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Everything posted by Katidid

  1. Oh ok......so your husband doesn't know? Is he H- that you know of? Very interesting. How do you think he would handle it? I know you have dropped hints that didn't go over well. Jeeze, maybe he has it too....you never know
  2. @Bambina3 the two people you disclosed to, were they relationships? Long term? Did theyou remain H-?
  3. Hippyherpy.........you are so right and I love the above response! I've read almost all your comments. I am curious how long you have had herpies. How's the protien going? I just had a glass
  4. DD1234 that is awesome news! The guy I told before ever meeting my husband did exactly the same thing. He came back saying that he was ready to date. We dated very briefly and had protected sex and as far as I know he never got it. He ended up having to move close to his ex-girlfriend because she found out she was pregnant after they split up. He wanted to be close so he could help raise the baby. And then Along Came my husband who didn't care what I had LOL. This is kind of funny.... I am currently using vagifem which is a suppository to help correct vaginal dryness. The dryness is due to no hormones ie menopause. At any rate, one of the side effects is tingling all over the place down there.... Not what I needed. At first I thought it was prodrome. I had no clue what was going on because I never have prodrome symptoms. I ended up calling the manufacturer of the drug to find out if that was a side effect and indeed it is. It was like prodrome on steroids. Had me very worried for a bit LOL. Apparently the tingling Sensations are everything waking up down there. I'm coming back as a man in my next life! Please keep me posted I'm very excited for you!!!
  5. I'm wondering the same exact thing. You mentioned protected sex, but then a possible lip outbreak
  6. @DD1234 we just had sex for the first time in 20 yrs without a condom tonight. We figured we would try it since I'm on anti viral now. Hubby was like in 2nd heaven lol. It was strictly his choice. Hopefully we will still have the same success.
  7. My husband was so smitten with me that it just didn't matter to him. Now, he didn't want to get it either. He said he would always wear a condom and he has. He said he would be the last person I would ever have to tell and he was/is. My first ob was horrible too. Getting hv2 through oral sex is just about unheard of. We have oral a lot! I never knew how rare it was until reading that on here recently, but it really must be. Yes, we still shed, but in our case the condoms work. I have had this so long.....maybe I don't shed often. He never ever brings the subject up! Now, we have never had him tested, but I'm sure after 20 years he would be showing signs by now if he had it. He is also on chemo for the last three years due to the return of kidney cancer so he even has a compromised immune system and still no signs. He is a very good man and because he doesn't fret over it, I don't. I think I would feel a bit like you if I was having to disclose often. I might be tempted to do herpies dating site. Have you thought about that?
  8. They have worked for us so far and maybe because I'm female and female to male transmission is lower
  9. I just realized while responding to someone on here that I am living proof that condoms (in my case) seem to work better than the 30% that I've seen advertised for herpies transmission prevention. I mean, it absolutely just dawned on me after 20 years of my husband using them (and me not being on anti virals until just a month ago) has kept him from getting herpies from me. Now that speaks volumes for condom use! .
  10. Fran, I too have herpies and was devistated when I first found out. I was just 23 and am now 57. It is not a fun place to be, but after reading the great advise of the many very educated people on this site, you will be just fine. I have had herpies for so long and am in a 20 yr marriage with a H- man. Am new to this site and even though I've had this forever (it seems), I have found out so much more than I ever knew just by reading and asking questions here. I am convinced most of the advise givers here know more than the Dr's out there. Obviously very early on I knew my husband needed to use condoms (so I thought) in order to keep from getting herpies. So that is how we roll. Now that I've read all the success stories here about people not spreading it by just keeping an eye on themselves and listening to their bodies, we probably could have ditched the condoms:). So, long story short......we have just used condoms all these years (lots and lots of unprotected oral sex) and hubby is virus free......as far as we know (he has never been tested). So, that sort of speaks volumes for condom use. I have just started anti virals after having had this most of my life.....I'm just trying to take my 5 or 6 ob's per year to zero. Hopefully your man will educate himself here. You are a much safer sex partner than 80% of the rest of the population because you know you have it.
  11. @DD1234 Hi and welcome! I have had herpies since age 23 and was lied to at first by the man who gave it to me. After seeing the herpies cream in his bathroom, he then came clean. We had been having sex for months unprotected until one night he said he had an infection and used a condom.......it came off during sex and the rest is history. Fast forward: I'm now 57 and have been married 20 years. My husband does not have it. We use condoms every time we have intercorse (his choice) and I respect that 100%. Now, we have oral sex a lot (unprotected). So, it is very possible to not spread this. He has not been checked, but I would think after 20 years, something would have surfaced by now if he had it. We just roll with it and never even think about it until he puts a condom on. I had a brief relationship before him who used condoms also and never got it. I have just now started taking anti viral only to hopefully reduce my 5 or 6 ob's per year to zero. So, all those years we only used condoms. I wish you the best of luck and hope you stay around here and let us all encourage you!
  12. What a shitty way to aquire herpies. I mean, no one wants it, but she sounds like an evil bitch. I just wonder how many more she has done this to. For a bit of encouragement, I got this at around age 23 and I'm 58 this year. I've successfully told two people one of whom I've been married to for 20 years and neither have it. It is very possible to not pass this on especially since you know you have it. Listen to your body. Go out and enjoy your life! There are plenty of people who accept this. My husband and I never even discuss it any more. He doesn't ever worry about it therefore, You need to read all of Hippyherpy's posts. He has successful disclosures every month or sometimes more often lol......you just need to get in touch with him to get another single man's perspective and read all you can right here. Adrial and loads of others here can really help you if you let them.
  13. Ditto to all coments above and read the success stories here and the veterans page. Hippyherpy has lots and lots of successful disclosure stories.
  14. I have no idea, but does not sound like ob though. Maybe just something you were born with. Have you tried Google?
  15. It's called Annex. I get it from complete nutrition. I absolutely think it helps keep my immune system strong as well as helps me build and maintain muscle. So, I've been pouring over your posts and have to say that really I think you are so right in not making herpies such a big deal. It really isn't. Can't remember if I read how long you have had it, but I have to say I'm glad I'm a veteran and have much less of this virus as far as shedding, transmission etc. I hardly ever even think about it. Of course, I'm married for 20 yrs and hubby doesn't have it and never brings it up ever!!!
  16. @hippyherpy I've never had issues with protein powder and herpies. I weight train 6 days per week so i use protein powder twice daily. However, I do buy hydrolyzed and it isn't cheap. I do that because it is metabolised very quickly by your system and doesn't allow for quirky reactions that you can get from cheaper protein. I also know quite a bit about hep c as I found out I had it about 25 yrs ago. I went on interferon shots (3 per wk) plus 5 ribovirin pills per day for 48 wks and was hep c free within the first 3 months of treatment. I have remained hep c free for about 15 years. I think I got it from letting a girl peirce my ears behind about 5 other people at work. We all used the same needle as hep c wasn't even heard of at the time nor was hiv.
  17. Wow! Thank you Adrial....yeah, I guess I'm pretty rare. I mean, I get ob's other places too, but mostly abs area. As I've stated before on here....I've been married 20 yrs snd hubby does not have this so, I must not shed much these days......had this since I was 23 and am 57 now. I stay in great shape (weight training) and eat properly....so every little bit helps. Very clear, indeed
  18. Ok, I know you can shed through areas of a previous outbreak and I know skin to skin contact is how virus is transmitted. So if your outbreaks are on your abs ( mine are sometimes) and someone's abs touch my abs....is that subject to transmission or is it someone's genitals touching my abs that would be subject to transmission? So, is it genital skin to genital skin, genital skin to outbreak area or any part of someone's body touching any part of your body where an outbreak occured?
  19. Well said Dancer and kudos for meeting with the medical staff and educating the staff as well as general public. You go girl!!!
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