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Everything posted by Flowerteacher55

  1. Holy cow!!! πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„ That is SO COOL that you're certified!! I love Reiki. I've gotten it done once and literally felt like a little hammer chipping at a huge dam and having it break, and like I released all my anxiety and negative energy. Funny you mention Bells Paulsy... My mom is dealing with that now!! Acupuncture truly seems amazing!! I'm so happy that helped you. I will look into it for me and my mom❀️ Thank you for the idea!! I look forward to hearing about how things turn out!! Sending positive energy out into the world for you and your daughter πŸŒŽπŸŒ„!! Blessings, Grace
  2. Hi!! Oh okay I understand now!!! I'm so sorry you are still sore after the ten days worth of Valtrex. That is pretty common, since your body basically was undergoing so many changes at the cellular level. Are you now using daily Valtrex as a suppressent? (Meaning you'll take it every day from this point on to try and prevent future outbreaks) or did the doctor just give you extra to help with the soreness? Also, in terms of sores in the genitals, the doctor's answer of "you would know" is honestly just not helpful πŸ˜‘ like, seriously, c'mon dude. I am so sorry about that. The way I found out was the doctor actually gave me an internal exam with a speculum, and saw them herself. She explained a lot of the intense pain was coming from the internal sores. I didn't 'feel' them, if you know what I mean. Like it didn't feel like there was anything there, it just hurt and was sore. I wouldn't have known they were there unless the doctor looked with the speculum. You totally can have internal sores without "feeling" or "just knowing" they are there, so it is possible you had them, especially if you had sex without a condom or had received oral sex (that's how I think I got my herpes). I hope this helps!! Blessings, Grace
  3. Hi!! @Mari818 I hope you are doing okay πŸ™‚ I am so sorry about your struggles. It is possible for your partner to have both herpes and mono, even if he declares he doesn't have it. If he is the only person you have ever been sexually intimate with, then it sounds like he gave it to you. Has he been tested for it previously? Remember, not all people have symptoms of herpes if they have it. In fact, men and people with penises are more likely to be asymptomatic. For his own health, he could get a IgG blood test to see if he has HSV antibodies, and which type of HSV (1 or 2). He obviously can't get the viral culture swab since it seems like he has never had a sore or noticed one (many people mistaken herpes sores, especially mild ones and/or small ones, as ingrown hairs or pimples. When talking to him about it, try not to be harsh or critical, as this approach tends to make people turn their ears off and get defensive. Instead, you can explain the asymptomatic trends and ask him if he would like a blood test, since his health matters, and knowing if you have HSV is important and helpful. In terms of the negative test results: false negatives are common. Was the test result you shared above a blood test or a culture swab of the sores? 🩹For Culture Swabs: According to the American Sexual Health Association, culture swabs can produce negative results, since a culture uses sores. "If a lesion is very small or is already beginning to heal, there may not be enough virus present for an accurate culture. Beyond 48 hours of the symptoms appearing, there is risk of false negative." Another interesting thing: "Viral culture is even less accurate during recurrences (positive in only about 30% of recurrent outbreaks." Since you were tested over 48 hours after the sores appeared, it is likely this is why the culture swab came back negative. 🩸For Blood Tests: It is recommended to wait 12-16 weeks from the last possible date of exposure before getting any of the herpes blood tests," "in order to allow enough time for antibodies to reach detectable levels." Think back to the last time you were sexually intimate with the person, and wait 12-16 weeks from that date of exposure and go in for a blood test. Hopefully this will come back with the positive results. In terms of the picture: Those really do look like herpes sores. Herpes sores have a little dimple in the center of them, which I can see in the picture. Plus, they are in a cluster. It seems like they are in the early stages of healing. I also wanted to ask... because you tested negative, did the doctor not give you any medicine? If so, that isn't cool, your suffering will be prolonged. If you need medicine, you can call the doctors office and ask for a supply to take just in case this is hereps (which obviously it seems like it is, despite the test result). If you did get an antiviral, yay! Hopefully this will help you with the pain and sores. You can also use lysine cream to apply to the sores, as it helps them heal and soothes them. I hope this helps!! Sending happy healing energy your way!! πŸ™‚β€οΈ Blessings, Grace
  4. Aw Hi!! Yay, a fellow vegan!! πŸŒ±πŸ„πŸ– That is so awesome!! If you are into cleanses, reflexology is really amazing. Massage and trigger point therapy can really help cleanse the body, and also tapping/EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) therapy has helped me SO much with emotions... it's like an emotional cleanse! ❀️ There is a YouTube channel by Brad Yates and he does tapping videos for literally everything. Kids can participate in tapping, too! I highly recommend it πŸ™‚ Just be sure to be kind to your body. Dietary cleanses can be really hard on the cells and organs, as well as the mind, since your brain and cells need sodium and potassium and water dilutes electrolytes. Aww, you are too kind! You sound like such an amazing mom. I am so sorry your own mother was cruel to you. You did not deserve that at all. It is beautiful that you prospered despite that adversity and have created a happy life for your daughter. ❀️ Sending happiness your way! Blessings, Grace
  5. Hi!! @worriedmom32 No, I totally understand. A big t-shirt and undies are basically the comfiest combination ever. lol! Yay, I'm happy that the info was helpful! Yes, clothing is a great barrier, so you should be fine, but yes, Thursday awaits! Oh gosh! You've never seen a sore! I'm so sorry I didn't know that, or missed it in a previous post. Herpes sores can actually be inside the vaginal cavity (I had that during my first OB), so the burning could be from that. You've tested positive for herpes though, right? And aw, it's okay! You're not a weapon of mass destruction at all You are a blessing, and you are a strong mama bear! Sending positive energy your way! πŸ»πŸ’› Blessings, Grace
  6. Hello!! πŸ™‚ Talking about these topics can feel totally weird, but don't worry, this is a judgment-free zone! πŸ™‚ A yeast infection is caused by an overgrowth of Candida, which is a natural fungus that our bodies make. Too much sugar, a movement of fluids between anal, oral, and vaginal sex, and even too tight clothing, not changing after working out or sweating, and even soaps can all cause yeast infections. They are very common! Don't feel bad about having one. ❀️ Yes, definitely the hyper-focusing on the area can cause us to over examine and over analyze everything, when in reality our body parts are in perfect working order. Vaginal discharge is really interesting and diverse, and a creamy, unscented discharge can occur after exercise, during ovulation, and when your vagina is self-cleaning. The discharge associated with yeast infections is typically like cottage cheese, very thick, lumpy, and it doesn't smell good. thick, gooey, milky-colored discharge with no smell is a sign of ovulation. The fact that your burning and itching have cleared is a good sign! I don't think you have anything to worry about ❀️ However, if you are worried, call your doctor and just ask questions to the nurse. If they think your symptoms are something to worry about, they'll ask you to make a follow up appointment. In regard to the supplements you are taking: probiotics are MAGICAL. As someone with digestive issues, probioitcs and digestive enzymes have helped me so much. Also, making sure you are hydrated and aren't overdoing sugar (which feeds yeast) are great ways to keep yeast in check and keep your parts healthy. Lysine prevents the body from accepting arginine, which is needed by HSV to shed and grow. Lysine tablets can be helpful, especially during an active outbreak. Since you are on day three of the Valtrex, I would advise you NOT to engage in sexual activity. Not only have you not finished the complete dosage of the medication (the doctor usually prescribes 3 tablets per day for five days), and you mentioned that you are sensitive down there. After an outbreak, the skin can be really really sensitive, and any friction would not be helpful for the healing process at all. Also, you can potentially spread the virus to your partner. Typically, people wait two week from the date when they stopped experiencing symptoms to engage in sexual activity. I hope this helps!! πŸ™‚ Sending happy healing thoughts your way! Blessings, Grace
  7. Hello! No need to apologize!! Feel free to ask any questions you have πŸ™‚! Ugh, having a yeast infection and a herpes outbreak must have been terrible!! My first outbreak I had a sinus infection and my period πŸ˜‘ it was absurd haha. How was your yeast infection diagnosed? Through a urine culture? Or just from explaining symptoms to the doctor? Herpes can sometimes affect discharge, especially if the sores were inside the vaginal cavity. The discharge may be a sign that the yeast infection is/has cleared, as the vagina self-cleans, and the fact that the discharge doesn't have an odor is a good sign. I wouldn't take the monisat-1 until you ask your doctor about it, since that is a one dose pill that is very concentrated, and you were just on a course of the Flucanazole. Too much of anything can be potentially harmful, so I would call the OBGYN or doctor and ask about the symptoms. You can even ask the on call nurse, as you can always ask them questions, and then they can transfer your call directly to the doctor if needed. I hope this helps!! πŸŒΌπŸŒ»πŸŒ„ Blessings, Grace
  8. Hi @worriedmom32!! Your frustrations are 110% valid, and so many other people have experienced this bizzare Information mix, like a giant sack of trail mix that has some trustworthy good nutrition info-nuts, and then garbage chunks of misinformation. Information about herpes, especially transmission, is extremely scattered, however the consensus is herpes is transmitted by skin to skin contact with the infected area, regardless of active sores. Asymptomatic viral shedding is invisible to the eye and people don't notice they are shedding, which is why herpes spreading is so common. When it comes to children, herpes sores on a lip can occur because of kissing. Another consensus is that herpes doesn't spread through inanimate objects, such as bedding, clothes (I mean maybe like sharing the same pair of underwear before washing would be an issue but idk why someone would do that anyway), or toilet seats. A child laying near you would only get herpes on their genitals if their genitals came into direct skin to skin contact with your infected area. Note that herpes doesn't spread through clothes, so if your child was wearing pants or shorts while snuggling with you, and their clothes touched a herpes sore on your thigh, the herpes wouldn't pass through the fabric and onto her skin. Here is a great reliable and science-backed site that explains everything, from the New Zealand Herpes Foundation. It addresses many worries parents have, including snuggling!! https://www.herpes.org.nz/herpes-patient-info/parenting-herpes I hope this clears things up!!! Maybe consulting with a virologist or pediatrician or OBGYN would help clear things up, too? Blessings! Grace
  9. Hi!!! I am so sorry that you've been struggling while building a business. Plus, with the pandemic, stress levels in general for people have been extremely high. Your daughter sounds very kind and sensitive, and it's so sweet how she comforts you! Yes, diet is really important for all people, regardless of herpes, too!! I myself have been vegan for about 9 years, and vegetarian years before that. I was tested positive for GHSV-1 in 2019, and I had already been vegan before this. I have only had 2 other outbreaks besides my first one, and I sometimes wonder if my low number of outbreaks has anything to do with my lifestyle. I am only 22 and I don't drink or smoke, either, so maybe a combination of factor has impacted my outbreaks. I personally have used Acyclovir to help with the first major outbreak, and then the next one after that. The third outbreak I didn't have access to my Acyclovir and I let the few little sores heal by themselves without the help of medicine, and it was fine. It is really up to you what you choose, but if your outbreaks are so severe and back-to-back, it may help if you take an antiviral to help the body be calm enough to be able to use holistic techniques. Sometimes the body is so stressed it needs something to help it, and the antivirals are really amazing, since they do show improvement of sores within days. Also, if the outbreaks are bringing you down, taking the antiviral can help reduce the outbreak severity so you feel emotionally better, which can help you feel more motivated to eat well and take care of yourself. For the other autoimmune illness you have, I am so sorry. Would antivirals complicate that? Also, Prednisone weakens the immune system because it forces it to calm down in order to reduce inflammation and from the body attacking itself. So, Prednisone is amazing stuff but also can leave you feeling off because it's a steroid, so it can impact mood and energy, too. Also, kudos to you for being a single mom. My mom is also a single mom and she is the strongest woman I know. I am so blessed to have such a strong female role model like her, and I am sure your daughter thinks the same of you!! ❀️ You can do this!! We are all rooting for you!! πŸŒ„πŸŒΌπŸŒ» Blessings, Grace
  10. Hi!! @JuneB I hope you are feeling better today πŸŒ„ First, please know all emotions are healthy. This is such a difficult time, and it's okay to feel angry, sad, hopeless, etc. Just don't let these emotions absorb you. Take them out in a healthy way, wether it's reading, writing, exercise, meditation, or just breathing and positive self talk that acknowledges the feelings but says, "I choose to love and accept myself anyway". You can 110% still have a family!! ❀️ Adrial, the founder of this site, has a child and wife, and he never thought he'd be able to come so far, but he did! So many others have also found love, @NJRunnerMom, and the same is true for you!!! ❀️πŸ₯° Herpes is a tricky virus, and just because he did not show symptoms, he still can transmit it. Most people with HSV don't know they have it, and asymptomatic tendencies are actually common in men and people with penises. I am unsure if the bumps are a typical herpes thing, so I am going to do some research and get back to you. Also, scabbing is part of the classic healing cycle, but I'm sure the healing process is different for everyone. I will also look that up and let you know!! Lysine tablets are helpful indeed, but they aren't a cure all, of course (nothing is!). But, lysine tablets can help, and for outbreaks I have used lysine cream which really reduced pain. Besides lysine, reducing stress can help to reduce outbreaks. If you engage in sports like cycling or horseback riding, the friction has the potential to trigger outbreaks. Regardless, get to know your body's response to herpes. Try and see what triggers your outbreaks, what helps them, and you can even chart it (kind of like charting a period) if it helps you get a better feel for your herpes. The human body is amazing at taking care of itself, and it often gives us little warning prior to outbreaks. Learning about these warnings can really help!! You can do this!! πŸŒ„ Please know you are so worthy of love. This isn't your fault. I know you mentioned it could have been prevented, bust honestly, the only way for us to control herpes transmission would be to know the HSV status of others, and we can't read minds!! It is not your fault at all. Give yourself time to heal. Be kind to yourself, because you deserve that, and so so much more. Surround yourself with good people, pets, nature, a blanket, whatever makes you feel loved and comforted, and ditch anything or anyone who doesn't! You deserve the best!! Sending blessings and happiness your way! πŸ€πŸŒΌπŸŒ„ -- Grace
  11. Hi again!! I forgot to add... It is unlikely to be infected with genital herpes for years and not know it if you didn't have sex then. Hypothetically could you have had it as a child, yes, but that is a sign of sexual abuse, which is very traumatizing, or neonatal herpes (very very rare). It is very very very unlikely you've had HV2 for years without knowing it, especially since the sores symptoms started after sex. It really seems you contracted herpes a year ago-- the swollen lymph nodes indicate your body didn't have antibodies yet, so your immune system was raging to build up those antibodies. In regards to the tingling you've had for years prior to sex: Vaginal tingling is common, and there are so many vaginal symptoms that are grouped together and called Vulvar pain, and basically it's "unknown" what causes them, tingling being one of them. However, an OBGYN or specialized doctor would be better apt to treat it and talk about it, and tell where it is coming from. Maybe call a doctor or OBGYN for an opinion? You can ever call the on call nurse and ask them questions. They would be more than happy to help, I'm sure! We are here for you! I am sending you happy healing prayers. πŸŒΌπŸŒ„πŸŒ»πŸ¦‹ Blessings, Grace
  12. Hello! I am so happy you joined the community!! Welcome 🌻 First, I am so sorry you've been struggling. I am sorry your boyfriend was cruel to you. You did not deserve that, and it was not your fault. The way others treat us is a reflection of THEM, not you. You are a blessing ❀️. Never ever doubt that. Having herpes from someone who was sexually abusive can be very stressful. I understand how you might be feeling, as the person who gave my herpes had been sexually abusive and forceful to me. If you need any support, feel free to direct message me. Genital herpes in women can actually cause recurrent outbreaks that sync with the menstrual cycle, because hormones can trigger outbreaks. The tingling in your legs and buttocks could be the virus shedding or being awoken by your hormones. Herpes sores have a unique healing process. They appear as red bumps with a small little dimple in the center. These dimples soon become filled with a goo, and it may look like a clear head (kind of like a pimple). Next, the sores open and ooze. Then, they crust over and scab. Eventually the scab falls off, leaving new skin. This skin may be a different color than the surrounding skin, but that is totally normal. New skin is often lighter in color and softer that the skin around it. I am unsure about the small bumps that stay after the sores heal. Are the bumps on the skin or under the skin, and how big are they? Do the bumps hurt when you press on them? It could be a cyst, ingrown hair, etc. I had a cyst on my labia and it was very small and hard like an m&m candy, but eventually it went away. Maybe you have a cyst? In regards to vaginal pain, yes, herpes can cause vaginal pain that lasts after an outbreak, especially if the sores were/in the vaginal cavity. For me, after my first outbreak two and a half years ago, I noticed I had trouble holding in urine. Even now, it is so painful to have a full bladder. I feel a horrible pinching cramp and it is not comfortable at all. If your outbreaks are causing excessive vaginal pain, talk to an OBGYN or go to a clinic such as Planned Parenthood. They rock! Please know you are not alone. You are worthy of love and respect, and so is your body. I hope this info helped!! Sending you peace and health πŸŒ„πŸŒ» -- Grace
  13. Hello!! πŸ™‚ Welcome to the site!! The human body is literally amazing. Our bodies know so much, knows how to take care of itself, knows how to communicate with us to say "something is about to happen." When a virus starts to awaken, the body may be going into a state of producing white blood cells and preparing to fight off the sores, so of course you'll feel physically off. The emotional changes are very interesting, and I am going to research any literature I can find on the correlations between HSV outbreaks and impact on mood and hormones that affect mood and sleep or relaxation. I will reply back with the resources if I come across any!! Thank you for sharing your story with everyone! Others who relate to your pre-herpes symptoms will definitely feel so much more happy knowing that they aren't alone. πŸ™‚ Blessings! πŸ™‚β€οΈ Grace
  14. Aw of course!! I'm happy to help!! I appreciate you, too, and you seem like such a good mom!! 🌻❀️ Blessings!!
  15. Hi!! πŸ™‚ I hope you are well. Honestly that is so considerate that you would notify the CDC if she does have HSV (which of course I hope she does not). Data can help open doors to new research, and there is still SO much more research that needs to be done on HSV!! Thank you for thinking of others and the research done on HSV. I wanted to ask about your health; have you taken anything for your non-stop outbreaks? I am so sorry that you have been struggling with that, it is so stressful. Also, the stress of worrying about your daughter can result in more aggressive outbreaks, as outbreaks can be triggered and affected by stress. Teenagers usually have not the best dietary habits, but that is normal. If it helps, giving her a multivitamin (classic Flinstones or Gummy bear ones) can help ensure she has enough vitamins. First, I would ask her pediatrician about giving your child anything, though. Also, smoothies are great ways to sneak in some healthy veggies and fruits! One of the worst things teens have (and OVER have, by far) is caffeine. I am in my fifth year of college and I am going to be a special education teacher for high school students, and just being in the high school classrooms I see kids drinking 20 and 30 oz coffees, sodas, and energy drinks like Red Bull and Monster Energy! Caffeine is not good for growing bodies and minds, and students crash later in the day and then need more caffeine as a pick-me-up, which inhibits sleep, which young people also need to grow and maintain happy and healthy minds and bodies. Nutrition is SO essential, and remember to take care of yourself, too! You can even make a little pact with your daughter, as I have done this with my own mom. We've said we are going to remind each other to take our vitamins each day, have enough water, and get outside time. It helps build a bond and happy habits that kids take with them all throughout their futures! πŸ™‚ I hope this helps! Sorry for my rantings haha!! Blessings, Grace
  16. Hi!! Hooray! I am so happy you feel better. Yes, HSV-2 is pretty common, however not too common among young children and young teens. If a child or person under the age of 18 has HSV then the doctor should screen them for sexual abuse. I know it is scary and no one wants to even think that, but it's typical procedure (or at least should be!) for the child's wellbeing. Or, you can even talk to your child about it if she is positive for HSV-2. Blood in the urine could indicate a couple of things (including period blood/puberty changes). I pray everything goes well for you and your daughter!! Blessings! πŸŒ»πŸŒ„
  17. Hi!! Aw, I am so sorry. It is going to be okay!! Yeah, doesn't sound like herpes to me, either!! It could be a UTI because morning pain could be from not peeing all night and the bladder is tired or too full, or if your child isn't hydrated enough, it can cause issues when she wakes up (drinking a glass of water before bed or cranberry juice can help clear up UTIs and dehydration ❀️, if that is what's going on!) Also, HSV1 can be located on the genital region, so have your doctor test for HSV1 and 2 for you and or your daughter if you feel it is needed for her. Good luck! Let me know how it goes. I'm praying for you and your daughter!! πŸ¦‹πŸŒ»πŸŒ„
  18. Also, other moms, PLEASE join in here to offer some kindness and motherly support and advice! I know others have had this concern of passing it to children, and their worries have been alleviated from support on this forum. @worriedmom32 don't worry, you are NOT alone!!! ❀️
  19. Hi, @worriedmom32!! First, breathe. It will be okay. I cannot even imagine your worry, especially since you are a momma bear, I'm sure you love your child more than anything. I'm sorry you've been experiencing physical pain and symptoms. It can be so frustrating to have test after test and still be worried. If you do have herpes, it is spread from skin to skin contact. Sharing towels or bedding wouldn't result in spreading of the virus. I used to be a nanny for a seven year old girl who had frequent UTIs, and skin lesions on her bottom. She had some potty issues (afraid to go at school, etc), but her conditions weren't sexually transmitted nor herpetic. Rest assured, if your daughter snuggles in your bed, you wouldn't give her HSV. Only skin to skin contact with the infected area during viral shedding or an outbreak would result in transmission. This means her private parts would have to come in contact with your infected area, or she somehow touched your infected area and then touched her parts somehow, which is unlikely and obviously I'm sure that wasn't/isn't the case!!! Puberty is when pubic hairs start to grow, and ingrown hairs actually look a lot like herpes sores except they heal differently (herpes has specific stages of sore healing). Also, my period and using pads made me uncomfortable down there when I was younger (I am now 22) and not changing a pad can cause UTIs and issues similar as well. Does your daughter swim or play sports? Sweaty clothes and or bathing suits can increase risk of UTIs or discomfort down there. Same with non-breathable clothes. I hope this offers some support and advice! I am so sorry for your worry! Please know we are here for you. This is not your fault, you are a good mom. Take care of yourself, there is NO shame is getting a herpes test. If you have active sores, the doctor will do a swab culture of the sores you have and check it for HSV. if you do not have active sores right now, you can get a blood test. IgG tests are recommended, and I can give you more info about testing, too!! Sending blessings and happiness your way! πŸŒ„πŸŒ» -- Grace
  20. @NJRunnerMom Hi!! I hope you are well ❀️ A UTI totally matches the burning, thank you for bringing that up! @JaneMo a UTI can be easily diagnosed through a urine sample, if you wanted to go to your PCP or a clinic and submit a urine sample. I remember the first time I had sex I actually got a UTI, and the burning was really painful. It burned to urinate and it kinda felt like my bladder was a deflated pool floatie (weird analogy, but fitting analogy). Also, I would have the feeling like I would have to pee and then only drips would come out and it would just hurt and burn, and it felt uncomfortable even when not going to the bathroom. Does this sound at all like what you are experiencing, or do you have any other UTI-like symptoms? Hope you are feeling better today! Blessings! πŸ™‚ -- Grace
  21. Hi!!! Yes, so suppressive medication helps relative to the intensity and frequency of your outbreaks. According to the CDC in a 2015 study, supressive medication helps reduce intensity and number of outbreaks by 70-80%. For example, 70-80% reduction for someone who gets 15 harsh outbreaks a year would probably really benefit from supressive meds, versus someone who has one or fewer outbreaks a year (but again, this varies! I'm not a doctor and all bodies react differently to antivirals). However, some people take supressive meds prior to giving birth or if they are in a long term monogamous relationship and don't want to use condoms, regardless of their outbreak tendencies. For me personally, I have genital HSV-1 and have only had 3 outbreaks since I got it in 2019, and they aren't severe, so I chose not to take suppressive medication. Also, you mentioned oral HSV-1, do you have HSV-1 orally or genitally? If orally with 1 outbreak every 18 months, I am unsure if taking supressive medicine would be super helpful (however again, I am not a doctor!) If you have oral HSV-1 and are afraid of giving someone oral sex and giving them genital hsv-1, I totally understand, as I think that is how I got my herpes! However, please know that abstaining from giving oral sex while having an outbreak or having prodrome symptoms (or a cold/fever, as this can trigger sores). You can even explain this to your potential partner as well, and they will be understanding as you are acting preventively and caring about their health and the wellbeing of your relationship πŸ¦‹. I hope this helped!! Sending happiness and blessings your way!! πŸŒ»πŸŒΌπŸ¦‹πŸŒ„
  22. Hi!! Psychosomatic symptoms are certainly possible, especially if you have a history of anxiety or worry around illness. Another thing is the vagina is a very delicate microbiome of bacteria with a specific pH. Sex can really throw things off, especially if this is a new sex partner. If you notice anything else accompanying the burning (discharge change, smell, redness, itching, tingling, to name a few) that would be a sign of a bacterial infection, however herpes actually can also cause discharge differences among the classic burning and itching. How many days has it been since the sexual encounter? And how many days from that encounter did the burning start? According to the CDC, herpes typically can begin showing symptoms anywhere from 2-12 days from initial contact, with the average incubation period being 4 days. Stay hopeful!! 🌻 -- Grace
  23. Hi!! Okay awesome sauce! Thank you for your answers. I am so happy the person told you about their HSV. That was the honest and right thing to do. I am so sorry that you now may have it. Genital herpes could mean HSV-1 or HSV-2 (since HSV-1 can present itself in the genital region). Things get confusing because people call HSV-1 oral herpes and HSV-2 genital herpes, however, they can both appear in oral and genital regions! To find out if they have HSV-1 or 2, you can ask them. Don't be afraid to ask questions, your health matters ❀️. I'm sorry about the burning and tingling. You don't deserve that at all! The tickling you are describing sounds like precursors to an outbreak, and/or some viral shedding. Are the tinglings coming from the spine, and are they spreading to the buttocks or thighs? Have you noticed any burning while urinating? Also, a fever or col/flu like symptoms are common during the first outbreak, especially with HSV-2. Have you noticed any new symptoms since you were possibly exposed? Hang in there, we are all here to support you! ❀️
  24. Hello!!! First, breathe πŸ¦‹. You are okay. It will be okay. So I can better help, I have some questions. Also, Yay for using a condom! That's great. 1. What it type 1 or type 2 HSV does the other person have? 2. Did the person tell you before or after sex? 3. What are the prodrome symptoms you are experiencing? If it's redness or sensitivity, it can be due to friction from sex, or even a yeast infection, which is common especially if a condom wasn't changed from anal to vaginal sex, for example, or just from having sex in general. 4. Which genitalia do you have? Those with female anatomy are more likely to experience symptoms of HSV during initial contracting of the virus. If you go to an urgent care, they will most likely not give you the medicine because you aren't showing physical blisters. However, if you notice raised bumps or any tingling, they definitely should give it to you. Typically you can get diagnosed through a culture swab, when a physical sample of the 'goo' in a sore or the tissue of a sore is taken. This is what you can do of sores appear. If you took antivirals now and didn't end up ever getting that first outbreak, you wouldn't know you had herpes unless you took a blood test, and this can be stressful because you're in limbo, wondering "do I need to disclose this to sex partners now? I have to wait 12-16 weeks for a blood test! Do I have herpes, or do I not?!" So, it would probably be a good idea to wait and see if sores develop. ----------- Additional herpes information about some of the topics you mentioned in your question... πŸ’‰β€οΈ BLOOD TEST INFO: People can get three blood tests: IgG, IgM, or Western Blot. IgG tests test for IgG antibodies that your body makes and accumulates more of as time goes on from when you first contracted herpes. IgG tests are more accurate than IgM tests. IgM antibodies are created first when you get herpes, but typically disappear soon after, so IgM tests can actually produce false negatives. Also, IgG tests can tell you which strain of HSV you have, while IgM canno Because IgG blood tests examine IgG antibodies, which can take weeks or months for the body to produce detectable amounts of, it takes patience for an IgG test πŸ₯Ίβ²οΈ. Therefore, the American Sexual Health Association recommends waiting 12-16 weeks from the last possible date of exposure for IgG. Regardless, IgG are the way to go in terms of a blood test!! Later down the line if you have outbreaks but keep getting negative tests, you could get the Western Blot which analyzes proteins. You don't need to worry about this now, though! Just some info! πŸ™‚ I hope this helps!!! Sending happiness and peace your way! πŸ¦‹πŸŒ»πŸŒ„πŸŒΌπŸ€ -- Grace
  25. Hello, @Sumshine!! I hope you are well. That is such an interesting questions, and I have come across that information, too! πŸ™‚ According to an article from National Library of Medicine and National Institutes of Health Database, called "Persistent Genital Herpes Simplex Virus-2 Shedding Years Following the First Clinical Episode," published in 2011... Original Source Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3058740/ "HSV-2 shedding may also decrease over time, as 2 studies demonstrated that subclinical shedding rates declined by approximately half after the first year of infection [6, 8]. Despite these observations, detailed data on genital HSV-2 shedding many years after herpes acquisition are limited. Because the long-term natural history of genital herpes affects the risk of transmission, and consequently has psychosocial, clinical management, and public health implications, we sought to describe patterns of genital HSV-2 shedding and recurrences in years remote from the first genital herpes episode." Notice that this says it MAY decrease over time. All bodies are different, but these studies do show the trend is possible! This article is citing two other articles that show the possible decrease in shedding over time. To view the studies that show the declining shedding rates, you can read them here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7643884/ and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12353185/ (note, this second article is specific to shedding in men). I hope that this helps offer some comfort and help! πŸ™‚ Blessings! πŸ™‚ -- Grace
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