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Everything posted by Danaaaaaasaur

  1. @beebee I remember feeling the exact same way when I went back to work after my first ob...I actually faked a knee injury because I was so sore down there I couldn't walk properly haha! But it went fine and each day I started to feel better and less paranoid about everyone being able to tell I had H. Hope your first day went well :) x
  2. I'm going to see a physio today so hopefully it will help :)
  3. It shouldn't take longer then a week to get blood test results back so I would give your doctor a call :)
  4. The exact same thing happened to me when I went off them so I would be interested to know too :)
  5. I found the article if anyone would like to read it :) http://mobile.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/professor-ian-frazer-is-developing-vaccines-for-herpes-simplex-and-cervical-cancer/story-fneuzlbd-1227078011314
  6. sorry forgot to tag you @whitedaisies :) Are you from the U.S? It's sounds like it's harder to get a straight answer over there sometimes!
  7. I'm in Australia so all the doctors I've seen were like well if shingles can cause PNH then I don't see why Herpes is any different since they're basically cousin viruses haha @getbetter11 have you actually been to either a pain specialist or an infectious disease specialist? I've seen you posting constantly about this but it isn't going to get better by itself. Taking the two medications + suppressive Valtrex is the only thing that's helped me so far so you're going to have to go and see someone about it. Take print outs about PNH with you. I hope it isn't the chocolate@jessikarabbit89 with Easter coming up ! :)
  8. This one is to reduce symptoms for people with HSV2 :) they're also hoping it will reduce transmission but as they said on the article that would require years and years of testing.
  9. @jessikarabbit89 I struggle with nerve pain too and have done for almost 8 months but I find it's more the depression from the nerve pain that's stopped me going to work not the physical pain. I'm very lucky where I've actually told my boss (he's a really good friend and has been for years) so when I'm having problems and need a day off he understands. I wouldn't recommend telling your employer unless you're really close with them though haha :)
  10. @getbetter111 @jessikarabbit89 Also I've noticed for me caffeinated drinks like Coca Cola and red bull make the nerve pain worse so try and avoid them if you drink them :)
  11. @getbetter111 @jessikarabbit89 Yup mine is 100% from Herpes. If your doctor doesn't believe it then you really need to either find a doctor who does or visit a pain specialist. Also suppressive therapy has helped me stacked because I was also having back to back fortnightly outbreaks...my body has just copped it from the virus big time unfortunately :(
  12. We actually found an article that was posted on a news website about the vaccine being approved for human trials so my friend sent me the company's webaite who are behind the vaccine and I emailed them to put my name on the list :)
  13. It came on as soon as my first outbreak from HSV2 started to clear up :( I've never had shingles x
  14. Hi @wcsdancer2010 If I'm on supressive Valtrex would taking Lysine give me an extra boost or would it be pretty much pointless?
  15. Hi @sadpanda sorry if this is an awkward questions but how do you know when you have paper cut lesions? I'm wondering I ive got one at the moment because of the sting but I can't see anything unusual there! It's driving me absolutely crazy haha
  16. Hi I just received an email back about the HSV2 trial through Admedus. Unfortunately the trial is in Brisbane and I'm from Perth so I won't be able to sign up but I thought I would post the link to register for anyone out there that lives in Brissie to sign up :) x http://www.herpestrial.com.au
  17. I've been diagnosed with PNH so I'm on a combo of anti seizure meds and tricyclic antidepressants which has helped reduce the pain but oh boy the drowsiness and dry mouth are pretty sucky side effects of the meds haha x
  18. @hereandnow I'm exactly the same!! I notice coldsores all the time now...I think I just musn't have been focusing on that kind of thing before.. :)
  19. I went back to the STD specialist yesterday after having 6 months of constant pain down there after my HSV2 infection and she basically told me that all the tests came back clear (except HSV2 of course) so there isn't anything she can do except prescribe the same medication which hasn't helped. I Just don't know what to do now. I was hanging all of my hopes on it being some sort or bacteria or something causing this pain but it's not. I honestly don't think I can deal with it much longer. I just want out of this life :(
  20. Thanks for posting! I love the part where he says we should have a vaccine for this disease given its prevalence. Hopefully one day they can figure it out :)
  21. Hi @janeyjazz Please don't feel like you're all alone! You have all of us here :) My situation was very similar to yours so don't beat yourself up too much - we all make mistakes, some of us are just unlucky and get that extra surprise afterwards! Do you know whether you've got HSV1 or HSV2? I'm only 6 months into this but I can already tell you that you will most certainly be ok :) x
  22. This post helped me so much today! I was one of those silly girls who thought I was 'special' because he trusted me enough to not use protection. Turns out every girl he was banging was 'special' too. I'm definitely bookmarking that article :)
  23. Hi I'm a 24 year old from Australia. Would love to chat with any other Aussies on here..it seems like most people are from the US :) x
  24. Hi @badjuju When I first let my best friend know about getting HSV2 from the guy I had been seeing she knew an awful lot about herpes..so I prodded her for more info about why she knew so much. Turns out her ex bf had herpes. They were in a 2 year relationship before splitting up (reasons 100% unrelated to H) after finding this out I had a little stalk of his fb and as they had been broken up for a few years his fb told me he was again in a relationship with an absolutely drop dead gorgeous girl! Theres no doubt in my mind he would have also disclosed to his new gf as that's his character :) Also my best friend is H- as far as she is aware but I'm obv not aware if his new gf is or not. He was also about your age when he got it and is now close to 30 so please don't think you won't find anyone amazing because you will :)
  25. @WCSDancer2010 yup! I know I'm still fairly new to this but im trying to use it in a positive way to educate my close friends & family. Not one person knew that they don't test for herpes on a standard STD panel (just like I didn't know before this!) and they thought Pap smears test for it too whereas my doctors have said no it only detects abnormal cells caused by HPV.
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