing me too many issues which is amazing. If I had to give up my chocolate I would be a sad human !!! I hope you are doing better!! Sending Love & Light! πŸŒ„πŸ’›
  23. Hi!! First, you do NOT need call this a pity party! This a space for you to vent without judgment. You are allowed to have bad days. You are allowed to struggle! Even moms struggle! You aren't weak. You are strong! πŸ‘ It is totally okay. Honestly I had a nervous break down a few weeks ago because the OCD just got too much. I started going to therapy and it really helps. The human brain is literally so complex, but the awesome thing is, we can REWIRE our brains! It takes hard work, but it gets easier. Setbacks are so not fun, but you can persevere!! πŸŒ„πŸŒ» According to my amazing therapist, OCD is apparently produced by anxiety... like the anxiety needs to find a way to express itself so OCD is formed. So, sometimes even reassuring yourself that there is no reason to be anxious can help (literally easier said than done, lol). Practicing tapping has helped me SO much, too! Tapping is a holisitc meditation that is AMAZING! Brad Yates has an amazing tapping video about OCD, and it really makes you cry, it's so spot-on. Here is the link! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7npFKSvUJRg I also am very into holistic medicine, and something that helped me was natural lysine cream which I got at some health store. It really takes away any burning or itching! Ugh, being alone with OCD is literally the worst. Honestly podcasts really can help, even having music on helps us stay focused and happy. 🎡 You can do this!! Stay strong!! β™₯οΈπŸ˜‡ Blessings!!
  24. Hi again!! I also wanted to say... I am sorry the doctor 13 years ago didn't test it, and just prescribed you antiviral medication. That is just NOT OK! hopefully when you get the results back from blood work or the swab your mind can relax ❀️. Also, since you are unsure of what the lesion is, here is a quick way to try to ID it while you await the blood results: INGROWN HAIR: dark line (the hair) may be present in the middle. It may be shiny and have a head on it. May be quite large, and usually not in a cluster, but one by itself. May be painful to touch. HERPES SORE: typically red, and has a dimple in the center. The sore may be itchy and or painful, and will go through stages, including oozing, crusting over, the scan falling off, and new skin growth (new skin Is usually lighter than the rest of the skin around it). These sores can occur in clusters when presenting in the lower groin section. I hope this helps!!! I'm praying for you ❀️. Blessings πŸŒΌπŸŒ„πŸ€β˜€οΈβ€οΈ
  25. Hi!!!! I am so sorry for your stress. I actually joined this site because I also have horrible contamination OCD and various other OCD types. I understand how you feel. It is so scary and horrible; the guilt is unbearable, especially when using shared objects, the bathroom, and laundry. Let me tell you the facts. Remember, OCD lies to us. It fixates on things, and makes us feel the need to release the anxiety and obsessive thoughts by doing a compulsion (excessive cleaning, being one, or fear of touching objects, etc). OCD says you are going to infect others by touching an object with your hands: FALSE TRUTH: you cannot spread herpes through simple touch of objects. Herpes is spread through sexual contact. When you go to the bathroom or touch a sore, use soap and water and wash your hands thoroughly (not excessively!). YOU ARE SAFE. OTHERS ARE SAFE. OCD says you will infect other parts of your body through simple touching: FALSE TRUTH: you have already built up antibodies, so getting your herpes elsewhere on the body is EXTREMELY UNLIKELY, and even more unlikely if ou just wash your hands after touching a sore during your outbreak or when you are experiencing prodrome syndrome (viral shedding). I actually just talked to my therapist yesterday about this, and she said I don't need to be afraid of the toilet, or even getting pee on the toilet seat. Here is a helpful fact sheet from the CDC: www.cdc.gov β€Ί std β€Ί Genital-...PDF Genital Herpes – CDC Fact Sheet. Please know you are safe. Your partner is safe. Your child is safe. Remember, OCD is a liar. Fear is a liar. You are strong and beautiful, and you can overcome this. Trust me, I used to use my feet to lift up the toilet seat and was afraid to let me clothes touch anything, etc. You will get better!! Work through it ❀️ we are here for you!!! Please direct message me If you need any advice or support. I'm here for you!! Sending Love and Light β€οΈπŸ€πŸŒ„πŸŒΌβ˜€οΈ!!!
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