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Everything posted by JeffH

  1. Hsv1 could have been transmitted through your activity 2-3 weeks ago. Not your most recent contact. However, it's not likely. Itching can be for a million reasons, and swollen lymph nodes due to genital herpes tend to occur in your genitals. Herpes symptoms can absolutely appear in the anus area and commonly do. Still, you most likely do not have anything. I would wait a couple months and then get an igg test. If any blisters appear you can swab them.
  2. Youre probably someone who would benefit from a western blot test, id look into getting one. You also could take a variety of igg tests. Different tests have different sensitivities/specificities and work differently, so taking different types of igg may clarify your situation. Take a look at this handout to see all the different types and research if you could easily get a variety: http://www.ashasexualhealth.org/pdfs/HerpesBloodTestGuide.pdf Note that you're someone with recent unprotected sexual contact with someone confirmed positive. That is not good - you are more likely to be true positive than the entirety of the "equivocal" population. Do you have any symptoms? Do you have hsv1? False positive hsv2s are more common in people with hsv1. Tl;dr it's a dangerous oversimplification to say you almost certainly don't have it at this time, and I would caution you against sexual activity until you have more information.
  3. This is embarrassing. Yeah, about half of new genital cases are from hsv1.
  4. 1) you need to get an igg test to see if you have 1 or 2. Either way, it's up to you and your partners if you have unprotected sex. 2) as long as you have the same type, no 4) if you both get iggs right now and only one of you is positive and the other turns positive later then chances are very very high it came from the first person, provided the second person has been faithful.
  5. Wait a couple months and take an igg test. It's almost impossible to spread hsv through mutual masturbation. chances are high you have genital hsv1 from oral.
  6. If this is actually truly a cold sore, then it is most likely you have hsv1. However, you should get an igg blood test in a few months to confirm.
  7. There's a simple solution here. Both of you take the igg test. If you're both negative then that's what it is, provided him and the other girl weren't just a couple weeks before he moved. I think you should pump the brakes a little bit here. Not everything is herpes. The symptoms you described could be herpes, or a million other things. There's no reason to freak out right now.
  8. Based on all that yes it is quite a bit more likely to be double hsv1 than 1&2. Which is a big improvement over having both, for both fewer symptoms and less stigma. Still, for the next 3 months at least you should live life as if you potentially have both. I'd advise against any sexual contact for at least 3 months.
  9. You almost certainly have hsv1 since cold sores are almost always hsv1. No one will be able to speculate on the genital herpes without a test. The symptoms are the same. If you didn't have oral sex that changes the equation.
  10. Make sure to get an igg test a few weeks after you're back home. Contracting both at once is possible but unusual. I'd say it's just as likely you have hsv1 in both locations.
  11. They are effective within a day or two. The downside of this is that if you forget your daily pill it will increase the chance of transmission. I cannot think of a benefit other than preventing outbreaks, reducing symptoms, and reducing shedding, although I don't really get what else you could want.
  12. Hey, good news for you. There is basically 0 chance you have herpes. Hav2 almost always comes up by 16 weeks. Very rare that's not the case. You've also repeatedly tested negative. Hsv1 has many more false negatives, upwards of 30%. Someone who has a false negative is more likely than another random person to get another false negative, but still, your repeated negatives are good. Additionally, it is super super rare to get genital 1 without oral sex. Especially with a condom. It's all but impossible. So you can chill out assured you are negative. Be grateful and feel confident you can forget the issue. Lastly, for what it's worth, your symptoms don't really match a "classic" outbreak.
  13. If anything you'd see a dermatologist. That's what I use. First thing you need to do is get it typed. Wait a few weeks and get another igg
  14. I get that you're scared. But it can't get worse by retesting. Right now you're double positive, so the news can only be better or remain the same
  15. Agree, you need to retest with numbers like these. Since it's been 3 months I'd personally go do it again at your first chance. The chance that one of these is a false positive is quite high.
  16. For the next several weeks, yes. Once your body builds up the antibodies you will not be able to get it in another place.
  17. Sorry to hear about your husband. From experience it's a pretty rotten thing to go through. The symptoms you describe are not indicative of herpes. Still, you should eventually be tested. That way you'll know if you have to take precautions with your husband. Remember that there is a >50% chance you have hsv1 based on nothing other than prevalence across the entire population.
  18. You should retest in a few months to confirm it's not hsv2. It's a hard question to ask yourself but given the circumstances it needs to be asked: how certain are you that your boyfriend has stayed monogamous? To be clear, the most likely scenario here is that you have genital hsv1, and it is from a long time ago. So I would trust your boyfriend but still get retested later. Your theory about UV could be correct. Herpes of both types outbreaks more often in the sun. I'm just not sure whether it's because of UV (probably is) or something else. Usually the sun thing doesn't matter since we don't walk around naked but your situation could potentially be a cause. Just another reason to drop that habit!
  19. That's quite a bit of money and A LOT of work to get confirmation on something that's already certain. Given how difficult the western blot process is, like having to ship your blood across the country, Id put less trust in that process than the process that gave you your positive result
  20. Yes, they rarely have false positive results. Like, straight up never outside of user error like swapping samples or some human mistake like that. They very often have false negative results, however. Additionally, blood tests are worse at picking up hsv1 than 2. Chances are very, very high you have hsv1 but not 2.
  21. If you think the doctors were wrong, get another test. If you are asymptomafic hsv2, the chance it's on your genitals is super high. Hsv2 is not hav1, it almost always happens in one certain place. It is not true that they have a higher chance of dying in a car accident or winning the lottery than contracting hsv2 sexually. Don't give some comment like "oh but it's true if I'm talking one sexual act with condoms and antivirals" because the chance a certain lottery ticket wins or a certain car ride kills you is not nearly as large. It's irresponsible of you to throw false statements out there for people to read, and your constant bombardment of the adam ruins everything clip is getting stale. You need to disclose. Don't you wish your giver did the same?
  22. Hi, since kca already did a good job with the answers, I thought I'd add the reason why what he/she said is true on each. 1. You are all but immune from infection in a different location after a few months of having the virus because you have built enough antibodies for the virus. Outside of weakened immune systems, a second infection basically never happens. You should have her get an igg test to determine if she already has hsv1. 2. As stated, it's almost impossible for you to get HSV1 orally. 3. There's a lot to break down here that works in your favor. a) Yes, shedding decreases over time. It will probably increase very late in life as your immune system weakens. This is probably why shingles mainly happens to the elderly. b) Yes, hsv1 genitally sheds less frequently than hsv2, perhaps as much as 6x less, if there were a direct proportion between outbreak frequency and asymptomatic shedding frequency. c) The fact you've had so few outbreaks means that you probably have a better immune system than the average person who has symptomatic genital herpes, and the numbers you see online are taken from the whole symptomatic population, with very little asymptomatic people included. Having fewer outbreaks is correlated with less frequent asymptomatic shedding. 4. Yes, and it is higher. It's up to the two of you whether oral sex should be on the table. There probably isn't enough documentation of this transmission route to establish just how likely it is. 5. Yes, it reduces transmission risks, because it inhibits viral replication. 6. As kca says, who knows. Everyone's different. A lot depends on her personal immune system. As for the 'strains', this is a theory. It could be right, it could be wrong. If it is right, then yes she'd probably have mild symptoms.
  23. Numbers can stay the same, too. I know it looks suspicious seeing the same numbers twice in a row 2x, but unlikely events do occur. If you are not confident in this lab then you can spend $80 at another one, but if I were you I'd take what they have as convincing evidence you don't have herpes, provided you were not recently exposed
  24. If these are your numbers and you are not experiencing herpes symptoms you should not worry in the slightest. You can drop the issue
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