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Everything posted by hippyherpy

  1. Finding a cure for herpes would also help to greatly reduce HIV transmission rates because having h makes you 3x more likely to get HIV. Even if they found a cue for heroes, I'd still have those cd4 T cells thing hanging out on my dick from first outbreak for the rest of my life. That's the biggest drag of getting herpes for me.
  2. I had sex with someone within like two weeks of getting diagnosed and having my outbreak heal up. Shad jumped on surpressive mess, used condoms, disclosed.. the whole 9 yards. I don't think it's too early. Just make sure you are all healed up. Carpe diem. This thread got me thinking.. As a guy, I can tell you that woman's beauty can have great power over men, especially in the heat of the moment. If I was a woman, I would make being as attractive as possible a priority because that's your argument for sex right there, and it can override fears of herpes. For example, take one of the famous herpettes out there, a sex symbol like Scarlett Johanson. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a guy who wouldn't sleep with her regardless of H. And bits not just for girls- I think it would behoove any guy to look as good as possible and be as cool as possible and max out his game if he wants to get with women, especially if he's going to be disclosing that he has herpes.
  3. Good for you bro. Actually in NYC the stat is at least 1/4 people have herpes. NYC is I think that people who have here's should be more afraid of getting other stuff instead of people being afraid of them. Athens big one is HIV, which is 3xmore easy to catch if you have had a herpes outbreak on your genitals and the other person has HIV. As far as dating websites go, it's usually best to ignore someone's profile and just meet them in real life. Sure, skim for red flags, but it might be a waste of time to read someone's questions and all that. Off topic, but I've read that some cities have here's rate as high as 40% amongst sexually active youngsters.
  4. It's a two way loop- if a woman knows that theirs a stigma for her to have herpes because men will reject her, she might be more likely to reject a man with H because he represents a possibility of her getting it. Then men stay away from a woman with h because a guy is afraid of getting rejected by women if he gets it. Both men and women need to chill out about herpes when there are other things out there are very similar that can be passed on just from touching not having anything to do with sex.
  5. Those are good. I'm also wondering about ones that are "almost" herpes.. like they can be gotten from contact, last a long time etc.
  6. Part of the stigma of herpes, actually most of it, comes from the fact that it is incurable. It's true you can't cure herpes. That said, there are other skin conditions that are pretty much incurable that don't get half the stigma. For example: I got ringworm when I was about 14. I treated, and it went away, but it would come back for years after- like many years after. I still get it sometimes. Still have to put cream on it occasionally. Same thing with Eczema. I'd bet that there are other almost incurable diseases out there that are actually more damaging than herpes and just as easy if not easier to catch. Why am I bringing this up? To generate perspective and to show stupid it is to stigmatize this one thing and to let the other stuff slide. I'm not saying we should stigmatize the other stuff, but I think the herpes stigma is freakishly overblown. Let's use this thread to discuss these other diseases, just to get put our herpes in real context instead of the fear/ignorance frame.
  7. Go look up dick wart pictures and you probably will get a better idea. Figure out a way to see a doctor. What about the ER?
  8. I think it's important to be able differentiate if it's the herpes that's cockblocking you or something else. As you can see from experience so far on this thread, it is possible to over come stigma related herpes blocks.
  9. Also it's a got a lot more lysine than arginine. So much that you'd think it would be good to take because supposedly it's the ratio of A to L that matters. Yes I have to let my raw dogging ways go away for now. It's crazy that I didn't get anything for so long.
  10. I don't know if it was an outbreak.. there were no legions or puss bubbles. It might be that I'm now alergic to that protein powder for some reason.. like maybe the herpes made me allergic or something because ever since I got herpes and I take that protein, I get the subtle white-ish blotch on my forehead. I think I had prodromes, but they weren't obvious and I know I can get paranoid about that kind of thing. Started feeling tension in my by toe.. I think that's a prodrome? Anyway, that stuff all went away last week when I gave the protein a rest. I'm going to try the protein powder again next week and see what happens. It's hard to tell.. having herpes is almost like having had bed bugs because anytime you think there's some little inkling of them biting you, you might get paranoid that it's BBs or prodromes Also, if you drink booze frequently it can do weird things to your nervous system regardless of herpes, and make things happen on your skin that might look like herpes or even bed bug bites a little. Not talking about genitals, but on the arms etc. I think that a lot of successes I'm having are due to my overall vibe that maybe these girls trust me enough, which is good. Either that, or they know the info on herpes and aren't victims of the stigma/fear machine. I haven't had to really "convince" too many girls. There were a couple so far that were a little freaked out, but I think the fact that I wasn't helped them realize it's not as big a deal as it's made out to be in general. Of course there were some rejections due to it, but those girls don't realize that if they keep up what they are doing, sleeping around with people they don't know, there isn't a low probability that they won't get it, and a very high probability that they will or have slept with someone who does have herpes. Not saying that they sleep with everyone, but I bet they sleep around a lot heheh Also, I've checked in with girls who I hooked up with a few months back right at the time of OB.. like as soon as the sores healed.. girls who I disclosed too. None of them have reported that they've received herpes from me. I know that not everyone is the same with regards to transmission, but I do take Valtrex every day as well as lysine pills because even though they aren't proven to do anything, I'm being extra cautious. I'm confident that the chances of me passing it on are very low. I'm more worried about catching something now because of all that stuff we talked about with regards to HIV being three times more likely. I want to know if those cd4 T cells will go away after a while. It's strange to be the one with the STD and being more worried about the other person giving me something than the reverse.
  11. Recently had another successful casual sex disclosure off of Tinder. She made it clear she was down for sex over text, and then I disclosed over text. She thanked me for being up front and honest and said it was very cool that I brought it up.. she went on to say that a lot of people have herpes these days. We had sex. My experience so far has been that there are rejections but it's not impossible to have a somewhat consistent casual sex life with herpes disclosure. If there are other people with similar experiences reading this, feel free to add them to this thread.
  12. I agree with you. Even if they did get a cure, we'd still be more able to get HIV for the rest of our lives because cd4 T cells or whatever stay in that area where you had your outbreak forever it seems.
  13. The world's foremost expert on herpes believes that a cure is 10 years away, but the funding Ian there: http://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2010/02/25/when-will-we-see-a-herpes-cure/comment-page-18/
  14. I'm a little OCD yes I want to have the best best knowledge on this topic.
  15. Not that I know of haha why do you ask? I just want to get the facts cleared up. I wonder if it's only herpes that raises those cells in that area or if you get any other STDs or skin conditions like excema that can do it too.
  16. Around the time of my first outbreak, I noticed that there was a blotch of skin on my forehead that was more white than the rest. It went away. In the last couple days, I been getting what I think are prodromes. No breakout though. The white blotch also appears to have returned. Anyone have any idea what this could be? Herpes related? I started trtying some protein powder again- I had stopped when I got my first outbreak because I read that it had Arginine in it. Recently I found that it also has more lysine than Arginine, which is supposed to counteract the Arginine. I'm spooked right now and don't know if I should continue eating it.
  17. Also, I've been trying to get clear on something- is it only at the site of the herpes breakout that HIV becomes 3x more likely to transmit.. like the area where the blisters where? Or is it "anywhere in the boxer shorts area"?
  18. All of that is true and good to consider, but I think that something like herpes presents a particular problem as far as status goes because. as far as I know, it rarely gets tested for. Whereas HIV gets tested often when people go for STD tests, herpes doesn't. That's why I'm not too worried about getting HIV. Even though my chances would be 3x higher of getting it now if I came in contact with it, I'm using condoms now which greatly reduced the risk oh HIV transmission, and from what I know, transmission of HIV from the mouth of an infected partner via oral sex is super rare.. even with herpes on the genitals of receiving partner. Of course, I could be wrong on this.. Also, I checked out that link and looked around online for info in Hep C.. it seems to be much much more rare than something like herpes, is not easier to get of you have herpes, and not easy to get via sexual intercourse in general either. Not saying it first exist, but it's most been transmitted through needle sharing. Condoms are supposed to completely block it as well. From what I've read, it seems like having herpes can only really increase your chances of getting hep c if the infected partner has a breakout with ulcerative blistering present.
  19. Lately I've been asking all of my partners if they are clean or if they got tested recently. You can never know for sure, but I think it's important to bring it up. You might get an answer like "I'm totally clean I recently got tested" or maybe something else to give you a better sense of where they are at with regards to STDs. Also, you can tell by behavior. If some people insist on condoms or don't want to swallow during oral sex. It's true that you can't protect from everything. I'm being extra cautious these days now that I have herpes. The only way I'll have unprotected sex is if I know the girl for a while, and know that she's clean and am confident that she's not booking up with anyone else. It sucks for me because I like very much to go raw. That's probably how I got herpes in the first place- raw dogging a lot strangers. I actually don't know much about hep c. I should do some research on it. Any links helpful links y'all have on hep c is would be appreciated.
  20. I'm still confused about this a little- does herpes make you 3x more likely to receive HIV only at the site of the breakout or anywhere in the boxer shorts area? Is it the same thing with, for example excema or ring worm? Like if you have excema on your finger or a wart, does it also have the same effect as herpes making it three times more likely to get HIV.
  21. I think it's more a trust thing- she trusts me to the point where she assumes that what I'm telling is true, even if she doesn't know the stats. It's the trust aspect that makes it successful in my opinion. The act of disclosing builds trust in itself.
  22. Had another successful disclosure, and a couple of herpes related rejections in between. This last success, a beautiful blonde, we were about to have sex and I told her I had herpes. Instead of asking "how do you feel about that" I asked her what she knew about it.. like "do you know anything about that?" The reason I asked that is that there is so much confusion about herpes, I don't think it makes sense to ask someone how they feel about it unless they understand the risk. I told her what was up- that I don't get breakouts and take the pill and condoms etc. and that oral sex was even safer. We had had a few drinks, but we weren't wasted, and were able to have a small discussion about it. She thanked me for telling her- I could have easily not done this, and a lot of people do. She said she didn't really know anything about herpes. Part of me was thinking that maybe I should explain more about it, but then I decided not to get into it too much. I disclosed. I explained to her the risk of getting it from me. She seemed cool with it. It's strange that she didn't know about the stigma, but maybe that's for the better. Maybe, attitudes are changing in general with regards to herpes. If this girl didn't know too much about it, then it clearly wasn't a big deal in her life as far as getting scared goes.
  23. I use a mushroom based Immune booster when I get sick - as well as Airborne and Zicam ... and I rarely have a cold that lasts more than a few days... and I have BOTH types of H :p I thought airborne was shown to be a fraud.
  24. I don't think luck has anything to do with it. I've posted my successes here to prove that you can do it, but I've had my fair share of rejections.
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