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Everything posted by Flowerteacher55

  1. Hello!! I am so sorry for your struggles. Although supressive medication cannot stop all possible outbreaks, especially ones period related, it seems like maybe you should try another antiviral as a suppressive to see if it reduces the number of outbreaks and severity by any amount. Some people have really really great response to antivirals and they do not get outbreaks, while others have outbreaks regularly while on the medication. You don't deserve to suffer, and perhaps talking to your OBGYN or doctor can help, as they can suggest a different antiviral for you and then help you track your progress. I hope that this helps!! Sending you blessings and good health!! β˜€οΈπŸŒ»πŸ™‚ -- Grace
  2. Hi!!! Another great question. Literally I love these questions because everyone has thought them!! First, yes, subsequent outbreaks will occur in the region where the first outbreak took place. For those who have it genitally, the outbreaks may appear on the thighs, buttocks, or possibly the anus, but it tends to stay in the same general area. Second, herpetic whitlow (you spelled it right!) Is when you get herpes on a finger. Think of it kind of like a wart. It's a virus that would make a sore, and hypothetically then you could pass it on via your finger. However, let's remember our key points about herpes: β˜€οΈ When someone has herpes, their body creates antibodies which help fight the virus from spreading to other parts of the body. β˜€οΈ This means that it would be hard to give yourself herpes on your finger. β˜€οΈ If you have the same HSV as your partner, you have antibodies against it, so that brings us back to square (or sun β˜€οΈ, rather) one. β˜€οΈ You can still touch your girlfriend's genitals, and she can touch yours. You won't get covered head to toe in herpes sores. πŸ™‚ β˜€οΈ However, you are still building up antibodies even months after a first outbreak/exposure, so the risk of contract whitlow or herpes elsewhere is much more possible during the early outbreak/antibody buildup stage (See the 🌈 below). β˜€οΈ Could you get covered in sores? Yes. Some people have large outbreaks on their chest or back, but this rare. People who have excessive outbreaks of herpes are typically those who either have an autoimmune-related illness, or those who suffer from antiviral resistance. β˜€οΈ Interestingly enough, herpetic whitlow occurs commonly to wrestlers and athletes who have close-contact sports. They aren't covered head to toe in sores, and they live happy healthy lives! 🌈 Please know that while whitlow is possible, it is unlikely, especially if you already have built up antibodies, but remember, this typically takes several weeks or more. Whether you've had herpes for days or years, it is generally a good idea to wash your hands after touching a sore. Of course, during the primary first outbreak it is very important to wash your hands, as your body is still producing antibodies, and the antibody amount may not be big enough yet to prevent spreading of the virus to other body parts (such as the finger). I hope this helps!!! β˜€οΈ If you need advice on this I totally recommend looking up Terri Warrens take on whitlow and the facts about it!! Below is a great article where she talks about how you can get it from others or yourself, how you can still engage in physical activity, and myths and facts about it, etc. https://www.inverse.com/article/53918-herpes-simplex-virus-cold-sore-on-finger Also, check out this 25 pg magical document: super helpful!! https://smartsexresource.com/health-providers/handouts/herpes-patients-guide-0 Blessings!
  3. Hi!! Wow another great question!! So, if someone has an outbreak and has sex with someone who has the same type of HSV, it can trigger an outbreak, but not necessarily because of the partner's outbreak. Friction from sex can cause outbreaks. I don't think that it would trigger an outbreak outrightly, as the other partner has antibodies for it, however it hypothetically could trigger an outbreak. I honestly am not fully sure!! Perhaps ask a doctor or OBGYN? Does anyone else have any thoughts on this or experience in this situation where two partners have the same HSV and navigate intimacy?? Any insight would be appreciated!!
  4. Hi!! Aw, please know that your feelings are valid. Healing from herpes takes a different amount of time for everyone. Some people may feel angry, then sad, then apathetic, or none of these or all of these at once. There is hope for you ❀️. Such hope. It may feel like with your herpes you carry all the bad luck and memories of your previous relationship, but your herpes and your past relationship are not one in the same. If you can, try and compartmentalize them. For me, I had to separate my herpes from the abusive guy who gave it to me, and that was very very hard. I felt like my herpes was a constant reminder of my past, and it affected me mentally for too long. So, I forgave myself and gave myself the chance to be happy and healed. Even though I did get rejected for having herpes numerous times, I reminded myself that it wasn't my fault. I deserved someone who was accepting and kind, not judgmental. No one can make me feel inferior without my consent; if I let something get me down and hold me back, it certainly will. Of course it's normal to feel sad. But don't let that hold you back from living your best life ❀️. You deserve to life your best life ❀️. Dating and having a wonderful intimate life is 110% possible with HSV-2!! So many people with HSV-2 on this site (including the founder!) have found happy healthy long term relationships, and the same is possible for you!! I promise. In the meantime, radically accept yourself unconditionally even though you have herpes. Herpes is a tiny microscopic PART of you, it is NOT the entirety of who you are. It is important for you to understand this and believe it, just as it is important for a future girlfriend to. You can do this! We are all cheering you on. πŸŒ„ Blessings!!
  5. Wow that's another great question! Awesome research. You're really doing your part in trying to understand everything. That is one of the best ways to be supportive! To answer your question, I honestly don't know! I am going to do some research on it and get back to you. In the meantime, maybe others who personally know this answer will respond!
  6. Hi! Great question. So, viruses are very unique in that they shed (basically this means the virus is active and they are multiplying). When the virus sheds, you can give/get herpes. Usually when a virus is active and shedding, people feel prodrome symptoms, such as tingling, burning, itchiness, etc. These symptoms indicate the virus is active and may start an outbreak soon. Some people don't always get outbreaks after their prodrome symptoms/viral shedding. However, even without sores, someone can pass on the virus during the viral shedding. Herpes is so commonly and easily spread because the virus can shed without causing someone to experience prodrome warning symptoms, this is called asymptomatic shedding. Asymptomatic shedding is when there are no sores, no warning signs, but shedding. You bring up another great question! So, herpes doesn't live in body fluids. Herpes doesn't live inside saliva or vaginal discharge. Think of it like this: a mother who is pregnant with a baby doesn't pass on their herpes just by sharing the same blood and body as the baby. The baby only could get herpes through contact with sores or during shedding, and even then the likelihood of this happening is rare since there's ways doctors help monitor safe delivery ❀️. So, by simply being in contact with fluids, it's okay. However, if the skin around where these fluids come out is shedding or is having an active outbreak, then obviously you'd want to avoid that area! I hope this helps!! Blessings, Grace
  7. Hi!! I just looked up the product and read the ingredients, and the first ingredient listed was vitamin C, which can totally cause urine to turn odd shades of yellow!! I take a B-complex and it turns my pee a weird shade of yellow as well. B and C vitamins will do that since they are water soluble!! I hope that helps!! Blessings!!
  8. Hi!! Hmmm... those are interesting symptoms. While I am NOT a doctor or medical professional... Water-soluble vitamins and supplements can cause the urine to darken because unneeded nutrients and vitamins from the pills are expelled from the body via urine (which changes the color). Does the L-lysine bottle say it is water soluble and/or may cause side effects such as dry mouth or darker urine? The probiotics may also be causing the urine change, but I am not sure. Does it mention side effects on the bottle? What is the brand/type of proboitic? I just looked up the side effects of Valacyclovir (oral route/pill) and it said "Incidence not known" for side effects of dry mouth and dark (or bloody) urine, which means there are not known documented cases of the drug causing these side effects. So, perhaps those are symptoms from the L-lysine or the probiotic? If you send the brand and ingredients of them, then perhaps I can do some more research!! If you notice any more symptoms or are worried about the ones you currently have, call your doctor to be safe! πŸ™‚ It's always better to be safe ❀️ Sending happy healthy thoughts and prayers your way! Blesings, Grace
  9. Hi!! That is a great question. A condom is always a good idea in general, since it protects against other STIs besides herpes, too! Herpes can appear/get contracted in other non-mucous membrane areas (just skin), I am so sorry for the miscommunication! While you are totally correct about the mucous membrane being vulnerable to infection, herpes can still infect the skin around the genitals, buttocks, anal area, and mouth, even with the use of a condom or dental dam. So, while a traditional condom does cover the 'hole' part of the penis, it doesn't cover the other surrounding skin, which is still vulnerable to infection. I hope that this helps!! Blessings, Grace
  10. Hi! @Gypsy86 I hope you are well πŸŒ„. That is a great question! Everyone is different. Everyone has different prodrome symptoms, and of course everyone has different moods. Moods fluctuate, sometimes simultaneously with an outbreak, too. Post-outbreak it is totally normal to feel a sense of exhaustion or a big sigh of relief that it is finally over. The body has to go from being on overdrive to relaxing, which is quite the transition, especially mentally. To check and see what is typical for you in terms of emotional state changes, track your moods prior to an outbreak. While we obviously don't hope for another outbreak or more, gathering data for future outbreaks is a key way to see if you have emotional-related symptoms as part of your prodrome symptoms. I hope this helped answer your question!! πŸ™‚ Blessings, Grace
  11. Hi!! Aw I am so sorry!! Yes, it is so painful. I also had really bad lesions. I was only 19 at the time and I honestly had no idea how to handle it. However, I don't think not taking the medicine made it any worse. Like, your body doesn't have 'more' herpes in it than if you took the medicine. The antivirals help with speeding up healing and stopping the virus from shedding and producing active outbreaks, so I don't know if it would make a difference. I'm not a doctor, however, but I don't know if not having the medicine or taking it a few days into the outbreak would reduce or improve the amount of virus in your body. I had an outbreak a few months after my first and I didn't have access to my medicine and the sores went away eventually. It was a small outbreak, but it still healed and got better, just not as quick as if I took the medicine. However, it isn't dangerous to not take antivirals, unless the outbreak is causing you severe pain. You would suffer, definitely, which obviously isn't good!!! I don't know if it's dangerous, though. I would ask a doctor!! ❀️ Regardless, please know you are not dangerous. You are safe!! And clean. And good!! 🌼❀️🌱 Sending you happiness and comfort!! πŸŒ„ Blessings, Grace
  12. Hello! Of course, I am happy to help! πŸ™‚ I am happy to hear that you can calm yourself. It is very hard to accept herpes, but acceptance is so healing and very very liberating. Sometimes we are mad at ourselves and the person who gave it to us, but honestly forgiveness has helped me heal immensely. Even though there was nothing to forgive myself about, it still made my heart feel lighter to know that I unconditionally loved myself even though I had herpes. I forgave myself, I accepted myself. And that really makes all the difference. Even if you don't feel like you accept and love yourself, start saying it to yourself. Practice it. Practice self-love, and eventually it sticks! πŸ™‚ It will get better! I am sending you happy energy and positive blessings ❀️ Please reach out with any questions, or if you need support!! Peace, Grace
  13. Hi!! First, daily supressive therapy IS A THING. I am honestly so confused why they didn't know that. Daily supressive antiviral therapy helps SO many people, especially those with genital herpes. for your girlfriend, an OBGYN would be helpful. For you, and your girlfriend if all else fails, I would recommend going to a reproductive health clinic, where they already know the true reality of antiviral suppressive medication. I am so sorry for the previous issues with your doctors! I hope this helps πŸ€ Blessings, Grace
  14. Hi!! I am so sorry you are so worried!! Yes, therapy is so healing, and sometimes just letting out all the thoughts can help take the power away from them. I currently do teletherapy and it helps me so much!! Please know you are not crazy or bad or dirty. One of my friend's parents both have herpes, and my friend didn't care at all! If anything, your children would probably just say, "okay, mom" if they found out. But then again, there's no reason they'd ever know or find out anyways! Your husband made the choice to stay with you and understood fully that he could contract herpes, and he did. And he's okay with it!! You may feel guilty, but there's nothing to feel guilty about. Love is SO much stronger than OCD and herpes worries!! Stay strong!! ❀️ You can get through this ❀️. Blessings, Grace
  15. Hi!!! That is a great question!! And yes, you are correct! So, herpes is a virus that enters the body through mucous membranes, which is why it is more easy for a vagina to contract it than a penis. Similarly, symptoms tend to be more intense for people with vaginas because of various reason, including the sensitivity of the mucous membrane skin on the inner labia, vaginal opening, and walls of the vagina. Genial Herpes outbreaks, primarily from the HSV-2 strain, can be triggered by PMS and female hormones, which then would equate to monthly (or more or less) outbreaks. In additional, the triggers of friction from tight clothing and underwear is more commonly a feminine-clothing-associated problem, which would lead to more frequent and possibly more painful outbreaks. However, any clothing that is too tight or blocks air or traps sweat (especially athletic clothing) can cause issues. I am going to do some research and send you the article links!! In the meantime, I hope the above helped answer your question!! πŸŒ„ Blessings, Grace
  16. Good Morning!! Today is a new day πŸŒ„. Thoughts can be SO troublesome, because it's not like we can run away from them-- they follow us everywhere, since they're in our brains!! My therapist told me OCD can be chill for weeks, months, even years and then pop back up really intensely, randomly, and of course due to brain chemistry, triggers such as stress or anxiety, or major life events. OCD is interesting, because the obsessive thoughts are manifestations of stress. Sometimes our OCD worries have nothing to do with the original stressor, but in order to process abstract stress, our brains turn it into concrete thoughts with physical compulsions. For me personally, my contamination OCD and intrusive thought OCD stem from an adverse childhood experience that made me feel "bad" and "dirty". The only way my brain could process it was to turn it into OCD. I FEEL dirty so I have these compulsions to washy hands excessively, I'm afraid to touch things, etc. Getting herpes solidified these worries and feelings of dirtiness, so of course my OCD is like, "See! You ARE dirty and unwanted!" Of course, I would get so angry at myself and my brain. I was frustrated by my OCD for interfering in my life. Then, I realized if anything, I should be kinder to these OCD thoughts. They were the thoughts that someone made me feel, that made a child feel bad and dirty, when in reality children and pure and beautiful. OCD is sort of like a shield. We use it to protect ourselves and protect others. In order to break it down, we have to acknowledge that it is a coping mechanism we established somewhere down the line to regain control or protect ourselves and others, and instead of push these thoughts away, we have to say to ourselves, "I appreciate the part of my brain that is trying to keep me and others safe, but there other ways to do that. I don't need to have these worries or these compulsions because I am clean. I am safe. I am careful." I know how bizzare it sounds to address the OCD voice, since it is natural to want to run from it and ignore it. However, it is really healing to address it. I actually started therapy for my OCD about a month ago, and I learned about tapping, which is an Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) which really really can help ❀️ here is a link to tapping for OCD specifically!! Every time I felt a compulsion or worry, I would do this ❀️ I hope this helps you!!! Please know you aren't alone. So many parents on here, especially mothers, have expressed the same worries about infecting their children. It got better for them, and it can get better for you, too!!! ❀️ Reach out with any more questions or if you need support. We are all here for you!! πŸŒ„πŸŒ» Blessings, Grace
  17. Hi!! First, I hope you are recovering from your abdominal surgery!! πŸŒ»πŸ¦‹ Second, I am so sorry for all of the stress and worry you have felt and are feeling currently. You don't deserve to feel that way. Please know it can and will get better. There is hope!! πŸŒ„ As someone with OCD and anxiety, I completely understand how herpes triggers OCD thoughts and cycles. It can be so draining. So many people can relate to the OCD and anxiety and herpes issues, and so many people are so scared of infecting other parts of their bodies and their own children. However, I can offer some facts to help settle your worries ❀️. HERPES & TRANSMISSION: It is extremely extremely unlikely to give yourself herpes (you'd have to REALLY try. Like, touch an open sore and then lick your finger and repeat multiple times, which you obviously wouldn't do anyway). Your body has made antibodies, so it protects you from contracting herpes elsewhere. Herpes thrives and enters the body through mucus membranes (hence why oral and genital areas are the top places of entry, besides eyes). You won't give your abdomen herpes. Don't worry ❀️. HERPES & PARENTING: There are so many parents who have the same fears you explained. Rest assured, herpes passed through direct contact with the area of infection. Cuddling with your children won't give them herpes. Herpes doesn't pass through clothing, nor does it spread from sharing bedding or the same bathroom. Here is a helpful resources from the New Zealand Herpes Foundation regarding parenting with HSV. https://www.herpes.org.nz/herpes-patient-info/parenting-herpes In regards to your redness and irritation despite being on supressive medication, it could be from a vaginal irritant, a new soap, too tight clothing, vaginal thrush or too much friction (biking or sex, for example) or a UTI or yeast or bladder infection. People typically do not develop a resistance to the antibiotics. The fact that you haven't had sores could mean the antiviral is working well. However, ask your OBGYN or doctor about the issues you experience and if the antivirals are preforming the way they should. I am sending you prayers and blessings!! It will be okay ❀️ please reach out with more questions if you need to!! Blessings, Grace
  18. Hi!!! HOORAAYY!! That is so relieving ❀️ I am so happy for you and your daughter!!! ❀️🌻🌼 In regards to your short term memory from the trauma, I am so sorry. Trauma can make us think we are bad or doing something bad, my therapist called it identifying with the abuser. It's like, we know how it feels to have unkindness done into us, so we have this immense fear of harming others. Please know you are not alone. ❀️ Your daughter is so blessed to have you as a mama!! πŸŒ„πŸŒ»πŸŒΌ I'm soo happy about the results and for your choice to start enjoying yourself!! πŸ₯° You deserve to be happy and to enjoy yourself and your life!! Wishing you both the best!!! ❀️❀️ Blessings, Grace
  19. Hi!! I hope you and your girlfriend are doing well. I am so sorry about the symptoms she is experiencing, but it is awesome how supportive you are both being for each other!! Getting tested together is awesome. For your first question, yes, it is highly possible to recieve a false negatives for herpes. There are four herpes tests in total: the culture swab, an IgG blood test, an IgM blood test, and the Western Blot test. The culture swab is used when someone is showing active lesions or sores. The doctor swabs the discharge from the sores and then the sample is tested for the presence of the virus. The issue with swab tests is if they aren't done within 48 hours of the sore first appearing, the reliability chances of these tests drops extremely low. Plus, sometimes the culture swab doesn't detect anything because the area swabbed just happened to be healing quicker than other active sores, so not enough of the virus was collected for the test to detect as positive. For πŸ’‰ blood tests: there are two main blood tests, IgG and IgM. IgG is recommended since it can tell you which type of herpes you have (IgM cannot). You are totally right in that too early of testing can result in class negatives, as IgG antibodies can take 12-16 weeks or longer to build up. In order to recieve a more accurate reading, it is recommended to wait 12-16 from the last possible date of exposure (last time you had sex or when she started experiencing any prodrome symptoms (pain, lymph nodes, fever, etc)/last date of possible exposure before getting the IgG test. IgM tests are helpful only in the early stages of an outbreak, because IgM antibodies are the first to appear, and grow in number, then start to decrease in number, which IgG antibodies increase throughout the next week's to months (hence why it's needed to wait before an IgG test). The Western Blot: this is if the others keep producing false negatives, etc. You can cross the road if it comes to that! No need to worry now πŸ™‚. For your next question: Yes, someone will have antibodies even if they didn't have a physical visible outbreak of sores. Honestly, so many people don't even know they have herpes, and asymptomatic patterns occur more in people with penises, as the mucus membranes herpes enters the body through are not as "out there" in the open as a vagina, labia, etc are. I hope that the above advice helped!! If you have any more questions feel free to reach out. I think it is great that you guys are holding off on physical intimacy until things are figured out, and I love the support you seem to be giving your girlfriend. If anything, she may be feeling very embarrassed and worried about the situation, and acceptance and providing unconditional love and support is the best thing you can give her right now ❀️. Sending you guys blessings and health!! πŸŒ»πŸŒ„πŸŒΌ Blessings, Grace
  20. Hi!! πŸŒ„ Thank you for sharing this! Talking about topics that are rarely talked about helps break the silence and reassure others with these symptoms that they aren't alone. Thanks so much! 🌻 Blessings, Grace
  21. Hey!! Hooray!! That's so great. Phone tag is literally a game that happens just when we don't have time for games haha, lol. Sending prayers your way for good results!! πŸŒ„β€οΈπŸ¦‹
  22. Hello! FIrst, I am so sorry that your ex gave it to you. Please know that it was not your fault. I am sorry if you've been struggling. I also have GHSV-1. Please know that you can still have a wonderful romantic life with herpes. Herpes isn't a game changer, and actually can lead to finding closer connections with people who are kind, respectful, and accepting of us, herpes and all, which is what he deserve-- to be accepted and loved! After some research, I came across this article by BMC Medicine published in 2019 titled, "Characterizing the transitioning epidemiology of herpes simplex 1 in the USA: odel-based predictions." Article: https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-019-1285-x It discusses the four modes of transmission of herpes: oral-oral, oral-genital, genital-genital, and genital-oral, which is what you are asking about. According to the article, less than 10% of all HSV-1 genital cases is caused by genital-genital sex, but this will probably increase up to 15% by 2050, as oral sex is more common in our culture, especially among young people. "Notably, genital-to-oral transmission will remain negligible < 1% of oral acquisitions." Basically, the article is saying less than 1% of oral herpes cases are caused by genital-to-oral transmission (and it is predicted to stay very low). Note: this doesn't mean that the RISK is 1%, but instead it talks about how the cases of genital-to-oral transmission is very very very low and makes up a tiny minority of the four transmission modes. While that doesn't answer your question in technical terms, it still helps provide some insight into the cases of genital-to-oral tranmission of HSV-1. Remember, you can still enjoy your sex life with herpes. Just watch for outbreak symptoms and precursors, and if you have any symptoms or have an active outbreak, just abstain from sexual intimacy. Also, if you are really worried, you can go on suppressive medication when you are with a new partner. While it doesn't 100% stop all possibility of transmission, it can help a lot. Talk to your doctor or OBGYN about the medication, and if it would be right for you and your specific symptoms or outbreak frequency. I hope this helps!! ❀️ πŸ™‚ You are not alone ❀️ Blessings, Grace
  23. Hi!! Oh my gosh, yes, definitely. After I went to my first OBGYN exam visit, I mentioned my HSV to the gynocoloigist and explained how it has gotten me rejection after rejection. The gynecologist actually said to me, "Oh gosh, no one cares about herpes since AIDS came around, so I'm surprised people actually reject you because your herpes." Like... uhh... that's a little insensitive. Of course, AIDS, HIV, and other illnesses are extremely life threatening, but viruses like HSV still need to be researched and talked about to help people who already have it and help stop the spread of it for future generations. In regards to the research, I came across a National Library of Medicine article titled, "Herpes simplex and mood: a prospective study," published in 1995 (a little dated, but the fact that there is previous research on this is a good sign!). Results of the study showed that within 10 days of the outbreak, patients in the study experienced a lack of sleep and negative mood changes. Check it out here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7792371/ For people who get periods and have genital herpes outbreaks in sync with their periods can experience mood changes not necessarily of the outbreaks (but this is possible) but because of the coinciding with the increase in female hormones during menstruation. Interestingly enough, hormones can influence outbreaks, too. So all around, period outbreaks can be really a physical and emotional roller-coaster. Bottom line, emotions and herpes outbreaks totally can correlate, and they can most definitely play off each other. Thank you for sharing your experiences!! Sending happiness and blessings your way! πŸ™‚ Grace
  24. Hi!! Daily suppression has helped so many people. You are so welcome. I hope everything is all okay, and remember it is totally okay to reach out to your doctor if you feel you need to. HSV can be complex at first, but you don't have to go through it alone! ❀️. Reach out if you have any more questions! Blessings, Grace
  25. Hi!! Oh my gosh. I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. That is horrible! Oral sores inside the mouth of children can indicate a couple of things, however it sounds like canker sores, or aphthous stomatitis. They can occur in clusters in the mouths of children and adults, and can indicate a food allergy, bad brushing habits, or an infection, among other things. Your child's doctor should be able to help things out and diagnosis the situation, it is great you are taking her to the doctor!! It is very very unlikely that would be HSV. If it is, that is a different scenario we can talk about if that's the case. In regards to your herpes, the blood test probably came back negative because it's only been a few days, and the antibodies have to build up to be detectable. I would wait the 12-16 weeks and go back for the IgG. During those weeks, if you have another outbreak, see if you can get a culture swab right away. In the meantime, I am sorry that the man is consistently sick. I had mono last year and it was very very draining. It is often a diagnosis of exclusion (see what the diagnosis isn't in order to narrow it down to what it is or could be). However, because of the timing (you contracted herpes and had your first OB while being with him) it would be logical to talk about it with him. I hope you are feeling better!! Sending happiness your way πŸŒ„ Grace
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