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Everything posted by Katidid

  1. I understand what you are saying completely. We are much safer than 90% of the population ( my opinion) because we know what we have. My husband doesn't want herpies, but has never stressed over it either. He has never seemed to mind a condom, but he have oral more often than intercorse.....so, of course. He doesn't mind that at all lol.
  2. Very interesting about meeting someone new and being a bit leary when they don't want to use a condom. That makes perfect sense to me. I guess there really is some accuracy to being less transmittable the longer you've had this. I read an article the other day somewhere that stated you never see an elderly person in a nursing home with herpes. I don't know how true that is. Do you worry about body parts touching.....or just go with it?
  3. @hippyherpy do you do anti viral? How long have you had this? I'm just curious. Have you ever passed it on that you know of? Do you always use condoms? Hope you don't mind me asking. I know we are all pretty free spirited on here. I have not passed it on in over 20 yrs......we do use condoms every time though
  4. Are you on anti viral Adial? Just curious if you still have ob's on anti viral. I have had an out break from friction......that will def bring it on for a female anyway......lube, lube, lube:)
  5. My H- husband never ever brings up my herpies, ever! I've had this since age 23 or 24. We've been married 20 years and lived together a year prior. He just does not worry about it at all.....it's his nature not to worry about things he can't control. After 20 years of sex with condoms and no anti viral ( I just started anti viral a month ago) I don't ever think about it either. I only have about 5 ob's a yr. Hoping anti viral will take that to zero. He just never even thinks about it so I don't have a thing to worry about either. Life is great! Our sex life is fab.......lots of oral!!!
  6. Wow! Thank God my ins covers. You might need to write a letter as Dancer suggested. My gynecologist always said if he was a woman, he'd be marching on the white house steps regularly.....due to ins cons......esp not covering mammograms until after age 50!!! Breast cancer has no age limit....not to mention many, many more scenarios
  7. Three thumbs up to you @fitgirl you sound just like me!!! By the way....love the user name.....I'm pretty fit myself lol
  8. I've had herpies for 30 plus years and been married 20 and my husband does not have it. We do use condoms every time we have intercorse. I just started anti viral just to try to get my 5 or 6 ob's per year down to zero. We do have oral sex more often these days than intercorse. Nonetheless, we have had some seriously raw sex many, many times in 20 yrs and he does not have it. Now, he has never been tested either. He is on chemo now for the past three years meaning his immune system is quite compromised and he still does not have it!!!
  9. Thanks Adrial....you are the bomb!!!
  10. I'm not sure what exactly prodrome symptoms are. I don't know if I've ever experienced them in my 30 years. Seems like my ob's just appear out of nowhere. I'm on anti viral now for a month. Is prodrome pain or tingling or both? How long does it last? As I have mentioned elsewhere here, I started taking vagifem (the same day I started taking anti viral) for menopause dryness and the side effects are inner and outer vaginal itching ugh! Just what I didn't need lol. Trying to distinguish between the two
  11. Im44 I have had this over 30 yrs and have had most ob's where you are talking about. Actually even higher that that.... on my abs. No idea why. I guess it's what Adrial said. My ob's are never always in the same place.....except hood
  12. Interesting questions. I have no idea.... I'm hoping to never have an out break again.. some people still have them on valtrex tho. Maybe @Adrial can shed some light here
  13. Yes, my goal is to take the ob's to zero. Yes, the condoms are strictly for keeping my husband from getting herpies. He has never minded using them and herpies never ever comes up in conversation.
  14. Ok, so I just found out that vagifem for menapausal women can def cause almost same symptoms as hv2 prodome. Good lord... I thought I was loosing my mind. I've had hv2 for over 30 years and really never had prodome symptoms like this. I started taking vagifem for vaginal dryness and valtrex the same day and have had outer vaginal itching and burning like crazy. Well, I now now it's from the vagifem. Whew! I thought I was prodome on steroids for a while. It worried me
  15. Ok.....I'm 58. Have had this (as I mentioned above) for 30 years. I work in the automotive Industry which is a bit stressful. I weight train 6 days per week. Am in fantastic shape, eat low fat diet (always have). I started anti viral now a month ago...only to take my 5 ob's per yr down to zero. At any rate, my husband and I use condoms every time. I have not passed it to him in 20 yrs. He is on chemo now and has been for almost 3 years and he still has not gotten it even with compromised system. I am very contious of what I eat etc, but am willing to do this to keep him from getting it. We have oral sex also a lot. I just think what ever you can do to protect! It's the only med I take
  16. It doesn't sound like herpies to me at all. You seem very well informed too. Kudos!
  17. Use condoms and have her get on antivirals. This has kept me from spreading it to my husband for over 20 years. However, others on here don't use condoms but use antivirals and they are very successful at not passing it on
  18. Well, only because I still have about 5 or 6 ob's per year. I know that's not a lot, but I'm hoping to have none this way. More or less an experiment. As I mentioned, some of my ob's are on my abs (weird), and it's bathing suit time! I also, work out 6 days per week....weight training and eat very low fat diet. Not sure if all this helps, but prob doesn't hurt. They say you shed from areas of ob....this almost seems like it can't be correct since my ob's are on abs, pubic area and once in s blue, blue moon glutes and I've not passed it on. Thanks so much for responding every little bit helps
  19. Ok....yes, my OB's are often in pubic hair area. So, I assume I could shed there?? It's an interesting subject to me as I've never passed this to my husband of 20 years, but most of my OB's are either in pubic area or on abdomen. I'm on anti viral now so maybe no more ob's. I normally only have about 5 per year. Hoping for none now. I've had this over 30 years so hoping shedding is minimal. We always use a condom
  20. Ok....that's what I read too. It may here been her response to you that I read. I keep seeing conflicting articles
  21. Yeah, this has got my curiosity up. I've had outbreaks on my abdomen and wonder if shedding can occur there. I actually read this at the westover heights clinic website. Not sure how accurate their info is so anyone can jump in maybe @Adrial can elaborate.
  22. Also read that pubic hair area is considered thick skin area and does not shed.....any truth to this?
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